Was this a Horizon reference in Rick & Morty?
Was this a Horizon reference in Rick & Morty?
not likely
Looks more like Tomb Raider.
Wait just a goddamn minute...
Probably not.
also Jerry was right.
Not everything in life is a reference.
One of the harshest lessons kids today need to learn.
it sure the fuck looks like it. there are too many combinations of similar factors for it NOT to be a horizon reference.
I highly doubt it, considering the 3rd season was in development way before Horizon was announced.
Post-apocalyptic earth isn't really a reference.
Not everything references something else you retarded leaf.
Fuck jerry, i am glad he is gone.
Jojo reference?
I hope Morty reunites with his REAL family
Are words references to certain combinations of letters?
Jerry's the only character worth rooting for
he's still Morty's dad
it won't be the last time we see him
that one where everyone turned into cosmic horror monsters? no way fag
>comedy show spends most of it's running time on plot and not jokes
Hopefully the rest of the episodes get better and it doesn't go down the season 2 path
no, but the red head with a spear killing robots might be.
It wasn't
feral summer is fucking hot
loli Beth is more hot
This, fucking asshole in every episode
Oh hey, Cronenberg-verse, cool.
>character with the most development gets written off in next game
Something about this show makes me never want to get married.
He did, they tried to kill his new sister.
Jerry has always been a metaphor for the average, modern, cuckolded "father figure". That's why Summer is so attached to Rick, he's the strong, central father figure that she lacked growing up. The family structure in Rick and Morty is a deconstruction of modern views on how fathers should act, and Jerry was never meant to be a sympathetic character as much as he is a pitiful one.
Then I hope you never watch Morel Orel then
most Jerry plots are about him reclaiming his masculinity
I hope he dies next this season.
You really should consider killing yourself if you like this reddit-tier garabage. At the very least, get off our board.
Do Rick and Morty even do fart jokes that often? The only one I can think of is the episode featuring that cosmic cloud, but even then the jokes were shockingly tasteful, which is to say that the act of farting itself was not the joke.
>Implying McDonalds isn't going to bring back a sauce because of a cartoon on adult swim.
So it's Sup Forums responsible for shilling this pseudo-intellectual show on Sup Forums??
but the end of Morel Orel is about Orel having a loving family of his own
Literally in the most recent episode there was several
why do people like this shit show
>le drunk science man ruin everything xD
fuck off with your shit taste
>posts reddits lab
Yeah but first you need to bear the relationship between Clay and Bloberta
Exactly, and when he does it is treated positively.
However, just like the modern beta male, these flashes of masculinity never last, and as a result his relationship falls back into the pit it was in before at the start of the episode.
>our board
oh dear lord I bet you get mad when GameStop employees greet you too.
Go outside man.
Because it's fun user :)
>never watched the show
Puffy vagina, you will thank me later Morty.
>naming a show reddit before reddit even existed
Nice try, shitposter. Off yourself.
I do go outside, but thank you for defaulting to such a shitty stereotype to give yourself a false sense of superiority on an anonymous image board. Get off here you goon.
>Reddick and Memety
Fuck off
Oh you can fuck right on off faggot
Honestly, is this show any good or not? I know it's popular, but people here say it's just reddit humor. I've only seen parts of a couple of episodes and I couldn't really make anything of it.
If Rick is so smart then why cant he just reverse-engineer the sauce?
>God doesn't exists Morty *burps*
>Nothing matters I'm better than everyone *burps*
"This is literally me" says the reddittor
Man, season 2 was such a letdown, I hope 3 goes back to the basics of overarching adventure with jokes.
Go back to Sup Forums
Just watch a few episodes. It's quite good
R&M was big here before reddit started watching it; so much so that the show's creator browsed threads on Sup Forums during S1.
The first season is fine. The second is where they double down on plot bullshit instead of telling jokes and if the first season 3 episode is any indication they're going to triple down on that while adding more fart jokes.
It's super good so it's very popular.
Hence Sup Forums getting mad at it because, since it's popular everywhere, it's also popular in reddit. And apparently that makes it bad.
They're popsicles now
Jerry is easily the funniest part of the show
It's good and reached a point in popularity where you will no longer be able to hear or have an objective opinion on it.
Yes, Sup Forums is just a hivemind that screams reddit and sjw all day to fit in
this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes this is reddit this is memes
The first time I watched it I tought it was great, but rewatching it was just ok, kinda mediocre.
>before reddit started watching it
everyone was watching it at the same time, faglord
It's really not good at all, the first season which is meant to be the good one is bad enough, can't imagine how much worse it gets.
>watching Rick and reddit
I'm not ten anymore sorry fellers.
I'd say it's pretty good. Of course each his own type of humor, you know. I'd advise you to watch one or two episodes to judge for yourself. Although don't watch the very first episode, it's not very good.
I like Justin Roiland's domino theory, that his ironic shit talking of R&M on Sup Forums got people unironically doing it.
>posting redditfish
nice deflect kid
You forgot to mention that they also call everyone a cuck and constantly tell Sup Forums to leave.
>Not calling it Reddit and Memey
it took a while for it to take off on reddit, but shortly after it did it became known as a reddit show on here. I'd know, as I watched it when it was new, but only halfway into S1 were people calling it a reddit show, before that time you could have threads about it without any redditposting.
Its okay. Season one was good, season two was absolute garbage.
But in reality, its just another adult swim show with le intelligent, nihilistic and wicked sense of humor.
Rick is quite literally r/atheism personified.
>tfw to intelligent to be happy
>tfw to intelligent to not be cynical
>tfw to intelligent to not kill himself and continue to rationalize his anti-social behavior and narcissism
>rick and memey
Did it bug anyone else when rick killed off all the other ricks and morties? I mean it was a cool episode but I liked the storylines where they just mingled in with the other parallel universe copies
is there a parallel universe where he didn't kill off the other ricks from the other parallel universes
wrong, i watched it 3 months ago
captcha auto stop, ok i will stop posting from now on
Because the show specifically caters to Reddit and most of the people here are redditors these days
If this show really is Reddit humor, then I suppose it's about time I left Sup Forums for Reddit, as this place has long since lost any semblance of taste.
why do you know what /r/atheism is like?
Considering how the creator of the show went through a Divorce during or just shortly after Season 2, having Jerry and Beth divorced now is probably a reflection on that.
Or perhaps Jerry's voice actor just doesn't want to do the voice much anymore?
good, fuck off then.
What the fuck. Did they just remove one of the best characters from the show?
There are infinite other universes and ricks. They can pull whatever shit out of a hat that they want.
Because I know people who frequent it at school. The whole fedora meme isn't a meme when it applies to these people.
>that ultimate anal ravaging Samurai Jackfags had last night
>they still have it 18 hours later
uh-huh, it's just your acquaintances who browse it. I bet they live in Canada.
I actually work for Starburns Industries. I can't wait til mid season, it'll make Sup Forumstards rage. Beth is going to start dating a black guy
Damn why is crohenburg summer hotter than regular summer?
oh good. That makes me feel better.
There's still Cyborg Morty, and whoever escaped. I mean when you have infinite universes it's hard to kill all of those. In fact if even just two of them survive, more will start being propagated from their actions. They would just be more like the two we've seen.
You wouldn't believe how many people who are like this in graphics design and computer sciences.
I'm literally trying to not bomb the school being around these people and their dank may-mays and virtue signalling all day.
So what universe does the C137 R&M live in anyway? Do they mention it?
>nuMale Beta cuck
>best character
Wanna know how I know you're a little fuccboi bitch?
>twitter explodes
every time lmao
He's not "gone" and I doubt his role will be minimized all that much.
>"like, UGHH, why do people even like [popular thing] anyway?"
>posts weeb image
Anyone else notice how often this happens? I mean, I've always sort of assumed weebshit was the go-to variety of reaction image for shitposting, but you'd think they'd change things up after a while.