Name a more based video game designer

Name a more based video game designer.

protip: you can't

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he's just a producer now


hes responsible for the worst zeldas

koizumi and miyamoto are both far better

fuck off TP is the best Zelda game

>made the best game of all times
checks out


easy, since he's a producer and not a designer

levine loves breath of the wild by the way

I thought it read "baked" and I couldn't stop laughing

>tfw his games will become popular and Sup Forums starts hating him

Why do all western devs look like effeminate balding beta males?

Gross opinion.


>will become

automata isn't selling enough, it needs to sell fucking MORE so yoko will get the fuckhuge budget he deserves

are you Aonuma? or are you just retarded?


who the fuck is that?

ok, ill name some

-yoko taro

-hidetaka miyazaki

-hideo kojima (pre mgs4)

He seems cool. It's a shame the Witcher series doesn't appeal to me.

KOJIMA = /ourguy/

I´d like to drink with this dude

Why is he tweeting pictures of a prostitute?

>Thank you for screaming
What did he mean by this?

>years in development
>years delayed to port to Switch

he has nothing to do with the witcher

>wind waker better than tp
one of my favorite memes desu senpai

Now that SE dropped the Starocean producer, and that Automata was successful enough, he will be more clout in the company.

what kind of sick fuck hires a horse for a hooker

"Thank you for screaming, Stephanie-san!"

I like Kamiya.

>Super Monkey Ball
>hangs with JAV pornstars and probably fucks them in a daily basis

>Thank you for screaming

That first tweet, how the fuck did he get away with that?

Yoshiaki Koizumi

The only thing worse than toilet princess are the cdi games.

TP is waifufaggotry for midna and that's all it has going for it.

So did he fuck her?

>you will never suck her joosty poosy

shoot me in the fucking head famalam

what's going on here?

they are both worse than the n64 games by far. but ww is still better than tp