Wether HZD or Uncharted, why are PS4 exclusives so shallow? Why bother with a PS4 when a PC gets you

>best multiplats
>all upcoming XBOX titles coming to PC aswell
>great exclusives, genres that only exist on PC like 4x, CRPGs, ARPGs, sims and rts, tactical shooters
>indie gems like factorio or subnautica
>any game you ever bought is still here

Other urls found in this thread:


But do you have pic related?

XBOX wins again I guess

fug nevermind
PC can't compete with that

Okay, I'll bite.

>We Happy Few
Literal garbage

>Rising Storm 2
trash buggy shooter

>Steel division
who cares

literally who????

a literal meme, moutainblade is garbage

>dawn of war 3
moba trash

Abandoned project, dead game

>le viking
we get it, you're racist

>civ VI
trash, play 4 or 5

more meme trash

excellent SJW boring trash

>total war warhammer 2
the first was garbage, total war games have been garbage for years

>pillars of eternity 2

>star citizen
scam citizen

>hearts of iron #12412
cool another boring WW2 game wow exciting

>bards tale
literal meme

lit. who

>endless space 2
first was trash, why wouldnt 2 be

>escape from tarkov
literally just graphics: the game

oh spooky scary hide from the monsters!!!

>grim dawn
first good game here


>divinity os 2

lit. who

>arma 3
buggy overpriced meme garbage

>battle brothers
lit. who


looks great, definitely getting a console release.

>day of infamy
wow WW2 so cool dude

>total war warhammer
see above

>crackdown 3
literally a console game


>arma 3

honestly its just wildlands: autism edition

but yeah fuck playing anything at 30fps, at least as shitty as it'd look on console



>Only picks the worst possible Western Sony 1st party studios
>Ignores all the superior japanese 1st party studios and the enourmous 3rd party titles that have been pumping out nearly week after week
>Pretends like all PS4 gets are NaughtyDog games

>posts that list of absolute trash



I'd trade in all early access games for Yakuza

What went right PCbros?

>L I T E R A L L Y

neck yourself retard

I love my PC!

Name 5 japanese exclusive games that a worth getting a PS4 for

PC gaming is fun!

>wildlands: autism edition
- all the things people play arma for
are you unironically liking that ubsoft trash?

How about no?

Here's how things work:
-If you don't know about them already then you obviously aren't interested in the first place
-You can dismiss every single game with ">It's shit", so it's literally useless for me to mention any

I know how this game works, friend.
Hey, how about we switch roles? You mention 5 PC exclusives worth upgrading my PC for. Let us see how you like it :^)

scared I see, well I take that as a win

You should take that win since PC clearly cant score one

That's a pathetic list, and I'm saying this as someone who plays shit mainly on his PC, the ONLY good game on this list is Factorio, and Warband 2 if it ever comes out.

Gaming on PC is gr8

>warband 2
Meant Bannerlord.

>arma is bad
>civ is bad
>divinity is bad
>rising storm is bad
>dawn of war is bad
>quake is bad
>state of decay is bad
>forza is bad
>grand strategy is bad
>crpgs are bad

It's not the list that is pathetic, it's your taste

I need attention: the post