If you grew up playing 3D Zelda there's a pretty good chance that you've been playing the dungeons wrong for your entire life. This is due to the fact that in 3D Zelda, the dungeons are usually more linear and straightforward so that you can brute force puzzles without much consequence. Only occasionally, particularly in a game like Majora's Mask, will you mindlessly wander around for a while going room to room interacting with everything to try to progress.
After playing 2D Zelda for a while and watching a YouTube series that analyzes the dungeons, I realized that the reason dungeons have been some of my least favorite sections of Zelda games is because I was playing them wrong for my entire life, pure and simple.
It's no wonder that the 2D games can leave some people cold, because along with a lesser sense of adventure, the dungeons are slogs unless you actually use your brain.
So anons, I suggest you go play some 2D Zelda games to discover for the first time the greatness of this series. I suggest Link's Awakening first and foremost. Warning: this WILL make you think less of Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild.