Who was in the wrong?
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mask man
for keeping such a dangerous mask out in the open and not locked up. why did he need it?
why does he sell the masks?
fd was because niger nigger nigger nigger jews did 9/11
Whoever created the fucking mask in the first place. If they didn't make it then HMS never would have found it, Skull Kid wouldn't had stolen it, and Termina never would've been in danger. Hell, the only thing that wasn't a result of the mask was the aliens invading Romani Ranch.
A lot of people think Majora is actually the name of a person or demon that was sealed into the mask. I actually like the idea of that more than it just being some old mask filled with curses
>he had to become fierce deity
But that's...wrong.
If I equip that off, will you die ?
majora is latin for ancestor, in a way
so it translates to The Mask of the Ancestor
It's canon he used fd to beat majora
Why does Link look like a mixaboo?
>why did he need it?
I've always been of the opinion that he's not quite human, and is something possibly very scary.
What that is, however, I will never know.
The manga had a backstop about the mask. While not canon though I reply liked it.
it would be extremely painful
no seriously
who is in the wrong here
>his downfall is a completely out-of-context event - a visitor from another universe with a Time-Machine. He could not have planned for this.
I like this
i dig the late 90s look in nintendos character design, like OoT/MM Link and Gold from Pokemon G/S. Even the kids looked physically imposing instead of frail fuckbois like Link and pokemon protags now.
look at those legs, he'll kick your face in.
it's also canon that he didn't NEED to use it to beat him
well search what anime were cool in those years
you'll find dragonball and hokuto no ken
link saves all the people so he has the mask and he uses it
sailor moon and evangelion
It's also canon link beat ganon with the biggoron sword in oot :^)
>sailor moon
well boys needed to jerk off back then too
>hokuto no ken
10 years off there
Damn good looking sword too. They don't make sword designs like they used too.
why was MM so edgy?
Actually its canon that it was all a dream and none of it happened in universe.
We don't talk about that
that book wasn't written by nintendo
it's bad fanfiction