>Favourite AVGN episode
It better be Silver Surfer
>Favourite AVGN episode
It better be Silver Surfer
>Silver Surfer
That was my first AVGN actually.
>first AVGN
action 52 for me
post em faggots
SUPER Pitfall
Sega CD
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Console reviews are his best work
Indiana Jones
i finally gave this guy a watch after the relentless self shilling.
your videos are shit dude stop posting here
Reminder that if people ever question the good old "japanese have shit taste" thing, present the fact that japs LOVE the Toxic Avenger episode.
You have to be 18+ to post here.
Sword Quest was comfy af.
Castlevania retrospective is probably his best work.
NES Accessoires and Bible Games 2 are also standouts.
The one where Ryan takes over his channel and fires everybody.
I personally enjoy the sub zero mythologies ep
Consoles give him a lot to talk about, and I love hearing him tell me shit I didn't know. I barely knew anything about the 5200, much less how shit the controllers were.
What was the best year for AVGN?
Its 08 btw
Tiger Games were my first but i like his older stuff better. If i had to pick a favorite I'd say Plumbers Don't Wear Ties or one of the Bible Games for some reason
I liked board James better than avgn.
First was TMNT way back in 2006. I guess that makes me a faggot for liking AVGN for so long.
>first AVGN
was either Ghosbusters, or the Atari 5200 episode. I was pretty hooked after that.
Toss up between the Ghostbusters trilogy, or his original Halloween trilogy.
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Mario's Missing
Super Pitfal
The Castlevania Videos
Sega CD
I just like his horror movie reviews and his shorts. The board james series was pretty good, too.
Hey, this is Mike and Ryan and today we have a special guest on our channel, James rolfe
I forgot about that one. It was a classic.
When he does the fucking pose
Did Justin ever release a version of that cover to buy anywhere?
I mean he might have back in 2007
But i couldnt tell you
Am I the only who unironically likes Toxic Avengers? The old man just fucks my sides up.
Name ONE bad episode from 07-09
You cant
Independence Day,
Superman 64, Deadly Towers.
Bugs Bunny a best, both Birthday Blowout and Crazy Castle were great
Superman 64 was kino though
Is James working on anything as a project at all? Seems like all he does is James & Mike Mondays and the very occasional AVGN episode and that's it. Maybe a video where he talks about random shit.
Maybe he's just spending time with his family, living off easy YouTube bux
I have yet to understand what the fuck kino means, but it was just a disappointing meme review.
Well he stopped monster madness last year and is going to refocus on AVGN he said, Monster madness got to a point were it was basically taking up 6 months out of the year to produce
So now he can pump out 10-12 AVGN episodes a year
Something he hasnt done in like 6 years now
Bible Games 1 is the best and I refused to be told I'm wrong.
I juat want him to finally announce he's making a horror film.
Mine was the 32X video, as I stumbled upon it when looking for gameplay of Knuckles Chaotix.
Nah, that episode gets a pass just for the tattoo of a goat snorting cocaine off a babies penis line.
I don't know why that's so fucking funny. It's not even a clever observation or a joke.
Nintendo Power.
I liked last year's christmas special
It was terrible
He's made some solid episode lately though
>Paper Boy
>It better be Silver Surfer
Silver Shit.
wow, what the fuck is wrong with your taste, slapstick is hilarious when done right
Dick Tracy. To me it's the only episode where it seems like he gets legitimately angry. That and Silver Surfer, but Dick Tracy is better written I think.
>fav ep
>it better be the one I like most
no. I like the episode where he went into classic non-NES addons.
I also like his most recent power rangers ep. Seeing him sing zyuranger theme had me falling out my chair.
He makes random shit like trailers, reviews and MIMAL.
>power rangers episode
>expect complete shit like the last 30 episodes or so
>it's actually one of the best in years
I thought the Beavis and Butthead episode was pretty good, minus a couple shitty jokes and the whole gag where he doesn't try.
Plus Batman Forever
It is!
He's had a couple good episodes lately
Finding his flow again
He just makes random stuff or does a movie marathon review.
>favorite episode
>not one where he talks about any accessories, the Castlevania tetralogy, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, or this
>Any answer that's not plumbers don't wear ties
>when done right
key word there
Its overrated
Good though
What a pervert!
Friday 13th
Suprisingly a good number of his most recent episodes are really fun, like the Desert Bus one, and of course Big Rigs. His writing improved quite a bit in those and some of the other recent ones. As far as favorites go I liked a lot of them but it's probably Dick Tracy or Bible Games
What happened to the sword?
Informative episodes where he actually shows knowledge > Episodes where he talks about games no one even knew about for consoles no one remembers > Accessory and consoles break downs > Big name game episodes without a skit >>>>>>> Episodes with a skit
I understand he's trying to divide his effort up among enough who love the skits and people who hate them and he alternated pretty regularly, but I had to skip any point where I saw one starting up.
I have it
I miss his genuine anger, like in Dick Tracy.
>Dick Tracy
honestly i don't want to see this kind of anger. it legit made me worried about him
Everything's been melted down at this point.
and it is done right, stop being such a jaded cunt
No but this is the closest anyone got to making a version that doesn't sound like complete ass transition wise
Three stooges did it right. not AVGN
seriously, the episode could have been like NES accessories with all those cool gadgets but no, it had to be reddit slapstick
Who is this buttblasted autist?
Bugs Bunny episodes are slapstick done right
Christmas special sucked
NES accesories was shit and you don't seem to understand that none of the Sega accesories did a damn thing right.
Bible Games will never be topped
Almost all of it was melted
>NES accesories was shit
We all agree watching it on niconico is the best experience?
>all the Japanese fans singing along
>everything I hate is leddit
>no arguments
Im not sure how James really feels about Dick Tracy, i first thought his frustration for the game felt a bit real but after playing it myself i was suprised how easy it was getting to the second case.