Obscure horror games thread

Obscure horror games thread

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there are so few horror games that none of them are obscure.
unless you count indie PC stuff.

Well yeah when a genre dies every game within the genre eventually gets known and played for lack of content. But Forbidden Siren is still a pretty obscure title.

Especially 2 since Ameriburgers never got 2 lol.

When I was a kid I had a friend who was telling me about a game he rented.

>hey you every play siren!?
>nah man why what's up is it good??
>nah it's a piece of shit, rented that shit from blockbuster played it. It was so shitty I scratched that shit up and sent it back

>There will never be a new Forbidden Siren game with the updated gameplay of Blood Curse and the horrifying atmosphere of FS1 & 2

I honestly feel empty just thinking about it.


I want to kill him already for doing that. Holy shit what a casual fucking pleb.

Bet he didn't even complete the first area.

>scratching a disk up because you suck at a game


Scariest fucking game of all time, I honestly believe that it scarred me for life.

> Be 12
> Parents have this policy where I can play games that are for 16 yo (in Germany we got 12, 16 and 18)

He said he was saving other people the trouble of playing a shitty game. I love that guy. And the story is still hilarious to me to this day

I don't think anyone could beat this without a guide.

And what he actually did was prevent people from playing an udnerrated rare classic.

What a fucking cunt. Oh well, at least he made the price of my copy go up lol but seriously fuck this guy for intentionally destroying a game because he was bad at it.

Siren is unironically fucking fantastic. It's literally in the god tier of vidya releases.

This one directed by some jap.

Played Siren Ps3 when i was 13 years old, that was the first time i didn't finish a game, i was at 3/4 of the story too. Thinking of emulate this sooner or later.

Doubt he was bad at it. He was pretty good at video games. You're so upset this is funny to me. Pretty sure he did the same with every game he didn't like. Would just scratch that shit up and send it back.

That legitimately isn't even funny at all. Your friend might actually be retarded.

Damn bro it's just one game it's no biggie. It's up on psn(for the ps3).

It's the fact he intentionally destroyed video games. It's just disgusting, especially when it's a rare game.

Plus no one likes to rent a game, bring it home and find it all scratched to shit. Just disgusting, happened to me a few times, I always wanted to just strangle the little fucks who didn't take care of their disk. I remember visiting some friend and he had disks just laying around in the floor, he fucking picked them up and touched the underside when putting it in his PS1. Absolutely disgusting, I told the fucker off. But at least he did it out of mistake or ignorance. Your little faggot cuckold friend was intentionally doing this, and to a rare game to boot because he had shit taste and didn't like it because it was too hard and made his bum bruised.

God, reminds me of that fucking retard who destroyed an Xbox dev kit to turn it into a PC case. Fucking morons destroying property just need to be shot. Only filthy niggers and underage children think destruction of property is acceptable of funny. You are your friend both need to kill yourself fucking non white piece of shit.

Your autistic anger is priceless and nah he's fine and dandy. I wish I knew other games he scratched up, maybe it would trigger you some more. I think my other friend just stole n64 games from blockbuster. But then again who didn't right?

If you are genuinely mad right now that is hilarious. Get over it dude it emulated and bought for nothing.

Nanashi no Game on NDS

It's pretty sweet

Haha yeah dude destruction of property lol ahaha!

Fucken whitey ay muthafuckers, I gonna scratch all those disks up who ehre with me yo!? Real nigga hours!

Oh my shit please tell me you're baiting right now. I don't want to believe someone could be this genuinely autistic

That game was my shit, man, Forbidden Siren 2 even more so. The sequel felt perfect.
Why isn't putting real pictures of faces on characters done anymore in games?

Tell your friend he did good.

Play it you fucks

I played this game a bunch 5 years ago while half dead from super high fever. It was a pretty comfy sick leave.

Please tell me you are baiting and don't think intentionally destroying property, rare video games at that, is funny.

What do you mean? We pretty much all agree you should be shot user.

I mean if he's saving me from playing such a shitty game along with getting to see this reaction then I guess it's worth it.


so we all agree user never had a friend and made that shit up to direct the hate he knew was coming to a non existant source, and was in fact the casual little shit that destroyed a classic because he couldn't git gud?

alone in the dark

Hahaha see now this is hilarious. You guys getting all racial because you think somehow that plays a roll in it.

I really do wish I had a copy of siren. I'd record myself scratching the fuck out of it right this instant and post it on here.

The story is really one of those had to be there moments but god it was funny as fuck. And now I can enjoy it even more knowing that some losers are getting all up in arms about it.

Amen to that brothas

I would honestly laugh my ass off if I found out that user and his friend got shot tomorrow. Lol would be hilarious to just see them running around with their clothes slowly turning red from the blood, and all the funny faces they make as they realize the moments they are living are the last in their lives. I would be fucking keking my ass off lol!

>has never played the game and goes off what a friend says rather than investigating himself
You'll make a great, obedient slave to those who you hold in a higher regard regardless of how they view you. Thank you for ensuring your place in the world and being proud of it, slave cuck.

Sounds like you hit the nail on the head user.

>mfw that fag literally couldn't beat the first level of Siren and it made his bum so fucking sore the only way he could vindicate himself from the rekking the game gave him was to literally try to scratch the disk so he could say he "beat" the game


user is pathetic.

When is the remake coming out? it´s out on Android but I want it on steam

Sounds sweet, will play when the international release comes out. Thanks user.

>The story is really one of those had to be there moments but god it was funny as fuck.

Nah sounds more like one of those "you have to be black to find it funny" stories because only a dumb nigger would find something so stupid funny.

Kill yourself you filthy nigger.

I genuinely wonder how that would look now, with current gen models, didnt they originally have like mannequins or something to project the actors faces onto? It made the game feel very surreal.

Its also hard to believe that this is made by the same team who did Gravity Rush

cool glad we're on the same page

>some jap
Suda 51, thank you very much.

Never actually played it. Have the .ISO sitting on my external HDD for years now.

I wish I still had my siren game, but I sold it. If I did I'd definitely record myself scratching that shit up. After all these reactions are well worth the sacrifice of some garbage been game.

This. user literally have a slave mentally outlook on life. It's pathetic desu.

Isn't it funny how the only way a black guy could figure out how to beat siren was to destroy the disk.

Lol, fucken subhumans apes right?

It launched on the Korean ps4 and Steam March 14th.

I don't know when it will come out in English sadly

>garbage been
>mfw the other anons were right about your sub-humanity

damn son got btfo hard, and did it to himself smdh

Imagine just finding user lol, and then smashing his head in with a brick and then seeing all the butthurt reactions from his mum "but he's my baby and now he's dead how dare you" lol so fucking funny I mean he's black lol so it's not like we lose anything valuable when he's dead haha.

Just gonna put this out there, but Sirens not even that great. I mean it's got some sweet ideas, but it's got some crazy bad flaws.

Garbage Resident Evil Knock off

better than silent hill and resident evil

really takes the best of both and uses those elements to improve upon itself while staying original and bringing it's own mechanics to the table, fatal frame is the only other series that really steps shit up that way desu

You all are absolutely hilarious. No matter how much you complain though it won't bring back that Siren disk.

Suda51 didnt work on it though. I have no idea who the hell did but it wasnt him. Its like crediting him for Let it Die when it was done by another lad.

yup you boys caught me, I'm a nigger and have no friends and it was actually me who scratched it up and sent it back to blockbuster. And I did this because I couldn't beat the first 10 minutes because I'm too dumb. And the only reason I find the story humorous is because I'm an uneducated nigger.

Fatal Frame is god tier horror. I'll probably get a lot of hate for this, but SH 2 is way overrated and has not aged well.

Likely? It'd look fucking great if they could meld the models with the imposed faces. Higher quality cameras and such would make it even easier, I'd imagine.
VR inclusion for sight-jacking also would be fucking terrifying. I'd adore it if the game's price raised slightly for a cheap little controller add-on that allowed you to use a small screen connected to said controller for sightjacking. A small VR system. Perhaps it could be done with a smartphone, and using one of those Pseudo-VR box headstraps?

>yfw 20 years later you find out the fucking retards who scratched up all the blockbuster games you always rented were a pack of niggers

I hope you get lynched you fucking nigger.

Black lives DO NOT matter.

Wow so you used 2 of your stolen phones to text yourself, well done Tyreeque.

Did you get bullied by a nigger or something?

You're trying really hard, but every time you guys post it never ceases to make me smile.

>tfw reached the end of night 3 and then stopped playing because shit was too creepy
I wish I wasn't such a huge pussy, but man, those sounds and having to run from ghosts by using tank controls was legit scary.

On another note anyone who is upset by this can suck a nigger dick.
>at least he made the price of my copy go up
and you're all clearly poorfags

right? Who here votes for me to waste some cash and buy a copy to destroy and post on here in the future?

>Who here votes for me to waste some cash and buy a copy to destroy and post on here in the future?

If you weren't going to do it I was.

badass screenshot

Your samefagging is so fucking obvious.

Do unreleased games count? If yes, check this


seems interesting but the horror aspect comes from oppressive atmosphere rather than a constant ominous feeling that so many Japanese games achieve.

Obscure was pretty cool. I was reminded a lot of it when I played Until Dawn.


Nah I'm the first and last one.

Is Blood Curse worth playing?

>still samefagging and admits to it

played it last October, game isn't very good and you rarely do anything in it.

>that slow reply

Trying to shop out one of the (You)'s as fast as you can aye?

Seriously though dude, you aren't that funny, may as well just kill yourself, now that would be hilarious.

Should we both do it for double the autistic rage? Also I'm sure those anons will be so happy that their copies will go up in price by 30 cents.

As said before every time you post it never ceases to make me smile.

Play it you fuckers.

It somehow doesn't get a mention in most horror threads despite being one of the best horror games ever made.

I'm fine with it if you are.

Right so you gay little hoodnigger friend is now in the thread with us.

Who else here is happy that Donald Trump is President and that little niggers like these two are gonna have a hard 8 years ahead of them.

>Duplicate file exists
Fuck you I just wanted to post this. Don't think it is really obscure though.

It doesn't get mentioned much, because it really isn't the best.

It was banned here so I never played it.

I really wish this and Haunting Ground would get a PSN release.

Just emulate it fellow Ausbro.

I would if it wasn't stupid fucking expensive.

>so obscure even no info on it seems to exist in Japan
Fuck, I've been dying to play this and the first one. Have probably the most unsettling art of any game I've ever seen.

Does it really count as obscure if it has a sequel on PS3 and the game itself got a re-release on PS4?

genuinely the worst combat in any video game I've ever played

also the story is shit
when the loli shows up with her trained man who acts like a dog I nearly lost my shit at how fucking stupid the whole game was.

>inb4 it's 2 deep 4 u


not really obscure but underrated imo

>March 14th
They're not even being subtle.

don't fuck me over on this user, I don't want to buy a copy only to find out that you bailed on the idea!

yea because allllllll my friends know that i frequent this shit hole.

It was good except the buggy ass janitor, that fucker ruined my immersion

>haunting ground released only in japanese ps store

Fuck this gay earth.


wasn't there one on ps3? I remember downloading a game called siren years ago

Eh I probably won't it costs literally nothing.

it gets mentioned every fucking time there's a horror game thread, it's one of the least obscure horror games on this board
it's pretty good tho

Ay man I got a funny story to tell ya.

>in Iraq
>black guy in our squad
>on patrol and he's up the back
>I'm on point
>spot this suspicious looking box up ahead that wasn't there when we patroled the area the day before
>call out to my CO who's also a mate
>he calls up the black guy
>we tell him to go point
>this is the last area of our patrol for the day and we all wanna go back and this suspicious box is pissing him off and he doesn't want to call of EOD if it's just for nothing
>we all hang back a bit as the black guy goes up front
>everyone eyeing the box
>mfw the dumb nigger walked right past it and the fucking thing blew up
>lost both his legs
>had to carry the poor fucker back to base with the medic

Was worth it though lol, fuck waiting around for EOD I wanted to go to mess and eat. I still laugh everytime I remember that nigger with no legs though lol, how's he gonna run from the cops now? They got a paraolympics for criminals? He gonna pimp out his wheelchair and make it bounce lol.

I avoided this for the longest time, I was very pleasantly surprised when I got around to playing it. Very immersive and atmospheric, the plot is actually really good too. It does have some issues with bad monster ai though.

I tried, but I genuinely hate the voice acting/OST with a passion. For me atmosphere is like 60% of a horror game experience, and if you fuck that up with awful violins that make me want to play on mute then it fails in that respect.

>how's he gonna run from the cops now? They got a paraolympics for criminals? He gonna pimp out his wheelchair and make it bounce lol.

jesus christ lmao

You are a gem. This has literally nothing to do with saving a person from playing a garbage game though.


translated siren maniacs guides. Siren is the best SH series. Also ex Team Silent members.