What went so terribly wrong?
What went so terribly wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
You tried to play it?
It's too hard even on the "just the story" setting.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean anything "went wrong"
How did we go from this
>crappy combat
>linear progression
>world's best monster slayer gets wrecked by a couple of random deserters
>crafting is a mess
>rpg with no role playing options
nice interactive movie though
Too much empty space. The game should have stayed more linear like 2 if they weren't going to use the whole map.
To this?
Your father raping your mother.
The combat
The enemy variety
The moveset variety
The "boss" design
The quest design
The open world design
The loot system
The main quest
Its a good experience but a mediocre game at best
why do people think its an RPG? because you have a dialogue choice between muh misunderstood monster or not so that your quest log gets a few different lines of text? thats literally FO4 """"RPG"""" tier. If a majority of the quests in your game don't look like the top part of this image than its not a very good RPG. You can replace Fallout 4 in that image with TW3 and nothing would change. Almost every quest you get, no matter what dialogue you choose, plays out the same way. There is no option to play the game you want, just a *few* superficial choices that barely effect anything. Yet FO4 gets shat on and Sup Forums loves TW3.
Witcher 3 is an interactive movie
The best thing about it are the cutscenes, so if you watch all of them on youtube you basically experience the best W3 has to offer for free. Everything else is trash and subpar
It would also be wise to mention that The Witcher 3's character development is shit
You're literally adding stuff like +0.5% crit chance like it's some Path of Exile tree
And it doesn't have stuff that make an RPG fun, for example pickpocket, sneaking, stealing stuff from people's houses, attacking neutral NPCs etc
And I know people will say "but it's against muh books!!"
But sorry, this is a video game not a book, it's not my fault you decided to make a video game based on a book and now it has to suck because you can't add any fun features to the game because it's against the books.
The gameplay simply isn't fun
There is 0 challenge
>open world
>obviously had to rush Skellige
>felt like forcing the white frost subplot for the sake of having an ending full of explosions
Wait no! Honest opinions, this can't be! Quick, where are the shills!? We must defend the honor wake the fuck up brothers!!!
I'm thinking about trying the Enhanced Edition mod
has anyone here tried it? is it good?
800 Awards
the garbage open world, the combat, the quest design, the loot system
0 arguments
This single picture BTFOs everybody in this thread
>awful sidequests
>menus are a mess
>potions are a hassle to brew and way too weak
>few dialogue options
>a pathetic number of choices that you can make
>no room for roleplaying - even with a bland main character
He feels unloved so he compensates by fucking most girls he meets.
Feminists rejected the game so hard, but the pain is real.
Story driven rpg with a terrible plot and pacing
sounds about right. vidya "journalists" are all pretty much casual shitters with awful tastes. they love their linear movies with no gameplay.
I wouldn't say anything went terribly wrong. Mostly just medium wrong. I don't think anything is "absolute shit" like other people say but there are definitely lots of aspects that are mediocre.
so much hud
I thought Sup Forums knew that vidya journalists weren't to be trusted?
>roleplaying game where you can't roleplay
Nothing went wrong, reminder, 800 awards.
A professional journalist's opinion is worth much more than some basement dweller autist from Sup Forums who has no taste in video games
And what is that picture trying to prove? Bioshock infinite was a great game that deserved the praise
Eight Hundred more like.
Is this always the same guy making this post? How should we name him?
Wait until BotW get 1200+ awards.
lol, dream on
BTFO's you with 800 Awards
Runs home to momy crying about bait
epic false flag my dude
>getting an orc weapon
>good quest
>using your witcher senses/brain to revolve murders
>bad quest
But it literally can't because the Witcher excels in areas that Zelda does not, for example graphics.
dark souls existed with it's balanced combat, abundant weapons, justification of respawns and the ambiguous lore is the just icing on the cake. Can this shitty game even compare to dark souls 3?
>muh graphics
No one cares if you forget to make your game fun, a concept that apparently Nintendo only gives a shit about these days.
figuring out how to get the orc weapon and having to explore the world and talk to different NPCs is better than following red footprints and pressing a button
should i just skip the main quest and go to blood and wine? i don't really care about finding geralt's apprentice really
You're ignoring the point, Zelda automatically loses because it can't be given best graphics awards.
also this. Normie culture ruins games
>Hates Witcher, a game he hasn't even played
>Loves Zelda and Nintendo
Why do Nintentoddlers have to make themselves so thoroughly unlikable? It isn't a coincidence that there has been a spike in shitposting about the Witcher in coordination with BotW's launch.
>800 awards
>Metacritic well over 9.0, both user and critic
>Steam user score is 98%
>CDPR's third game ever and first open-world title ever single handedly BTFO industry veterans like Bethesda and From Software
>two top tier expansions. Second one even won the RPG of the year award in 2016
So nothing went wrong.
blood and wines story is boring as the main quest. only thing good about it is the pretty world. almost all the quests are "bring me X/25 stones" or something bland where it just sends you to diff POIs to check off your list of shit to grind. Just play Heart of Stone, its more linear but at least the story isn't half bad
>Main quest is bad
The story is a little underwhelming, I'll give you that, but B&W and HoS make up for it.
>Side quests are bad
It's like any game with a shitload of side-quests: Some are excellent, some less so, some mediocre. I'd argue W3's average is actually pretty good.
It's not the equivalent of some Japanese action game where you need hardcore twitchy reactions to ace it, but it's both servicable and satisfying.
W3's open world was fantastic incidentally. Being able to look back on the game after a couple of years and having had newer open world games like HZD to play has only reinforced that for me.
Your taste in games.
Why is the only argument for the games quality GOTY awards and muh metacritic?
Why are witchershills the only fucking fanbase on Sup Forums that completely ignores any and all flaws the game has?
At least bethdrones and soulsfags constantly bitch about X or Y, saying that they could have been better etc etc
All witcherfags do is jerk off about awards (as if they matter in this industry) and go on about which boring whore was better
Like literally, the Witcher general on /vg/ has been full blown waifufagging for the last 2 years because theres nothing else to discuss
> full blown waifufagging
That's every thread on /vg/ tho
>W3's open world was fantastic incidentally.
Its literally ubisoft-tier in its garbage filler and padding, stop kidding yourself
Inb4 some fucking autist comes in with the same 2 or 3 youtube videos explaining that
>the soulles bland boring open world is great because it has like, erosion and real life stuff!
>it's an orc weapon
>are you kidding?
>a what?
>an orc weapon
>h-holy shit that's an orc weapon
Remember seeing this in RPGs? No?
I wonder why, orc weapons are so amazing..
What would you consider a good open world?
Gothic 1 and 2
All witcherdrones should watch this video to see how shit their open world is
>I get nervous and race-angry when Europeans have success: The daily thread
But there's nothing to hold your interest in Gothic. The story is shit, there are no interesting NPCs etc.
poles aren't white
>But there's nothing to hold your interest in
There's gameplay
>almost all grand strats
>Stalker games
>metro games
>almost all simulators
o fuck off euros have plenty of great games, in fact probably the best if you aren't a weeb, and Sup Forums never hated them based on being European. TW3 was as garbage as any American linear trash game though
To be fair, obviously it's a bad game design choice, but if your goal is immersion, it's appropriate. Geralt is basically a superhero, so that's what he would see. It's like playing a Superman game and complaining that flying makes the game too easy.
Your life went wrong. The fact that you eat whatever shit /v feeds you while you consider yourself having an opinion went wrong.
the story, writing, and NPCs were pretty shit in TW3 though. The 2nd act was rushed and the 3rd act seemed hamfisted. Only memorable thing in the game were the waifus, and it wasn't for their quests or dialogue.
Go to bed grandpa, its all about dialogue, sex scenes and cutscenes now
thats strange, I never read about witcher sense that told Geralt where to go for everything he did in the books.
I'm 29 and work 8 to 6. I'm just not interested in investing hundreds of hours purely for gameplay anymore, there needs to be narrative there to hold my interest.
>pretty shit
But still better than Gothic.
The Wild Hunt's execution was lacking.
get lost normie, you are the reason video games are so shit right now
Combat's shit and the game was pretty consoleized but everything else was bretty gud
Daily reminder the best games ever made all have some sort of entertaining narrative/character arcs/themes to them and would be nothing without these, Deus Ex, BG2, FF7 etc.
Competitive video games were a mistake.
It's not by the books.
so because you don't have time for a hobby it means it's ok that it's shit?
Just because you don't have time to play videogames and just want some shitty quick handholding game with no challenge and depth doesnt mean that it's ok for everyone else
oh look, another faggot to filter
It is the third entry into a thoroughly mediocre series.
>Deus Ex, BG2, FF7 etc.
too bad they're on a completely another level than bitcher 3
Considering you spend so much time to post this thread again and again, my best guess would be: your life.
i work too yet find the time to find games that require a challenge
>Based user explains in details why the game is shit and gives constructive arguments and criticism
>then a butthurt witcherdrone replies with: "BUT MUH GOTY!!!" and proceeds to breath heavily while getting an asthma attack
Every witcher 3 thread ever
>Astonishingly low amount of posters for this many post
>suspicious amount of posts that agree with OP, with wording strangely reminiscent of posts read in a previous thread
>seldomly are these posts within a minute of each other, incidentally the time you need to wait to post again
Nigga what? Honestly, I didn't like the game's story all too much, but the gameplay was definitely not hard at all Deathmarch difficulty is basically a joke, and the fucking wayne tech in Geralts eyes lets him do whatever for shitty reasons
but the narrative and "character arcs" are shit TW3. what do you even mean character arcs in TW3? how did anyone progress outside of geralts boring ass stats. what major themes did TW3 have. you're just grasping at straws with vague terms. DX had great gameplay and tons of secrets and emergent gameplay without holding your hand like a retard . BG2 had grreat narrative and character progression without holding your hand. FF7 I've never played but it is also probably better than TW3
>I make a shit thread and then respond to myself agreeing with myself
>people call me out on it
>Every witcher 3 thread ever
At least yours.
shitty combat
its fucking broken. on death march if I max out Igni I can just burn people and watch them die to being perma stunned by the burning, it works on almost every kind of flesh enemy.
Videogames with shit gameplay deserve to be thrown in the trash.
>muh graphix
>muh story
Fucking redditors.
>all these gothic shitters
nobody is gonna play your shitty ancient game, fuck off
>its literally impossible for more than one person to dislike Witcher 3
uh huh, okay
i bet you think the quest design was serviceable in any way too.
how to kill a witcherdrone and make him shut up: ask him for arguments, he won't reply back
I'd rather play nothing than the witcher
already given over 800 arguments brah. how many awards does gothic even have lol. lets look it up ...oh shit ... only 1? ouch. RIP gothicshills I guess ...
It's alright, but 800 awards doesn't excuse stupid mechanics that take any sort of challenge out of the game. I did think it was ok, but just too easy, and the I-frames for dodging was ridiculous and removed any threatening aspect from everything.
>What went wrong Sup Forums
>Nothing, it's a critically acclaimed game that made the company so much money and prestige
>Yeah but I don't like it, validate me!
Nothing went wrong faggot. The game sold amazing, the game brought in tons of new fans, the company actually gives a shit about it's fans (Every physical copy came with thank you notes, and they're HR team is constantly speaking with people and helping) and it won several awards, and yeah award shows and shit are pleb tier normal shit, but denying their merit in a world filled with normies is fucking retarded. Nothing "went wrong" you're just an autistic child who doesn't like something.
nice arguments
lack of iorweth only
fuck the autists
>it made a lot of money so it's good
My favorite argument. Are you also fans of the Transformers movies?
Let's go over the other arguments provided in this thread... Ohhhh, wait. There aren't any. If you don't make an argument than I don't have to either, that's how debate works. You make a point, someone refutes it. Saying "What went wrong?" isn't a point, it's an incorrect statement based off of a personal opinion, more importantly all evidence as to what defines a "Good game" points to you being wrong.
stereotypical witcherdrone, doesn't have any arguments to defend his game other than "MUH SALES", "MUH METACRITIC'