You will see Chris and Leon´s movie, right?

Also RE Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, i surely will.

Also where are their full unclothed models?

Probably in the studio´s computers, they should show us a manly fight with shirtless Leon and Chris

Post beef, I'm hungry

when is the movie coming out?


Is there a good copy of the final chapter yet?

I know it's probably shit but it hits a certain nostalgia feeling for me.

>You will see Chris and Leon´s movie, right?
Nope,no interest in gay ass Chris and his beaner reincarnation. Also no interest in Leon the overused King Kuck,slightly interested in Rebecca but not enough.

Ask again when Capcom switches it up with a movie starring Jill or Claire or someone who isn't Leon

I wasnt around here for first two movies, is Sup Forums usually watches it together on stream?

The tits in that picture are exemplary.

I hope so, it would be great to watch it while bantering with fellow Sup Forumsirgins

>Beiing a patrician of exemplary tits and Jill

Welp, looks like Jill just moved to the top of my fap list.

RE girls do have nice tits. Jill's are great.

Apparently Sup Forums streamed the first two movies, would love to see Vendetta with the /vros/

>yfw Jill makes a surprise appearence at the end to save everyone

Reminds me of this

Claire a CUTE!



When you realice Claire will be cucked again in the REmake2

Maybe is for Not a Hero DLC

Yes, I'm black but white men are the future.

Might not even be RE-related. It's from early 2015

>Yes, I'm black but white men are the future

Criollo is black mi friend.

She can't be cucked if she shows no interest, senpai.


Reminder that Ada blue balls Leon across all media!

Never watched any of them.

Currently playing RE0

Here user!

>he can't get the hint

Yup,he's out being a good little kuck while shes out ''finishing'' missions and ''closing deals'' the best way she can with her clients/employers.

Old men... ARE THE FUTURE!

>worrying about identity on an anonymous Cambodian rice wine picture blog

I bet you you think Ada is still pure.

She does though. And Leon gives no shit about it.

>Chris theories tier

>There's something we don't know about this new "Umbrella Corp"
>Chris is undercover or had a crisis of loyalty brought on by something

>There's a clone out there or an impostor for whatever reason

>lol it's HUNK


i'm watching leon's previous movie in preparation right now

>RE7 Inside Report says it's "APPARENTLY an Umbrella logo"
You might be onto something here

I enjoy how the movie just said "fuck subtext or chemistry" and just had Leon act like a straight up creepy rapist around Ada.


I'd fucking kek if Chris bought umbrella corp since its stock is worth less than madcatz now lol

Nah I fapped to Ada porn from Eroquis.

At least it's only Leon. The novels have literally EVERY MALE CHARACTER acting like a rapist (or actually being one)

See if Leon was smart, he'd go the Simmons route and find a way to make his own Ada

>inb4 he convinces Claire to get facial reconstruction surgery and she agrees

It's Glenn Arias, who's also Wesker, HUNK and Billy

This is my favourite Ada anim. I don't know why desu, it's pretty gay when you think about it.

She's on her way already.

Posting comfy wesker so the thread doesn't die

>yfw Chris bought umbrella in re7

He's looking pretty comfy here.

Ha! Fucking hell, Claire. Get your midlife crisis together


That's JC Denton though
>yfw the other 3 on the helicopter with him are Leon, Jill and Claire

sauce plz

Damn, you can't make this shit up

Don´t blame her, she will get the Leon´s dick even if she has to cosplay as Ada


Will the real global saturation please start up!

We are gonna have uroboros in here

You act like you never got 7 minutes before
B.o.w.s all over umbrellas lab floor
As Chris keycarded the door
The hunters broke in and already whooped Claire's ass before
It's the return of the "oh wait, he didn't just rape Jill and dye her hair blonde, did he?"
And Alexia Ashford said...nothing she's dead and I got Steves T Veronica infested body locked in the lab's basement.

I'm betting the worst of Umbrella was ousted at some point, and what was left re-branded in an effort to destroy BOW's. They probably recruited Chris, as well as other survivors of previous instances to help with the cause.

Stop bullying Claire, she'll win the Leonbowl after the greatest 20 year buildup of all time!

She's married to her job.

lewd jobs

All these low level triceps employees are like "chicka chicka, fucking Wesker testing out the Uroboros on these hot Corporate women, with his you know what, outbreaks at you know who's but he's so god like though"
Yes I got a few tyrants in my test tubes and I already let the lickers let loose. Stock went down but it's okay when the AMS lets Goldstein's plans go through???

>haha now you have no power!
>no wait
>haha now you have power again!

Truly an evil genius

>mfw Moar movies

Why do they change Chris' looks all the time. They do that shit with hair colors like they did with Leon or Birkin but Chris' thing is getting out of hand.


His design got fucked by the 5 and 6 dev teams. REmake Chris was perfectly fine. I don't know what they feel the need to fuck with him so much.

Christ that SFM model is so shit, look at the hair for fucks sake. And the arms and legs are fucked beyond belief. Thank god for the new one.
Jill is more of an issue, but I agree.

RE SFM is pure shit. The best stuff is still shit from the time of RE5 and the dawning era of SFM

>Jill is more of an issue, but I agree.
Jill looks fairly consistent, I'd say

That's like, totally your opinion man. I disagree.

Can RE2Remake Claire bring us a golden age of RE SFM?

Nah. Post 5 she looks like shit across the board.

His face in 5 is the same as in REmake though. "Redfield" just makes me want to punch him.

You literally can't prove me wrong



I like a lot of Jill sfms, and you don't. I don't see what's to prove here, unles you're just trying to get me to spoonfeed you some porn.

Sometimes I wanna let loose but I can't let the BSAA know the truth
Chris, Got Jill at my hip,
doing biological checks with her lips, injected her with my dick
Sexual saturation at the tip
And that's the message I delievered to those BSAA kids that wonder if that bisexual tyrant had a clitoris!
No, I'm not out of my mind but I do have control, uroboros on my bomber
Complete global saturation!
Excella, let's go!

There are barely any Jill SFMs besides the early stuff that i mentioned

no i wont. Degeneration was mediocre. Didn't see Damnation, but it looked like shit. Vendetta looks even worse

Degeneration was eeehhhh. Not bad though.
Damnation was great. I think Vendetta looks good.

>tfw you wrote "the real saturation" and have no way to get D.C. Douglas to rap the lyrics

Atleast it was accurate

You did a good job, user.

Wait till I figure out one with Leon singing about Ada and being her superman.

You're a fucking moron, man. "Redfield" looks nothing like Chris, and it doesn't make sense for him to work with Umbrella.

"Redfield" is either HUNK or 3A-7 (the guy from Umbrella Corps) - assuming he himself isn't HUNK, which is pretty goddamn likely.

Oh man...

Blonde Jill is best Jill. It's a shame she didn't stay infected.

RE5 is Jill's last chronological appearence. She might still be blonde

I hope so.

You kidding? Douglas is the exact kind of guy who would do that if asked.

She might never be coming back though

P'shaw. She'll be in at least one more game.

Best girl

Two things: Not only are you wrong and pic related is the one true answer, but Ashley is trim in RE4, not fat.

>Grim Reaper with a gas mask on loading screens
>overseer actually questions if he is HUNK in a file
>trophy for completing The Experiment is named "Return of the Grim Reaper"
He's HUNK and so is "Redfield".

>not beret Jill
>not even blonde Jill in her sweaty bodysuit
Shit taste.

>Implying any and all Jills aren't the best.
Come on now.

How do the RE7 counterparts of old characters act?
>Redfield works for Umbrella and doesn't do roids
>Kennedy hates asian women and sports a military cut
>Valentine is a virgin who will only have raw, missionary sex after marriage
>Burton is a serious old man who has no time for jokes or one-liners whatsoever

Time for Leon's turn in the T virus game

Ada, I think I love you baby
Leon, let's keep it professional
I'll be your superman, remember when I rescued you in RE2
US government's here to let this conspiracy unfurl

They call me Leon, ma'am
Took down G virus Birkin with a single herb
Coulda had Claire but my mind is on another girl
Left Sherry in another world
But this makes me sick after saving shit
Ms Wong still won't ride my dick
Claire left text messages calling me "a cuckold bitch"
Don't get me wrong, I love that ho, so fucked up, Even Barry fucking knows
Ada's like "We'll be friends, I'll call you again"
Last time we met, Chris wanted to do her in
RE6 screwed me over in the end


>Killing himself with Barry's new gun
That's just cold.

Redfield isn't Chris, dumbass.