is Alice an honorary Princess or what? They could have gone with an actual one.
Is Alice an honorary Princess or what? They could have gone with an actual one
she's popular, the same reason why bella is considered a princess too
i want to be alice
Me too, brochacho.
Doesn't belle marry Beast though? Is he not technically a prince?
it was never stated
considering the fucked up shit that's coming down the pipeline (lesbian princess, transgender princess, furry princess)... Alice being considered a disney princess really isn't that big of a deal.
Aren't those Frozen bitches considered incestuous lesbian princesses?
I guess so, and gone with who snow white? Aurora?
Beast doesn't have any parents as far as i know so he's a king I guess but it didn't seem to come up at all
They probably couldn't think of anything else at the time. It was 2002, not a whole lot of material to work with at the time.
I don't think he's a prince, he's more like a very rich person so it makes being him a count
I like how Ariel was a princess fully utilized in-game and wasn't one of the princesses of heart. I guess they didn't want to take away a guest party member.
Nala, that one tiger, is a princess. from the lion king
Wasn't Alice a princess outside of Wonderland, though?
Upper class, to be sure, but not royalty.
Being that he was still a beast during the time means they didn't marry yet. Belle was still a farm maid.
I'm kinda sad Alice doesn't join your party when you go to wonderland she would be up for some adventuring
where'd you get that idea
>you don't have to be a traditional princess to be a princess of heart
>yfw you could be a princess of heart RIGHT NOW
She's not much of a fighter. And don't bring up American McGee's series because that's completely unrelated.
"prince" in europe at that time is the nobility rank right below a duke. Thus prince Adam (the beast) is not a king's son but an unrelated nobleman.
False. You still need to a coronation to become a King. Also I don't think Beast was a Prince, just a rich jerk.
Well it's the first world (usually) after you get your whole team, from the fight in traverse town. I'd like Alice to be a party member too, but that world was so small and boxy
probably more that they had no model for her being on land just for the Hollow Bastion part.
Probably didn't wanna take a fish outta water either.
Could stick her in a pool in the Maleficient room or something. KH1 was back in the days when Nomura actually put effort into all the pieces.
>implying anybody on Sup Forums is pure of heart
>Transgender princess
Did I miss something? Also, I dunno if Judy can be considered princess material.
He's just a rich cunt
The first line of the movie is that he was a 'spoiled and selfish prince'. Beast is a prince.
We are have lesbian incest sisters
God Alice is pretty hot. That outfit helps as well.
get out of here Walt
The simplest answer is that they wanted to do an Alice of Wonderland world and chose it as the place to introduce the Princess of Heart subplot since nothing else of importance happens there.
Ariel was a better fit but she's a fish, which complicates her appearing at Hollow Bastion, and the world's party member.
me too