Okay, I'll bite.
>We Happy Few
Literal garbage
>Rising Storm 2
trash buggy shooter
>Steel division
who cares
literally who????
a literal meme, moutainblade is garbage
>dawn of war 3
moba trash
Abandoned project, dead game
>le viking
we get it, you're racist
>civ VI
trash, play 4 or 5
more meme trash
excellent SJW boring trash
>total war warhammer 2
the first was garbage, total war games have been garbage for years
>pillars of eternity 2
>star citizen
scam citizen
>hearts of iron #12412
cool another boring WW2 game wow exciting
>bards tale
literal meme
lit. who
>endless space 2
first was trash, why wouldnt 2 be
>escape from tarkov
literally just graphics: the game
oh spooky scary hide from the monsters!!!
>grim dawn
first good game here
>divinity os 2
lit. who
>arma 3
buggy overpriced meme garbage
>battle brothers
lit. who
looks great, definitely getting a console release.
>day of infamy
wow WW2 so cool dude
>total war warhammer
see above
>crackdown 3
literally a console game