>simple, cartoony graphics
>still has pop ins, low draw distance, and frequent stutterings
>can already be emulated at a higher resolution and steadier framerate
IMAGINE A WORLD... where Nintendo still made good consoles.
>simple, cartoony graphics
>still has pop ins, low draw distance, and frequent stutterings
>can already be emulated at a higher resolution and steadier framerate
IMAGINE A WORLD... where Nintendo still made good consoles.
IMAGINE A WORLD... where OP's mom aborted him
Wouldn't change the facts, little buddy.
Where do you come from, OP? Peru or Puerto Rico?
Top is what it would look like if it was released on pc
USA, where bigger is better and more power is obviously preferable.
>simple, cartoony graphics
As if this means anything
Do you specifically know how taxing the visuals theyre doing are?
If not, fuck off with your speculations.
No shit it's being emulated on better hardware
Nintendo never made good consoles.
Stop lying out your ass.
Theres nothing simple about it. And cel shading doesnt low gpu demand you technologically illiterate nigga.
No one is going to take you seriously if you cherry pick different areas.
Stop playing the Wii U version and get the Switch then.
>Do you specifically know how taxing the visuals theyre doing are?
It would run like butter if it was operating on hardware that was the equivalent of its competitors, because overall the visual fidelity is not as intense. Up until 7th gen, Nintendo's consoles competed almost equally with competitors.
>simple, cartoony graphics
>still has pop ins, low draw distance, and frequent stutterings
>Thinks processing power handles all the graphics
>Thinks if a game LOOKS simple it should run fine
OP do you know what game assets are?
Do you know what AI is?
Do you know what commands are?
Do you wonder why particle effects that each have their own processed patterns and commands tear on hardware?
BOTW runs like shit because its doing a lot of shit behind all of those cartoony graphics.
You're not allowed to bully Nintendo here, pal!
They release shitty hardware at a significant profit margin because they love us! The Wii U's gamepad was a great idea! Tegra X2 wasn't worth waiting for!
still looks worse
But you are blind because you can't tell that is two different areas entirely.
Ill trust my eyes which can see at least that much.
>It would run like butter if it was operating on hardware that was the equivalent of its competitors
You don't have any evidence of this, fuck off.
>A CG reveal trailer is different from the actual game
Holy fuck, who would have thought?
Still looks worse dude. And that area still looks like shit in the game. And up until the recent patch, which I'm not sure even fixed everything since I haven't played since it released, the NS also suffered from occasional stutters.
The WiiU version is still getting emulated and will end up running better than the NS version.
Will you really deny that Nintendo's consoles aren't weaker / a step behind from its competitors though? They release the NS now, to try and compete with PS4 and Xbone (barely), when the Scorpio and Pro are still just going to leap ahead even further.
But muh portability for a home console, right?
>it's okay when Nintendo does it
>Will you really deny that Nintendo's consoles aren't weaker
I didn't deny anything, I said you have no evidence.
>when the Scorpio and Pro are still just going to leap ahead even further.
I think you're still full of shit and the Scorpio and Pro, while stronger than the switch are still nothing to a PC. Where BOTW is ACTUALLY being emulated at a constant 30FPS.
Until you can bring factual evidence that BOTW would run like butter on a higher end console, you're full of shit.
I'm adamant BOTW would run like shit on any console, but that is speculation and irrelevant.
Admit you're full of shit and you know nothing about how taxing BOTW's engine is to the hardware.
>I'm adamant BOTW would run like shit on any console, but that is speculation and irrelevant.
It's possible, but what that would mean is that Nintendo's developers are shit at optimization though, which is no better for them.
It'll likely run, but I highly doubt it'll even hit constant 60fps while eliminating jaggies, drawdistance and popin
Those "HIGH END" consoles still struggle.
PC will forever still be the optimal platform for video game performance.
>simple cartoony graphics
OP get over yourself, Zelda is a general-audiences E-for-Everyone game. Windwaker had a great artstyle and only fucking autists who unironically like Shadow the Hedgehog think otherwise.
besides the resolution the switch version is identical to the WIi U version
Its really not. Different colors and draw distance.
>besides the resolution the switch version is identical to the WIi U version
Wrong. Texture filtering distance is lower which affects the shadows and their quality. An emulator can't fix this. It can make it higher resolution but things like this will still be gimped compared to switch. Digital Foundry claims they're the same otherwise but the 1.1.1 patch cut down on the grass and LoD distance and increased item pop-in on Wii U. An emulator won't bring them back
I thought the top from the reveal was CGil bullshottery but I don't think so any more. That second image is still a different part of the map but it's a good comparison image here
>Nintendo actually making console and not shittier PCs is apparently a bad thing
This will always make me laugh.
>still looks worse
No it looks fine. Just a different area.
>1.1.1 patch cut down on the grass and LoD distance and increased item pop-in on Wii U
they have been the same when it was released, can't speak for the newest patch though
They have never been exactly the same. They are very similar though.
Do you have a source for that? Or are you talking out of your ass.
Literally stated by nintendo and you can watch gameplay if you don't believe them. The wii u version is about the same as the switch undocked.
This literally only happened with the NES
Nintendo only said that the resolution and environmental sounds are different you retard. And the comparisons show that the draw distance is the exact same.
And they said theres less pop in. And the color is obviously different.
If Nintendo released a properly powered console they would DESTROY the market. They are the only ones who can't see this.
>>can already be emulated at a higher resolution and steadier framerate
>1 month later after everybody finished the game
You still lose emu fags
they never said that
They literally did. But I'll let you continue your delusion.
well how about you show me where they stated it?
Im playing botw, if you are uninformed stay uninformed. But don't go around talking out your ass that they are the same when you have no idea what you are talking about.
No source then, you made it up. Thanks for wasting my time
>you wasted my time because you won't hold my hand
>proceeds to make claims that they are the same
Can't even make this shit up
I can only assume when you say "good consoles" you really mean "just make more powerful iterations like the other 2 consoles", in which case you're simply asking for Nintendo to completely go under considering that fewer and fewer people were buying their consoles when they opted for the "more power more power" console trend.
>weak console with good games
>powerful console with shitty pleb games
hmmmm, I choose nintendo
Back to neofag with you
I have a wii u and it was also nogamez when I bought it but now I'm playing it all the time.