>enter character creator
Do you make your toon cute or goofy?
>enter character creator
Do you make your toon cute or goofy?
I make a quality husbando
abandon thread
depends on how I feel
sometimes it's fun to make the darkest niggest nig and be rude to everybody
meme dudes and cute girls
literally retarded.
Like Disney villains
Include me in the screencap!
>everyone bullying op for saying toon
I wanted to make this
Hey faggot, I know you're gonna quote everyone in the thread. Kill yourself.
He said toon XD fucking epik put me on the screencap
Fuck off Lebbit memelords.
>reeeeeee stop having fun
this is why no one likes you user
go back to World of Warcraft
>enter character creator
>doesn't have at least 5 sliders dedicated to breasts
&vee/ got troleld hard
all - me
>m-muh correct internet terminology
God you fags are pathetic.
Is this honey select
thanks for the meme
>gets btfo
>cries about it
its ok user, I'm sure your mom doesn't think you were too much of a mistake
Pls share her card, I thought honey select only had Asian looking girls
I make sexy Khajiit
Kek, only good thing to come from this thread
>Merely pretending
what game?
Are you serious?
I've migrated all the way from Sup Forums just to post
Congratulations OP you've triggered everybody's autism.
why complicate with father/mother appearance and not just customise playable character??
to answer the question: depends on what am i roleplaying as, sometimes it is edgy, sometimes is normal/plain, sometimes i try to create myself...
I always make mine the stereotypical, cartoonish dashing hunk
Pic related
>CoE thread ruined by shitty op
Every time, there has not been a single serious thread about this game even once.
It's an MMO. It was a joke to begin with
but mmos are my favorite ype of vidya
I either make my toon a cute girl, or a severely autistic manchild.
If this was a "trigger Sup Forums in one word" thread you would have won it.