Disclaimer: I am in no way condoning the recent radical feminist agendas in gaming. I'm simply bringing a few issues into perspective with regard to gender politics and video games.
Hear me out. Perhaps the recent influx of SJW propaganda in gaming is our fault. Let's consider this critically. The fact is that women have always been sexualised or given minor or forgettable roles in video games. Female characters tend to be sexualised primarily to appease the male demographic. Adding hot chicks to games is usually just a gimmick to sell more copies. You have to admit that popular female leads are usually adored only for being sexy instead of being admired for other qualities. How do you think this makes female gamers feel? Their outrage is understandable and justified to an extent. It's bad enough that they get bullied and harassed by creeps on multiplayer games.
I think that these issues should be dealt with constructively in order to understand and deal with this concern. Sup Forums we need to do some serious introspection if we are going to tackle the issue of gender politics in video games.
Thomas Hill
>sjw strawman mspaint.jpg
Adam Morales
fantastic attempt at falseflagging a Sup Forums post. cant wait for the one meme text image that gets 50 (you)s
William Green
maybe instead of crying about false flags you should wonder why you're indistinguishable from a dipshit
Luis Butler
>call out bait >retard gets triggered and attacks his imaginary strawman
Carson Smith
how about we just fucking talk about video games
Nathaniel Collins
>Gamegays kys
Easton Morgan
Maybe they should get over it. Not to go into the fact that men are the majority consumers of console video games, women also enjoy sexy characters.
Blake Clark
You make a game. You find and spend resources to make it. You can make it however you want and the market will let you know if it is wanted.
If you don't like content from another game, don't buy it, and if you want to see different content in games, make your own. Your problem.
Samuel Robinson
This desu.
Also, games are not some form of high art, they are shallow escapism. The japs at least understand this, and capitalize on it shamelessly.
Not to mention the people find beautiful things alluring, and sex sells. 2b's design makes absolutely zero fucking sense, but it's well done and serviceable, so what's the big deal?
Benjamin Perry
why do retards keep ovethinking pixel titties
Adam Nelson
Reminder that SJWs are just ugly women who want attention and dickings from ideal men, but because they can't get either they have to resort to being SJWs in order to at least get attention, and possibly a pity fuck from white knights or someone else who just wants to get laid. It just so happens that Gamers fit the bill of "someone else who just wants to get laid."
Andrew Powell
>Also, games are not some form of high art, they are shallow escapism. The japs at least understand this, and capitalize on it shamelessly.
Good bait.
Josiah Scott
Bullshit, next time you will be telling me that women don't mind, hell, even derive pleasure from being treated as objects, as long as the male is attractive enough. I mean come on.
You are not allowed to deconstruct reality, it hurts people's egos. We are talking monkeys, but touchy ones at that.
Zachary Clark
I'm 100% serious though.
Cameron Morris
>The fact is that women have always been sexualised or given minor or forgettable roles in video games.
yet they learned to love the fucking industry anyway it is not a problem
Grayson Fisher
>Whines at game for not having females exactly to their standards >Instead of playing a game with females that fit to their standards
Robert Hughes
Realise this is probably a troll but, eh, whatever.
There is nothing wrong with characters being sexualised in video games. Seeing the human body as a sexual object is one of the most natural instincts to human beings. There is nothing wrong with appealing to this instinct in any adult media. In addition, players tend to want to play as attractive characters rather than ugly characters. This is because many videogames are power fantasies to both sexes.
It isn't the responsibility of a game creator to create more diversity or representation in the games they make. Creativity takes many different forms, not all of them are inclusive and non-offensive.
Everyone gets harassed online, and people will find anything about you that they can to use as harassment. Physical disability, mental disability, social ability, sexual history, lack of sexual history, and yes sex as well.
Zachary Murphy
If you don't like a particular release, there's always an alternative option, stop bitching at creators to change their work.
Joshua Rivera
>The fact is that women have always been sexualised or given minor or forgettable roles in video games Opinion
>Adding hot chicks to games is usually just a gimmick to sell more copies. That's a problem? They do the same thing to men and women in all media/entertainment.
>You have to admit that popular female leads are usually adored only for being sexy instead of being admired for other qualities. How do you think this makes female gamers feel? No I don't and I really don't care. When I see Geralt with his shirt off and then look down at my flabby shit body I don't get on twitter and start flaming the devs for not making him look like me.
>Their outrage is understandable and justified to an extent. It's bad enough that they get bullied and harassed by creeps on multiplayer games. No it's not. Everyone gets harassed online. That's the nature of anonymity. If it's a black guy he's called a nigger, if it's a girl then she's a fat bitch and if it's a white guy he's a faggot.
Your bait got me to reply so good job on that end
Camden Ramirez
>artists don't like a particular style >they create a new movement
>SJWs don't like a particular style >harass the creators of it
Isaac Brown
>female leads are usually adored only for being sexy instead of being admired for other qualities If they are cool and useful, them being sexy is a plus. Let's be real, most main characters are attractive, it doesn't matter if they are male or female.
Thomas Flores
But there's a ton of positive female characters, that point isn't even true.
Elijah Miller
Oh look it's another fucking leaf.
David Parker
I do find it amusing that when we see male characters which are stereotypically attractive to the female audience, the (primarily male) players get insulted and start defending the need to remove them.
However, that is probably irrelevant to your point.
You bring up two topics, sexualizing female characters and harassment of women playing games, which are not very well related. However, if you want to try to eliminate the second (the harassment situation) then it should be a simple matter of giving people greater control over blocking and avoiding problematic players online. I find it very strange that Sony/Microsoft's Xbox division, who have full control over every aspect of gaming and communication on their platforms, apparently cannot figure out how to block voice chat AND messages AND forum posts all at the same time. If somebody mutes an abusive person in a game chat, then it is pretty clear that they don't want to hear from them and the player should have the option to just block the person entirely, not have to go through being sent messages to block and blocking them on forum posts separately. Hell, you have a button specifically designed to mute someone. What's the difficulty?
I'm ignoring the Tumblrites who whine about people existing on the internet and refusing to block them, because they are just asking for attention and are irrelevant to the discussion.
>Sup Forums we need to do some serious introspection This particular issue - where some third party person is being harassed by some other third party person - is not really something that we, as individuals, can resolve. It's really a matter of the systems being in place to allow people to avoid and turn off such harassment.
Parker Smith
Always my favorite threads.
Josiah Ramirez
Leo Gomez
something something leaf
Christopher Butler
>How do you think this makes female gamers feel? Their outrage is understandable and justified to an extent. It's bad enough that they get bullied and harassed by creeps on multiplayer games.
And what about all the fucking Adonis Fabio male characters? Why is that any different then the babes in video games? And don't you fucking say "Male power fantasy".
Evan Ortiz
They might escapism, but good video games are anything but shallow. They're more and more becoming a better alternative to real life. Once society gets to the point of full automation and basic income, video games will be the only thing that matters anymore, because life will otherwise be completely boring and meaningless.
Alexander Jenkins
Catcher in the Rye and 1984 are entry-level lmao
Parker Stewart
I didn't read a single word in your post, I just wanted to express how confused this picture made me, I don't get how there's still retards slapping the gamergate hashtag everywhere
Angel Price
>g-gaming is an artform *tips fedora* Fuck off, pretending games are some sort of artform as opposed to just another piece of software is what brought sjws and their "social issues" into gaming. The golden age of gaming was when games were treated as software. This is already the case economically speaking. A video games have more in common with MSpaint than the Mona Lisa, stop pretending otherwise.
Blake Ward
It's not Male Power Fantasy. No one cares about Adonis Males because women want to fuck them and that's okay because women are allowed to have an ideal man to pursue. Don't you just love Double Standards?
Benjamin Parker
Asher Morris
>western """"""women""""
Owen Howard
This is great bait. Honestly, keep it up.
Isaiah Hall
Angel Fisher
So video games are tools used to create works of art?
Noah Hall
Dropping the shield of anonymity here, so sue me.
>female characters tend to be sexualised primarily for the male demographic This is true, though as a gigantic dyke I dont mind it as much as others might. That said, any of the times ive played MMOs, the people who dressed their characters the sluttiest were the big fat neckbeards, and the healthy 20-something girls.
>sexualised or given minor roles Also somewhat true. I have a slight problem with the whole "Wow, women are always in SUPPORT roles" thing, because that marginalises the support role as being something important. Like, the main character cant do anything without his support character. Support characters are valuable - if not as iconic, in fairness. And yeah, as a kid I was mostly left identifying with side characters and secondary characters since there werent so many leads I could get on board with.
That said, identifying with characters is another point entirely - do you fucking NEED to?
When I was a kid, I played Rogue Squadron on N64 to fucking death. I didnt give a fuck that I was playing as Luke Skywalker or Wedge Antilles. I had a great time. And yes, when Kasan Moor showed up and there was a woman in Rogue Squadron, I was happy as fuck, but not playing as her didnt ruin my life. Goldeneye was a fantastic game, and I played it to death even though the protagonist was a man. Perfect Dark was my favourite game on the N64 - part of that was that Joanna Dark was great, but mostly it was just a fantastically fun game to play. Moved into my teens and there werent many games with female leads, but its not like I stopped playing fucking vidya. I have never understood the point. LIke, yes, it's nice to have some characters you identify with or can at least see some aspect of yourself in, even if its something as simple as gender. But holy shit, having limited choice didnt ruin my childhood, nor would it ruin anyone elses.
Levi Clark
Reminder to remember.
Nathaniel Miller
wow that's me
Blake Butler
>a stick is a work of art
Jeremiah Smith
t;dr Fuck yourself OP, its there because assclowns like you care too much, kill yourself
Gavin Sanchez
>The fact is that women have always been sexualised or given minor or forgettable roles in video games.
That's true for movies too. Know why? Because it's true for real life as well.
Women are inherently valuable to everyone due to biology. Also their intelligence tends to be close to average and not vary much
This is why you see men at both the top and bottom of society, and making all the decisions and really getting shit done in the real world
It isn't as believable that women would risk their lives to help others, because they don't, because they actually have something to lose. Men have nothing unless they make something of themselves. Watch YouTube compilation videos of people saving people's lives by putting themselves in harms way. It's all men. Why would a developer make a game catering to a group of people who don't even play games, using a character no one can suspend disbelief for considering what they do in the game
If you can't comprehend this you are a helpless cuck feminist
Oliver Wright
>Cares immensely about the hobby and likes of others and gets offended when someone likes something he doesnt. >Calls them children.
Angel Roberts
That second one isn't JRPG, it's Mount and Blade. Because that's the game roaches make.
Jose Perry
>The fact is that women have always been sexualised or given minor or forgettable roles in video games. NOPE SAMUS legend of ZELDA ERI/FIO, METAL SLUG CHUN LI AND A WHOLE SWATH OF FIGHTING GAME CHARACTERS go back further and MEN suddenly have very little presence in videogames, since videogames started out with mostly space ships and missle commands. And pinballs.
Elijah Watson
Regarding your first paragraph: that has literally never happened.
Gabriel Bell
Kevin Smith
Is wordperfect a work of art? Is windows 10 a work of art? Is system 32 a piece of artwork?
From a technological standpoint they are impressive creations even though we all bad mouth them but they sure as fuck aren't art.
Parker Butler
please del
Jack Ramirez
William Smith
Of all things wrong with the game, some girl having that haircut and not actually being gay is outrageous?
Cooper Jones
I'm fine with diversity. I'm fine with sexualized characters.
I would actually really like a game with a black female protagonist, especially if she's modeled with a bit of chubbiness and has a huge, jiggly ass
Juan Brooks
>it's just a strawman hurr durr Oh wait
Blake Wilson
SJWs don't actually play games, you fucking twit.
Liam Ortiz
Please tell Trump to take over. Le Weed Man and those that elected him are ruining this country
Matthew Bailey
>go back further and MEN suddenly have very little presence in videogames, since videogames started out with mostly space ships and missle commands. And pinballs.
You were on to something until you went full strawman.
Blake Wilson
But all of those things have elements that could be considered art (icons, desktop wallpapers, sound effects), just like a video game is made up of artistic elements (sprites, 3d models, animation, music).
Ryan Moore
Why not
Isaiah Fisher
Now in fairness, yeah, my parents were permissive as shit and pretty progressive. They never really forced anything on me or my sister - they never stopped us from playing with x or made us dress like y, or any of that shit.
Perhaps having badass female protagonists is a bigger deal to young girls who are stuck in a more restrictive family. Being told you have to wear dresses and be quiet could probably have made Joanna Dark or Alyx Vance or Faith Connors even more appealing to me than they already were. But that's literally theorycrafting. Point being, the kind of fucktards on the interner who get 'outraged' by video games and their depiction of women are genuinely retarded. Yes, I roll my eyes when a new DOA comes out and there's more effort put into the over the top titty jiggle than in actually making the game good. But holy shit, Im not about to go ont he warpath. I just dont buy the game.
And I think that's the problem for SJWs. They dont realise that *not everything is for them*. They feel like everything should be made to appeal to them, even though, paradoxically, none of the games ever would anyway regardless of who the protagonist was and how many clothes the female characters wore.
They want games made for them, even when they wont play them. Fuck them.
That said >its bad enough that they get bullied and harassed by creeps in multiplayer games Yeah, that is actually a thing that happens. And it sucks an awful lot of dick. My screen name is gender neutral so it doesnt really happen to me unless I use my mic to talk to people in game. And even then, it rarely happens.
Honestly, the bigger issue is white knighting. That shit is far more obnoxious than LMAO GO 2 KITCHEN ever could be.