Well I'm 130 hours into Botw

Well I'm 130 hours into Botw.

Now what? I already own mk8 on Wii u. Already own Splatoon on Wii u.

The next game for the system will be....mario in December?

pics or didn't happen

Pics of what?


nice bait thread

It's not bait

why the fuck did you buy a switch when you have a wii u to play BotW on?
Please don't tell me people on Sup Forums are this dense

>why the fuck did you buy a switch when you have a wii u to play BotW on?

Because Nintendo releases between 10-20 games a generation that I want to play. I've never bought a console on launch before. I wanted to do it. I enjoyed Botw.

>130 hours in the same repetitive game

>look mom I posted it again.

By the end of the life of the Switch it will have a good library. Just like the Wii u

>Just like the Wii u

funny thing is that BotW is longer than all the other games listed there combined.

There are more games worth owning on the Wii u than ps4 and Xbox combined

How much of that is running through the same empty green field collecting pointless padding?

>my favorite console is better than yours

What a bunch of children. Every console offers good games.

Play something on your PC or PS4

No it isn't.

t. someone who has Yakuza, GR2, Nioh, Nier, BOTW and buying Persona

Fuck off with this stupid shit

Because one's a portable console and the other is a home console. I guess there really are dense people on Sup Forums.

You can get a physical copy of I Am Setsuna.
The jap version is entirely in English.
I don't pay money for digital games,
I imported, it's great!

>implying all I own is a Switch

You poorfags are so cute

Yeah nice try the shop is already full of awesome retro hardcore gaming, switch won. Already.

>ten dollar neo geo roms
>switch won

>The next game for the system will be....mario in December?

Yes. Good job falling for the Nintendo meme, twice since you own a Wii U as well.

Why not play Snipperclips with your girlfriend?

Just the start of things to come. Not to mention it's the perfect device for games like snake pass

>Just the start of things to come.
Maybe they will put some $9.99 virtual boy roms up next month


How soon Sonyfags forget they played BB for 3 years.

Why is this game able to run on the shitty switch just fine but on my PC with a 560Ti 448 OC edition and an i5 3570k overclocked to 4ghz not able to get more than 20fps unless I set everything to lowest on 720p?

Never bought isaac before, so my switch is an isaac machine till mk8

Have you already played Shovel Knight and/or Blaster Master Zero?

Also, Splatoon 2 will be out in the summer if you're into that.

Play a game that was hard enough to make reviewers cry.

Not sure. Maybe Nintendo paid the devs to bring the game over once the switch was announced and most of the focus went into that version.

>By the end of the life of the Switch
So, in four years when they decide to squeeze more money out of your dumb ass, then?

Links to the reviews?

There's this thing called E3, you know.

>why the fuck did you buy a switch when you have a wii u to play BotW on

the best question
I got my wii u for 3 games specifically pikmin splatoon and zelda the others I ended up buying were just a bonus
now that I already own zelda for wii u the switch is completely and utterly pointless for me

>I already own a game on the previous platform, I don't need to play its sequel

Yes, cause nintendo has been known for their impressive e3 showings for the past couple years.

>hey guys, you can see whats coming out in 5 years ;^)

>we are proud to announce smash brothers summer 2019
>also, coming in fall 2018 the Mario's brothers SWITCH. IT UP with a brand new platformer
>that's not all! We listened to our fans and we have a brand new Metroid!
>that's right Metroid: Federation Force 2 releases holidays 2017

>port with a few new things added to it

>Just the start of things to come.

I can't imagine just how many times I said this about the wii u and I'm still looking at a shelf of about maybe 8 games worth owning everytime i walk into the store
anything good worth buying for my wii u was about a year apart each time (more or less) and hell even then I didn't completely like everything I got like pikmin wasn't great but not terrible

Not sure if bait or just retarded

That's how it works

Isn't that every sequel ever?

Not sure if bait

This is what you get for buying a console on launch


guys how do you look up how many hours you have in this game?

Got Fast RMX? Shits fun

>Already own Splatoon on Wii u.
Retard detected

neo turf masters is the actual best switch game

Yeah there are some much-needed improvements Splatoon 2 needs to make before I buy it. I'm not paying 60 burgers for MK8, which I've already spent 72 burgers on. I'll still be getting some of the multiplats that I don't have on PS4 just because it's nice to have those smaller games on a handheld, but it looks like Mario Odyssey is all I'm looking forward to this year for Switch.

Oh shit never mind Xenoblade 2 is apparently coming out this year so that's a plus. There's also E3 and there's got to be one or two games they were holding out on us there. My assumption is that it's Pikmin 4, which last we heard was near completion, so a 2017 release sounds reasonable.