What vidya do you play when you're feeling blue, /vee/?
What vidya do you play when you're feeling blue, /vee/?
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crazy taxi, space channel 5, samba de amigo. now that i think about it, most dreamcast games always make me smile for some reason
>the dreamcast is almost 20
I can still find enjoyment in the Sonic levels in both Adventure games.
i honestly play fightans but it just turns me from blue to red.
t, Blood
Wuz popping, B?
>tfw sonic has been a third party character longer than he has been a first party character.
it still feels weird to see sonic on the cover for a nintendo console
i don't know who or what you are referring to, sorry user
This shit looks straight outta 2005.
oh, i get it now.
but for real though, i get more angry at fightans nowadays ever since i started plying online and most of my friends dropped the genre. i used to play a lot of sf4 arcade mode just to fuck around but my video card is fucked.
Outrun on my arcade cabinet or Outrun 2 arcade/coast to coast.
>Passing Breeze blasting on the headphones or via the custom Amp.
>Racing the time.
>Going for a No break or No shifting run.
>Trying to Finish route E on very hard.
The feeling I have while playing this awesome game can cure anything.
Man, i always wanted an arcade machine.
Already found a website who sells a do ti yourself kit with everything but the rapaberry PI, which i would need to buy it myself.
Since I'm a third world shitter it would be expensive as fuck so I ain't getting in until i get a decent paying job.
The most complicate thing with arcade is not the price it's space and maintenance.
Grabbed this one from a water flooder garage for 200 euros.
The screen was blue at first but there was sound. A week later it was as good as new. Added 150 euros for the side arts + red paint.
You can find some awesome deals if you aren't scared doing long ass road trips.
What country user ?
It would cost me a month's salary to get the pars without the raspberry pi.
Nice image, but
>not including Power Stone
third row, second column
That's Power Stone 2, m8.
These games really have their charm, I wonder if this is pure nostalgia or people that didn't grew up with these games feel the same.
which is better than power stone in every possible way ;)
i never even saw a dreamcast personally but i can say most of these games looks cool as fuck.
>Crazy Taxi
Now THAT'S a game that puts you in a good mood.
Arcade was strong in brazil right ?
Don't bother building one. I am sure you will find a cheaper Taito/sega cause they had retails service there or any kind of wood cabinet their for cheap. with some tweaks and minimal mantenance/modding you will have one in no time.
Dreamcast was like the Neo geo AES but good. An awesome home arcade machine but Not only for VS fighters
Is this any good are you memeing?
You have good taste my fella
Arcades in brazil arent big no more and most of them are fucking huge mate, but ill give it a try.
thanks, i might see of theres any dreamcast emulator wortha damn and try some of those out.