"These fellas are gonna be ohm-less if they don't put up more of a resistance! [laughs] Ah, that's an engineering joke."

>"These fellas are gonna be ohm-less if they don't put up more of a resistance! [laughs] Ah, that's an engineering joke."

What did he mean by this?
Tf2 Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


ohm is a measurement of electric resistance.

Ohm sounds like arm.

Pyro update fucking when



How do I rocketjump?

shoot feet until you die


Any tips for engineer sentry placement?

Don't build close to walls, having something above you is nice sometimes, leave no safe room for enemy snipers, move it sometimes. I can't really say that anything will help, because a couple of soldiers or demoman will destroy your shit if you don't have a team pushing them back.