>It's a blizzard designs cards that makes deckbuilding extremely uncreative episode
They doubled down instead of learning from how restrictive the last expansion was
>It's a blizzard designs cards that makes deckbuilding extremely uncreative episode
They doubled down instead of learning from how restrictive the last expansion was
im gonna quit this game. There are NO control decks anymore. It's either Aggro or Jade shit. FUck this game. FUck blizzard FUck everything
They're fucking assholes.
All this means is more braindead hunter decks of people just summoning a bunch of minions and hitting face.
You can't have any fun in the game. Anything that isn't some ricing face or control deck is absolute trash, because you simply won't survive to turn 10.
Hearthstone is a kind of a fun game where the main playmode is the single most unfun part about it.
joke matches vs friends > tavern brawl > arena > adventures > wild ladder > casual mode > playing against bots / standard ladder
I miss piloted shredder
Play Wild. It's where the fun is.
I miss the early days when Naxx cards were considered broken and overpowered
looking forward to the new cards if only to see less of the current pirate / jade shit
I actually started doing this a bit but after running into secret paladin I took a break. I want ladder and arena and standard to be good but it looks like they're replacing the awful stuff that rotates out with more stupid shit
>Blizzard ruined another one of their own games
I'm so shocked.
>secret paladin
>dr.boom in every single deck
Blizzard's MO is doubling down now.
>people leave WoW in droves during WoD because of garrison shit and pruning
>blizzard prunes the game a second time and makes even more garrison mission table shit you have to do to progress your weapon and therefore your character, all of which is time gated over a week
Reminder that they had the gull to increase pack prizes for their virtual card game that has no trading
as if there was something to ruin in the beginning.
>people leave WoW in droves during WoD because of garrison shit and pruning
Do you mean cataclysm by any chance?
>Dr.Boom in every deck.
Boom isn't even that bad, not even when he was in standard. He's overvalued for sure but he isn't overpowered. 7 mana 7/7s were so last year.
>Secret Paladin.
Not as prevalent as you think. If they are then stick one of the thousands of tools wild has in. Kezan Mystic and Eater of Secrets both ruin Secret Paladin's day.
The funny thing is that boom isn't even that relevant anymore
>calling boom a 7 mana 7/7
Don't underplay the shit he caused like that.
There's literally nothing in the new set that will stop Jade
Blizzard tries to force control decks hard with the quests and new cards. Deathrattle Priest, control Warrior, control Mage.
Too bad control decks suck ass when you go against a jade Druid, which is not going anywhere if slow control decks are trying to become a thing again.
jade shaman is so strong it took over wild too...
They can do whatever they damn please with the new titles as long as the Remasters are handled properly.
Hello, blizzfags.
Play skeleton vs. dragon simulator
Yep. I remember that BGH was meant to be the only real "counter" and even then it would trade into the boom bots which would also probably kill off some other minion on your board.
>weeb shit
Sorry user. Even if it is better than HS, I cannot bring myself to play that shit.
Weebshit is still better than the furryshit that hearthstone has.
It's consistent with WoW lore. Dr. Boom was an NPC that could wipe raid groups alone. He might be the most powerful character in WoW relative to his time, even today.
The weebshit isn't even that prominent unless you play Blood or Forest.
Gwent isn't a game it's a math problem
I tried playing that yesterday, but got sick of it after a few hours. How much do you need to grind before you're suppose to have a proper deck?
>Boom isn't even that bad
You can get 48 packs from private matches and the elite AI
I'd play this game if the UI didn't look like complete trash, the card art styles didn't clash so badly and 50% of cards weren't over-designed japanese fapbait pics.
Very, very little compared to hearthstone and similar games. It is probably the most F2P/newbie friendly game on the market.
Havent checked the previews much, is mage still pretty OP compared to other classes?
Good to see the actual game is so low on your list of concerns, explains why you play hearthstone
Play animetitiestone or Slavstone.
So how long until Blizzards only relevant game, Overwatch, dies?
How do I git gud at arena?
Why the fuck is anyone still playing Hearthstone in 2017 other than sunk costs? It's obvious that blizzard not only have no fucking clue what they're doing design wise, they're also the biggest Jews in the market by far.
Maybe because 99% of hearthstone players use deck recipes or copy from hearthpwn
It's also why nobody plays M:tg Online
Style is an important factor in any game and weebstone has none.
Guys help I played Renolock this expansion and need a new deck to play immediately, what should I do?
Buff Paladin looks fun but I'm not good enough at the game to know if it will be good or not
>redeem all free packs
>do all the stories; get all those tickets
>redeem tickets in arena
>do all the expert AI; get 14k rupee
>do private match achievements; 20k rupee
>spend on packs/arena
>all while getting rupees while leveling up leaders
After you spent everything you should have enough to craft any deck you want.
probably with the exception of dragon who run ~14 legendaries.
>tfw built my own fun deck but don't get further than rank 15 ever
Feels fun really that I get to use my own gimmick. I often wonder why my rank isn't higher but then I realize I'm losing every now and then, but don't notice because I'm having fun and remember the sick victories I pulled with it.
Not every game can be as good as this.
Then you are talking about retards that think that what makes or breaks a card game has nothing to do with the cards themselves? Got it.
I miss mill rogue after LoE. It got destroyed by tempo Mage but still, rekt control and handlock
You might like my rogue deck. It's reno and cthun and works on the fact that almost all my cards synch well with each other, I'm
I'm so sorry
Post it m'lad
I know, it's gonna be dead in a few weeks...
Give me a second. The fun part is you can reno up to 5 times with your cards alone.
>My card when hearthstone players
Time to move onto actual tabletop, lads. Automated games are for losers.
The expansion launches in 4 days, not a few weeks
>spending a fortune on something I have no one to play with
>ad hom
literally not an argument, false flag somewhere else
They said mid april those fuckers
steal YOLO rogue is where the fun is at
>memes: the post
How easy is this game to get into for a new player? I used to play Yugioh, looking to move on to other card games
>How easy is this game to get into for a new player?
How much money do you feel like spending
>For a new player
Practically impossible without spending at least 40 bucks
>pointing out logical fallacies is a meme
mods need to bring flags to Sup Forums for real, 99% sure you're a leaf
Thats why I switched to Shadowverse
Weeb aesthetics aside, Shadowverse hands out free stuff like candy and is legitimately less dependent on RNG fuckery to decide who wins
You also don't need to get a Mortgage on your house to catch up to the meta like in Hearthstone
Don't even consider Hearthstone. Either play Gwent, Elder Scrolls Legends, Shadowverse or Eternal.
>I found Sup Forums a week ago: the post
just go play shadowverse instead, you get a shit ton of free packs and the packs give you more cards per pack as well and you'll have quite a few legendaries immediately as you start off
hearthstone is fucking horrible for free players because all your cards that you grinded hard to obtain will become obsolete eventually because of the formats removing old cards from legal play
If I enjoy the game, I'll probably end up spending a couple of dollars on booster packs/extra shit.
You need to get a home loan from the bank and HOPE you get lucky on your packs
THEN you MIGHT catch up to the current meta
Don't listen to these fags, here's my dirty trick to play hearthstone for FREE
1. Learn how to max quest loot
2. Add literally every single person you play, delete inactive "friends"
3. Wait for the people you added to get the quest "play a friend, you and your friend get 80 gold" and leave the game running idly. Ignore anyone who isn't giving you gold quest
who else plays shit decks here for shit and giggles?
You're a cheeky one, I like you.
Reminder to never give gold to guys like this.
I always play share a friend with my brother and will sit on the quest for weeks just to spite this kind of person.
I don't mind that, I reserve my gold quest for friends too. I do it for the people who don't have friends, which are plentiful on blizzard games. I also benefit people by letting them spectate me for packs so it's a win/win.
At that point, you might as well just bot your wins.
>Reroll any Quest that doesn't fit your Bot's archetype
>Once it's been updated a few weeks after new Expansion, let it run daily until new expansion, then turn it off and play for a few weeks
>getting yourself banned
Missing with the table things>Actual gameplay
>He doesn't realize how advanced bots have gotten if you know where to look
You can even set them to emote after playing specific cards or reacting to certain cards.
You don't run them when an Expansion is out so as to ensure they don't glitch out like mad and get ya banned.
Most players can't tell the difference between a good bot and a netdecking piece of shit nowadays.
Their one chance to finally make control hunter a thing (something they have been trying forever) and they fucking do that for whatever the hell reason. Someone at blizzard likes smorc.
Tell me more...
You probably play against bots regularly but don't notice it.
Between ranks 20 and 13, roughly 30% of the Standard ladder is bots as of last month.
If you wanna find out how to get your hands on one of these things, go ask the Hearthstone General.
>200 Gold a day on weekends, 300 Gold a day on not shit Brawls
>Optional automated Arena Runs to net you on average 6 wins, can have a hard cap for runs / day
>Can set up multiple versions for different Classes and their card setups depending on dailies
Where did you get your percentage?
I've mostly dumped hearthstone and picked up duelyst instead, especially now that hs makes my phone go into a supernova for some reason. It's pretty good, but recent expacs seem to be dragging the quality down a bit.
they whittled down during Cata and MoP
there was a straight up exodus during WoD
It's more likely that blizz has rigid definitons of what each class's deck is supposed to be (hunter = smorc, warlock = trade your crap for power, etc.) and they think if you wanted to play something else, you'd play someone else; i.e. why play control hunter when we have your designated control classes (druids, mages, warriors, and priests)?
I'd play hearthstone if you got everything for free. Fuck the grind designed to frustrate you into spending money.
Just play shitterverse.
I haven't spent a cent and I have plenty of good decks.
They are fucking Jews who think they can do no wrong and are doing us a favor by "directing" the meta game.
I've switched permanently to TES Legends and couldn't be happier to have discovered it.
Give me an invite you potato sodomite
give me some fucking invites then
everything is a math problem
>This card
evolution pokemon are seldom worth it when EX's can wipe niggas out single hit, and have upwards to 300 hp
You buff this nigga with 4 powers, get hit with an evil ball for 140(two energies on him, 4 on the other) with one more energy on yvetal or a muscle band can instantly wipe your dude out that you've been building for 3+ turns, then steamroll everyone else
Shits broken yo
I dropped Hearthstone for MTG with a side of Pokemon. Best choice I've made, particular Pokemon on the online client.
>Hates aggro deck
>Tell him to play anime aggro stone
Weebverse is going down the p2w path too. Recent expansion had the same amount of cards as previous ones, but with double the amount of legendaries for literally no reason other than Jap Jews.
Time to start breaking out the rogue decks.
Play Todd's cardgame. It's actually good.