Who would win in a fight?
Artorias with his meme dog or Ornstein with his plume?
Who would win in a fight?
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If Arty gets Sif then Orny has to get someone too. Maybe Smough.
Here's a better comparison.
>Ornstein with his plume
>Artorias with both arms working
Artorias was weak shit with both arms working
>kicks Arty's legs
>they shatter into a million peices
Proceeds to cuck Arty of his girl.
Gough beats both of them because he's using a ranged weapon like a non-retard. Funny how the giant was the smartest one of the bunch.
Who would win in a fight:
100,000,000,000 Pygmy Lords or Slave Knight Gael?
Artorias wins easy
>smartest of the bunch
>puts helmet on
>suddenly cant see
>wow guess I'm blind now suddenly for no reason
Yeah he was a real scholar
That's the least aggressive Artorias I've ever seen.
>he thinks that Gough isn't actually blind
ENB please, the molten tree sap destroyed his eyes when they poured it in
The other three knights would have been disabled by blindness. Gough just kept on killing dragons like normal.
This is brilliant. Why the Souls games doesn't have a boss vs boss spectator mode I'll never know.
I'm notifying the refs!
He's just like on of those filthy Pigmies!
>Abyss doping is wrong
>but roiding out on your best buddy's soul is OK
Typical firefag """officiating""" giving preferential treatment to the Gods, the Age of Dark will purge you refballing fags soon
Wait, so were there multiple furtive pygmies or just one?
Want to see an even easier fight?
Gael is our boy but damn that's a lot of Pygmy Lords
Was one, then became many. The communism of the Dark Soul.
So where does Manus figure into that?
Furtive Pygmy initially split his soul among a bunch of guys to make a ruling council to lead humanity with.
Gwyn then trapped those guys in a dragon egg for all eternity because not muh darkness, replacing their leadership with Filanore and normie human nobility instead of the ultra-stronk Pygmy Lords (who appear to have been the darkness version of Gwyn's own pantheon).
The Pygmy wasn't fooled by Gwyn's "overtures" of "cooperation" and escaped capture. It is unknown if it was at this point that he made the rest of humanity outside of TRC or if he had been doing it up to this point as well, but you meet him in TRC (not confirmed but really plausible) and he's still super butthurt about it.
Manus was one of the original Pygmy Lords. I guess he didn't fall into the trap as well.
>Pontiff Sullyvahn
>anything else than an overpowered mary sue Original Character from Tumblr
He has:
>sorcery, miracles, pyromancy
>wields two greatswords, one is an ultra
>has wings
>gets a Stand
>was an emo kid in the painted world
You can't prove me wrong.
Like any communist system, some people just horde all the goodies for themselves while in power.
Fighting Ornstein by himself is easy as shit. Fighting a crippled, shieldless Artorias was much more difficult.
Arty stomps.
>nobody likes him
>is the villain
>not portrayed as being unconditionally right all the time and being unconditionally loved all the time
not even hard to prove you wrong you retard, don't use words if you don't know what they mean
But no Über-Ornstein mode?
>implying pale silver hoodie-wearing abyss goth can even compete with chad thunderspear
you know there is a mary sue equivalent for villains right?
All those people are dead though. He always wins, until we, the good guys, beat him.
>villains cannot be competent
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give this to Arty even without Sif.
Who wins Gavlan Wheel or Gavlan Deal?
Gavlan Want Soul
Faggots like you put words in other people's mouths when they're talking about completely different issues.
The joke is Sullyvahn is an overpowered OC character from Tumblr.
You can go back there if you can't take a joke.
I wish the dwarfs and animal people from 2 would at least have been acknowledged in 3.
>Sulyvahn was an asocial loner that hates trannies, liked the ass, was a Jojo/Berserkfag, and believes in spin to win whose only friends are himself and a fat guy that eats too much
Was Sulyvahn Sup Forums?
But the dwarves and animal people felt so completely out of place, it was like they populated DaS2 with enemies from WoW without explaining why they were suddenly there and expected you to just deal with it
Sulyvahn was defined by the fact that he never experienced loss.
Sup Forums is defined by the fact that they can never stop experiencing Loss.
>Sulyvahn experiences Loss.jpg
>Ascends to an even more powerful angel and becomes unstoppable
Perhaps it was for the best
Are we going to see a comic now?
Dark fantasy works better than high fantasy. Midgets were a mistake.
So you mean they added new things instead of just trying to reference the previous game? Then yes, DS3 needed a real big dose of animal people.
If I could draw
>Ashen One walks through Sulyvahn's boss fog
>Sulyvahn begins slow walking towards him
>Ashen One pulls out his soapstone
>draws loss.jpg on the floor
>Sulyvahn pauses
>stares at the drawing for a second
>turns around, and walks back into the painting while gently shaking his head
>Dark fantasy
>DaS2 fanboy pulls the "it's different therefore it's inherently good" shitpost
My least favorite meme.
Please tell me this: Which of the Lords donated their soul to make the race of dwarves? Do they have humanity? Are they chaos creatures? Are they divinity? What of the lion men? Are these things affiliated with the Dark or the Light?
For that matter, what's the difference between DaS2 giants and normal giants and where did they come from? How do they relate to the larger picture of Man vs Gods?
DaS3 also adds new creatures and enemy types to the game, but unlike DaS2 explains where they came from and where they stand in relation to the big conflicts in the series, so that they feel like they have a valid place in the Souls universe.
>Ghru: a product of the rot and festering chaos that infects Farron swamp
>slug hollows: a product of the influence of the rot/corruption within the Deep and the experiments of the Church of the Deep
>all the various monsters that came out of the Profaned Flame
Seeing Ornstein like that, I don't think there's a single dragon boss in the entire series that dude could kill. How the fuck did he earn that title?
I always presumed that the dwarves in DS2 were simply earthen constructs made by Pharros to guard his shit while he was gone.
In fantasy, dwarves are always basically earthen golems that get turned to flesh somehow
Technically we've never really fought him Ornstein. The Ornstein in DS1 is an illusion made by fuccboi, though powerful enough to have a soul.
In these boss vs boss fights, who is the ultimate winner? I would put my money on either ancient dragon or vendrick with full defenses.
Bosses who fight in group like ornstein and smough get to fight like that too. Also, bosses who have multiple lifebars get all of them, so friede would have all her three phases and would be helped by ariandel in the second phase.
Pic semi related -midir would be a strong contender, but in the end his health pool is not as big as others, but his laser rage might make up for it, if the damage is massive enough.
Midir vs. Kalameet when!?
>Kill him
>You get Ornstein's soul and the leo ring
Illusions. :^)
I imagine gimmick bosses will also do extremely well, like Wolnir, the Ancient Wyvern, and Yhorm
The power of Retcon is too strong.
What monsters came out of the profaned flame?
Yes, didn't think about all of the gimmick bosses. Ancient Wyvern can take non-plunge damage, but his hp is pretty big that way, so he's strong. Yhorm too. He would be more or less like vendrick, but he deals less damage than him, so I think vendrick still wins. But I haven't done a proper hp/dmg calculus.
I honestly think Midir would win. He has fuckhuge health, flies around a lot and covers crazy ground with his lazer/flames
That's not Ornstein though...
the gargoyle flame spear monsters, the hand monsters, and I believe the centipede bitches
IF its an enclosed space and he can't fly then the other bosses have a chance.
I honestly don't think Kalameet has a chance if he's against all the bosses.
>On the related videos there is one of Artorias defeating Manus
There goes you shitty evidence.
In an open arena I think kalameet dies to the ancient dragon. Kalameet's hp is not ridiculously high, nor is his damage output. I think he loses to midir as well.
>there are people ITT unironically debating boss powerlevels
You guys know that their stats in-game reflect when the game expects you to fight them and the games' particular mechanics, not necessarily their canonical relative powerlevels, right? ESPECIALLY when you're comparing between separate games. Why even bother with this?
Kalameet is fast though. I dont see him dying to the wannabe Ancient Dragon.