Tfw leafs are the majority of this boards's shitty topics

>tfw leafs are the majority of this boards's shitty topics

April Fools was the best damn day we ever had. Remember that behind every DLC, shill, or faggot post, it's a leaf.

>Canada still isn't range banned

we are basically sweden now, with trudeau in power.

Please post examples, I was at work all day yesterday

I'm not surprised that leaves are the worst shitposters. Leaves are consistently the most emotional and unreasonable people to interact with online. They just don't think or behave like normal humans.

The fuck is with this sudden "leaf" obsession

Fuck it, let's talk about vidya. They should make a Dredd game.

I doubt
Female Swedish Imams rule over men over there

>mad leaf

Everytime. You guys showed your true colors yesterday. How does it feel to be no different than BRs?

>a leaf attempts to change discussion

Was this on /mlpol/? Did the flags show Canada to be a nation of bronies? I wouldn't know because I was on Sup Forums talking about video games. Why are you bringing this here?

t. leaf

Gonna need to build two walls.

Nigga this was fucking yesterday, here. You fucking lying leaf.

No this was on Sup Forums. And you're saying the exact same thing the leafs said when the flags were active here.

>tfw my judgement was right about leafs taking over

no one ever listened

> I wouldn't know because I was on Sup Forums talking about video games. Why are you bringing this here?
user. Sup Forums became /vint/ yesterday. It happened some hours after /mlpol/

Sup Forums found out there are a lot more canadians on Sup Forums than they thought and immediately decided they're all shitposters although the evidence was against that claim.

>Canada is shit meme

Y'all burgerfats are just mad that you're stuck with that old autistic fatass trump while we have based good looking Trudeau

Reminder that Canada is rightful AMERICAN clay.

>although the evidence was against that claim.

you know archives and the actual board still exist right?

Is this one of those "ironic" shitposts where everyone bullies the most stereotypically polite country?
This is starting to sound a LOT like the whole "sonyfags are the biggest shitposters" meme.

Yet you conveniently ignore every shitpost except the ones that have the canadian flag next to them, home in on that, and try to make it the next biggest meme because you can't enjoy anything unless people are agreeing with you about hating something.

>not the first post from this IP

leaf brah, we found you out. Stop being butthurt and emotional. It's literally minesweeper at this point and we keep winning

>although the evidence was against that claim

It started months ago but yesterday caused it to ramp up to 11 because of flags.
And it's bullshit since it's just another reason for Sup Forums to shitpost.

>inb4 called a leaf
fuck you. talk about video games.

>ITT: Leaf Internet Defence Force

>crying leaf trying to defend his country

dont you have a muslim to go defend?

Damm I missed the flags here.

Leaf detected, bet he's a pcbro as well.

Don't you have a plate of burgers to eat?

>Why are you focusing on this larger group of shitposters instead of that random shitpost from Nigeria? This is descrimination!

Trudeau is a criminally bad PM. It would be funny if it wasn't so depressing.

better than shitty hummus. hows that diversity treating you over there


Guess I missed something.

>itt americans find out they're not the best at shitposting and have a shitfit

Americans truly have the shittest taste

>a leaf angry at an alpha leader

You'd probably want him to cuck your wife with you crying and masturbating in the corner

poutine, you uneducated swine
>implying hummus is bad to begin with

Leafs have been notorious shitposters on other flag boards.

>I wouldn't know because I was on Sup Forums talking about video games.

Then you would have seen all the flags while Sup Forums was /vint/ you lying, maple syrup guzzling faggot.



just like a leaf to add some fancy ass wording to the simplest dish


Leafs are buttblasted because we discovered that the vast majority of shitposts and cancrous posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums were made by canadians. Day of the rake soon
t. Leaf

>americans best at shitposting
>when aussies exist
>when fucking fingols exist

>leafs are the reason Sup Forums has become a rabid SJW board filled with oftopic shitposting
>South Americans are all of the shitposting sony faggots
i knew it

>Amerifats calling out leafs again
How's diabetes going?

aussies are nice as fuck. I gotta hand it to them. They are probably the most down to earth and common sense, so it makes sense they are the chillest

So only Canadians own ps4s?


See, the irony here is that there are going to be consistent threads about americans shitposting about how bad canadians are.
If you don't understand the hypocrisy in this, then I don't know what to tell you.
