62 million consoles sold

>62 million consoles sold
>can't even sell 3 million copies
>meanwhile breath of the wild comes out for a failure of a console and a brand new console a week later AND one of those platforms can be emulated
>has already sold over double HZD's numbers

Other urls found in this thread:


>open-world entry in a timeless series beloved by almost everyone
>vs just another open world game with a fuck ugly "stronk and independent and witty" female protag

Fucking beats me OP.

Sony got shit games but great branding
Nintendo got great games but shit branding

>Nintendo got great games but shit branding
The Switch is the biggest thing since the Wii, Iwata dying was the best thing that could happen to Nintendo

oh boy, i can't wait for shovelware games for the switch.

>PS4 game is one amongst thousands
>Switch game is literally just that game and nothing else

>Iwata dying was the best thing that could happen to Nintendo

Proof on those numbers?

>PS4 game is one amongst thousands


>PS4 game is one

>Ps4 game is popular
>"normies have horrible taste, you should never trust them"

>Nintendo game is popular
>"normies are so wise, they have so much good taste"

Really does something that causes something else to happen.

Do you realize that iwata dying 1 year before the release didnt change a single fuck right? They didnt scrap a super wii u 2 and started from scratch after his death.

Nintendo switch is pure iwata. Whatever we see after the switch will be the first non iwata thing

Stuff like this is planned years in advance

>above average open-world game made by dutch with some ugly dyke main character and SJW politics
>superior japanese "see that mountain? you can climb it" masterpiece starring an ayran boipucci
it doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened

>The Switch is the biggest thing since the Wii
I dont think it was possible to reach this level of delusion

Except Iwata was still responsible for the Switch.

I feel bad for Sony. They really thought they had the game of the year with this release yet in less than a week Nintendo cucked them more than Jamal on super male vitality and delivered the game of the generation.

>new IP, almost no hype, made by some Dutch bros outsells long awaited sequel 19 in classic series after years of hype (2.6M vs 1.9M)
>fanboys have to resort to posting false information to feel good.

It's almost as if Nintendorks only hate normalfags because they bought a PS4 instead of a PaperweightU

>has already sold over double HZD's numbers

Nobody is going to fact check this, right?

Except it hasn't?

HZD has still sold more thanBOTW

>meanwhile on PC I'm enjoying Civilization VI DLC
enjoy your open world themeparks, console plebs

>sour grapes over horizon
fucking lmao

>Sup Forums
>checking for facts
You must be new here

HZD fucking outsold BoTW

Not only is it pathetic enough that toddlers have to lie about their dying brands, but they also do it while shitposting like complete mongrels. Your time is over. Your brands are dying. It's a sinking ship. Give up.

While nintendo fans only have zelda i have played

>kingdom hearts 2.8
>yakuza 0
>resident evil 7
>gravity rush 2
>horizon zero dawn

Variety means less sales per game but a hell of a lot more choice.

*1.9m on the switch alone
Nice fake news trying to discount Wii U sales from the total

One console is bought by all types of people with different tastes because it offers very different experiences.

The other is bought by fanatics that will buy games because of the title attached to it.

It's embarassing that Zelda, a 30+ year franchise, can't surpass Horizon at launch. 13 million Wii U owners out there, some few million owners of the Switch, and it can't even surpass those 3 million sales Horizon got?

But I thought Switchfags said literally no one owns a WiiU :^)

Where are your Wii u sales? Give source and I'll do the addition for you, since toddlers can't count.

It also brings up another curious issue:

>Nintendo fans hate game journalists who give games like Uncharted 4 and Skyrim a 10/10
>but they give unending praise to those exact same people when they give Zelda a 10/10

I can't confirm it, but I think there's a bit of doublethink going on here.

Oh, so we can subtract 500,000 because of all the CEMU/homebrew piracy and 10 copies sold for the Wii U

here it is

i dont know why people fall for the NINTENDO meme

they're fucking stupid i guess

Its nintendo. They actually take care of their IPs. People buy nintendo because they know they'll make good games for the IPs they love and its an actual console; offering something you can't get anywhere else.

Sony just throws money at games that statistically might sell well and slaps them on a very mediocre PC with a restrictive OS.

Sony buyers would be happier if sony simply made a PC OS, its clear they want power and its clear they'd pay extra money for it. Even then you could just buy the Sony brand entry tier prebuilt "ps5" small form factor PC for cheap. They could even keep the monthly payments you so desperately crave.

>Its nintendo. They actually take care of their IPs.
This is what toddlers actually believe.

>*unsheathes katana*: the post

This excuse is bullshit and we know it. If HZD actually managed to sell better than Zelda, Sonyfags would be going apeshit.

>Iwata dying
>best thing
>idiots on Sup Forums like to link a name to a single failure while ignoring decades of accomplishments

Me neither. I don't understand how the switch is selling so well with literally 1 game on it. The Wii did the same, selling basically only on Wii Sports, but that was a new and unique gimmick. I don't get why the Switch is so popular. Is it just BotW?



Mario Kart is a system seller and its not even out yet. Just look at the Wii U.

It did outsell Zelda in all countries except in Japan. Give me 1 (one) list of sales that says otherwise. There's a reason Nintendo is silent about the sales while Sony is all about "most successfull new IP ever". The reason Sup Forums sonygros are quiet is they don't care about sales.

You're a piece of shit and factually wrong. The best thing would have been to axe all of NOA's marketing departement. Iwata was a programmer and, I have no doubt, one of the major reasons their games were always released in a technically ready state. Expect the same beta shitware we're getting from everybody else from now on. QA costs time and money, things you can save since players are used to pay for unfinished trash. Did I mention that you should fucking die?

>Nintendo fans hate game journalists who give games like Uncharted 4 and Skyrim a 10/10

this is everyone but sonycunts, normies and tesfanboys

careful now, you're gonna attract horizon-kun

>most successfull new IP ever
What? The Last of Us sold faster. Sony can't be honest about their own series.

>They actually take care of their IPs.
It's that why the Animal Crossing game WiiU users wanted turned out to be a MP clone?
It's that why they decided shit further on the Metroid IP by giving it a space football spin-off?
Is that why they butchered almost every RPG aspect of Paper Mario to the point it played itself?

>It's nintendo. They actually take care of their IPs.

What the fuck dude this is completely wrong.

Advance Wars

Nintendo has basically devolved into pumping out Zelda, Mario and maybe a Kirby or DK game over and over. Back on the SNES and N64 they actually showed their whole lineup some love.

In a den of lying Nintendo shills, it's him you're worried about? Look around? The whole thread is based on a lie because a toddler wanted to shill his game.

>43 replies
>still no source that says Zelda outsold Horizon
>b-but h-horizon z-zero s-s-sales

Don't forget the 4 Fire Emblem games a year ever since they realized that waifus sell.

So why do you have people praising kotaku and gamespot for liking the new Zelda?

>m-muh broken clock

That garbage analogy is only used by marketers.

>has already sold over double HZD's numbers
you have any facts about that

Nintendo's games always outsell Sony's games. It's always been like this.

>too lazy to google "best selling new IP horizon"

>Nintendo's games always outsell Sony's games
If I remember correctly, Uncharted 4 outsold MK8, the highest selling game on the WiiU

4k vs 720p

I did. And then I googled Last of Us sales. Sony is literally lying.

It's the only game to do that

And it was a bundled game on top of that, but so was MK8 at some point so who cares

Really? Well, that's not going to last long. I'll give it 26 days.


None of the current gen consoles had good launch lineups, user, yet they all sold. People are buying them for the announced games. Also, there is already a surprising amount of good stuff on the eshop.

People buy nintendo consoles for nintendo games while people buy sony platforms for Battlefields, TES, and FIFA

PS4 is kind of a budget PC for most

why do zelda fanboys hate this game so bad i like zelda and horizon

Are you simpele? Tlou got 3.4M in 3 weeks and was best stelling new IP AT THAT TIME. Horizon got 2.6 in 2 weeks, probably at 4 already since the player status were insane after 3 weeks (100M player deaths,400k to tallnecks, ...).

>Well, that's not going to last long. I'll give it 26 days.
So you're going to take into account Switch sales of MK8D? Well I guess its only fair if I add UC1 to 3 on PS3 sales since the UC Collection exists
Sup Forums is mostly consisted of underachievers

Checkerboarding looks indistinguishable from native 4k from regular viewing distance.

>moving goalpost this badly

Because it triggers the flood of neofag users that we've had here due to recent events.
They were both quite fun however.


>nier automata

>persona 5

who fucking cares about horizon


People who play video games.

They don't. Sonybros claimed non-stop up until Zelda's release that HZD was a Zelda-Killer and that BotW would bomb in comparison. It's only after BotW literally shat on HZD that they're trying to backpedal.

>So you're going to take into account Switch sales of MK8D?
It's the same game so why not. It'll be interesting to see how much it will sell on the Switch. MK is always really popular for obvious reasons.

>Microsoft and fucking Arby's remembered Metroid's anniversary
>Nintendo didnt
I woulndt even be surprised if Samus doesnt appear in the next Smash and its replaced by an Inkling or another FE char

>Checkerboarding looks indistinguishable from native 4k

Sup Forums literally wished every game to fail.

How dumb do you have to be to take falseflaggers seriously or do you simply choose to to feel better about your agenda?

Samus will be back with her clone Federation Fuckface

but there are an abundance of great games to play on ps4

the only people shitposting are people false flagging. noone cares about horizon. it was never a "big game". nier is, persona is.


no clue why everyone is shitting on Horizon, you guys are such victims

>Sonybros claimed non-stop up until Zelda's release that HZD was a Zelda-Killer
its not my problem you fell for false flagging

Fine example, friendo


>niche weeb game
>big game

user come on, I'm going to get Nier and P5 too when theyre on bargain sale (usually pretty fast for weeb games) but I don't pretend theyre "big" games.


Only HZD outsold BoTW badly. Dumb toddler.

wrong reply but close enough

>It w-w-was a f-f-false flag, stupid!

>a failure of a console
This fucking meme.

that can be true for almost every single case, but there was one user who rivaled XV-kun in the amount of autism he held towards Horizon, he defended every single flaw against the game and projected them towards Zelda

Man I work for the vidya game industry and no, this is wrong.
Most people at my work (like 90%) really care about Horizon, and do not care (if not ignore) shit like Nioh, Persona and weeb games like this.
And don't come saying they're casual or anything, they are the most extreme end of "average core gamers", this site is just about niche vocal gamers and "hardcore" players, that's all.
I do not share their opinion, but that's how the market works.

>falseflagging doesnt exist when it comes to my narrative

>>Microsoft and fucking Arby's remembered Metroid's anniversary

I still fucking remember Skyward Sword getting the whole 20th Anniversary thing with the Hyrule Historia and all that.

And Metroid got fucking NOTHING. FUCKING NOTHING.

[Citation Needed]
In fact, Citation Needed for both of you

>best selling new IP in playstation history
>not outselling one of the biggest franchises ever is somehow a failure though.

The Switch will be dead in a year like the Wii.
Nintendo will once again prove to be the flavor of the month. I don't even own a PS4.

Well, Zelda certainly is an overrated children's game so it's not like the hate wasn't warranted.

>a new ip sells great numbers
>a new game/the only game on the switch for an established franchise and a sheeplike consumer base buys their game at great numbers

my mind is stimulated at this post

>dead in a year like the Wii
You could have at least said Wii U to not make a fool of yourself

platinum approached taro cause they were fans of the original nier

its not an obscure game anymore



Oh look there he is now