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but you can already play it on PC if you download CEMU
Never being ported to a non-Nintendo system.
Nintendo owns exclusive publishing rights for Bayonetta 2. PC might get the first game, but never the second.
You really think nintendo would allow them to publish 2 on PC?
1 I can see coming and I'm almost 100% sure it will but with 2 changes of getting ported is almost 0% because nintendo.
Sonic Lost World was published by Nintendo and it came out on PC
No one knows what the extent of Nintendo's rights are. Sega still owns the IP.
Nintendo only published Lost World in Europe and Australia, they published Bayo 2 everywhere.
Nintendo FUNDED Bayonetta 2. They own the rights to it in partnership with Sega. It's not coming to PC, PC-cuck
Doesn't matter. The publishing rights might only be for consoles and don't extend to PC.
Also, what's stopping Sega from just making a new edition and removing the Nintendo stuff like the customs?
They own the publishing rights NOT the IP, faggot.
Didn't Sony fund Street Fighter V? Well, it's on Steam.
Nintendo literally paid for Bayonetta 2. The entire game only exists because Nintendo was the only one willing to give money to Platinum.
I could see Sega and Platinum making a deal with Nintendo to get a PC port, but the odds of that happening are pretty low.
It's gonna be Bayo 3, with a slight chance of 1 and 2 getting PC ports after the 8-Bit Bayonetta stunt. The pistol is black there, while in 1 and 2 it's red and bright blue respectively. New gun = new game.
>Doesn't matter. The publishing rights might only be for consoles and don't extend to PC.
Also, what's stopping Sega from just making a new edition and removing the Nintendo stuff like the customs?
Look, if you want to play bayo 2 on PC that bad, just emulate it.
People have been talking about it being the best way to experience the game for a good while now.
Funding the game != owning the IP
Don't listen to people saying never, but it IS probably unlikely that we're getting 2.
If it winds up coming cool, but I'd only expect 1.
Couldn't give less of a shit.
Not an argument.
I could, but a port is almost always better than emulation.
Does this mean we can FINALLY stop pretending Bayonetta is a good game?
>people telling you that it can't happen and why it can't happen
>you reply with "NUH-UH it could too happen"
There's no argument to be had, you're delusional.
OP please use a trip so we can laugh at you when it isn't a port of 2
But I already said why it could happen here and all you replied was "nuh uh". Talk about irony.
Try actually formulating an argument next time, kiddo.
>People have been talking about it being the best way to experience the game for a good while now.
bayo 2 is garbage on cemu though. don't believe the cherry picked yt videos. 90% of the game is a total mess.
it's not just the Nintendo deal that will stop bayo 2 being ported, it's all the Nintendo shit that's part of the game. they're not going to waste time removing all of that shit just for a pc release. Bayo 1 I can see happening as they can just port the 360 version.
Three years later and faggots are STILL crying about Bayonetta 2.
It will happen right alongside the Steam release of Mario Kart 8.
Kill yourself.
and someone told you that Lost World was only published in select territories by Nintendo, whereas Bayo 2 was funded by and published in all territories by Nintendo.
You see, Mario Kart is a Nintendo IP, unlike Bayonetta.
I can see why you're confused though. Just try to make less retarded posts next time.
Why does that matter? It came out on all territories on PC, Nintendo publishing it on some didn't matter.
Bayonetta was garbage
So not really at all
Why not just wait a few days and see what happens when the timer ends?
>Implying pcfags have games to kill that much time.
Bayonetta 2's development was both funded by Nintendo and assisted by Nintendo.
Stupid PC cuck - even Platinum says to ask Nintendo.
I dunno, I'm sure a lot of people having finished Nier Automata yet. And if they have, there's always Zero Escape or Toukiden 2 to pass the time
So was Street Fighter V by Sony and it's on Steam.
Keep being butthurt, nintenigger.
You should both go die in a fire.
I made this for you Sup Forums.
>all this falseflag from both sides
fuck grabbed the unedited but hey that way if anyone wanted the source they can find it.
now here's what I made for you Sup Forums!
Jesus fucking christ.. fixed the text and still amazed I managed to fuck it up like that while I was saving it...
1 is the only one worth playing, so no one loses if it doesn't come to PC.
>It's not coming to PC, PC-cuck
It's already on PC, Nintenbro.
delete this
PC users can finally play something I played 7 years ago.....damn....hype maximum....master race...whoa.........
>countdown ends
>only a youtube link appears
>click it
You didn't play at 60fps 4k.
so why haven't they ported it to PS4 or Xbone
Einsten é o meu "ignorante" predileto. Um dia ele chamou os amigos ateus, os levou a um dos cômodos, onde havia uma imensa e bela obra de arte, que representava todo o nosso sistema planetário (conhecido até aquela época). Os amigos ateus ficaram assombrados com aquela obra magnífica e tão detalhista, considerada uma exclusiva perfeição. Logo todos perguntaram a Einsten: - Quem a fez ? Einsten apenas respondeu: Ninguém.
neither will you
this looks more like a bayo 3 announcement than a port announcement, what makes you think this has anything to do with ports
b-because it's just the console rights! it can still come to pc i swear guys!!
Maybe Bayo 1 + 2 and 3 on Switch? The fact that she was in Smash makes me doubt they're porting these older games and making such a big deal out of it.
No one will believe me, but I have some contacts at Sega. A Bayonetta remastered collection will come out for PC/Xbox/PS4
did they release 8-Bit Bayonetta on Switch this weekend too?
this. having a countdown for a port announcement is stupid, but then again this is sega we are talking about
>get the link by pairing up images of two achievements for 8-Bit Bayonetta on steam
>what makes you think this has anything to do with ports?
Now that the Wii U's ditched I could see Nintendo no longer giving a shit about 2 being released on other consoles desu
>Also, what's stopping Sega from just making a new edition and removing the Nintendo stuff like the customs?
The details of the contract Nintendo signed with SEGA and Platinum.
Which nobody in this thread knows, so nobody can say for sure what is and isn't possible.
You damn sure will never see the Nintendo costumes outside of CEMU, at least.
>countdown ends
>it's Sonic 06 for PC
Nintendo kiboshed XBLA HD Goldeneye just for the sake of it, by making a crazy demand for profit percentage.
maybe they have faith that not all of their fans restrict themselves to a single platform
The image they used is from the Climax edition of the first game
Idiot, read the post he's replying to.
>No one will believe me
you're totally right about that
Except they funded the game's creation so why would they give that up because of the Wii U? They would jut port it to Switch.
Oh, good find.
HD Bayo would be nice. Locked 60, high res version of the game that can still be played a decade from now.
Interesting, maybe it really is a port.
A port of the first game, that is.
>So was Street Fighter V by Sony
No it wasn't. They just paid for exclusivity, they didn't fund the entire development.
probably just the Wii U remastered version ported to PC/PS4/Xbone.
What does funding have to do with anything? Nintendo just owns the publishing rights for the second game, not the franchise. No one actually knows the extent of those rights
The 360 version ran better than the WiiU version.
Pretty hype. Never played either of them. I do own the first one for ps3 but never played it because of the framerate issues.
Alright, so what other info you got?
The extent to which you fund the game dictates how much power you have in contract negotiations. Nintendo funded the game in its entirety. I doubt it will ever appear on other consoles without Sega renegotiating with Nintendo which would never be worthwhile for them since the franchise is niche as fuck. Mark my words this is just a Bayo 1 PC port and MAYBE Bayo 3 as well (but I seriously doubt it).
They had different drops in different places, but the WiiU was more consistent framerate wise AND had no screentearing, which haunted the 360 version.
However, if you play the 360 version on the Xbone, it works great and runs well.
That was a 404 page minigame ported to Steam.
>I do own the first one for ps3 but never played it because of the framerate issues.
it only drops hard in a few places, but your graphical standards may be higher than mine. i probably have a higher tolerance for graphical lag than most on this board, if all the 60fps shitposting is any indication.
Bayonetta 2 was the result of a exclusivity deal between Sega and Nintendo. They funded the game and as a result it would be exclusive to Nintendo platforms.
This deal however was timed, and has expired. In a similar situtation to what happened with REmake and Capcom, Sega is now free to release the game on whatever platforms they want, provided they remove the Nintendo stuff, like the costumes.
Yeah for action games framedrops really bother me. And at this point I'm so used to playing platinum games at 60 fps that it'd probably be even worse. I mean I'd probably eventually end up playing it but now that it's very possibly coming out on PC I'll just wait.
>BotW emulated
>Bayonetta 2 on PC
How butthurt are ninto ddlers right now?
I know people are looking forward to Bayo, but honestly I'd rather have Vanquish. That would benefit greatly from 60fps on PC, while Bayonetta is largely "good enough" on 360.
thats never gonna happened, nobody remembers vanquish.
is your life so pathetic that you have to attention whore for yous?
Only in Witch Time.
>It's another PCfags begging for console scraps thread
>Bayo2 ever being on anything not Nintendo related
they would (and hopefully will) just port it to switch
what did he mean by this
Who's begging?
You can already play the games on Cemu anyway
the Wii-U is dead, so unless they plan on porting it to the switch, they couldn't care less.
Sega published Sonic Lost World on PC despite it being a Wii-U exclusive
Enjoy your inherent emulation input delay, poorfag.
>people think it's Bayo 1 and 2 for PC
At most, you'll see a Bayo 1 port for PC and HD remaster for Xbone/PS4, with Bayo 1+2 being ported to Switch and Bayo 3 being announced as a Switch exclusive.
Sony funded no man's sky
>inherent emulation input delay
>and Bayo 3 being announced as a Switch exclusive.
literally why would they do that when being wiiu exclusive doomed 2 to not make any profit
>Bayo 3 being announced as a Switch exclusive.
Oh man, this delusion. Every single Platinum game on the Wii U sold like absolute shit.
Reading the original Digital Foundry article, it looks like the WiiU is slightly downgraded visually (but has better vsync), so it will probably be a 360 port. Plus almost all action games on PC have 360 button prompts anyway.
I don't know why they'd announce a game exclusive to a platform that couldn't participate in the ARG they started.
Yes retard