why is this allowed?
why is this allowed?
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Because every game has ideas that were worked on and then either pared down or removed entirely because the scope of a game and what a game is and what the devs want to do with it can change drastically over the course of development.
But what you're posting isn't even cut content, you massive fucking faggot.
Kill yourself XV-kun.
Nah, I think XV was shit, but that doesn't change the fact that OP is a fag.
it's cut content nigga, confirmed leaks talked about it. They didn't have time and cut that shit out.
You were supposed to fight Shiva there as a final test before she fully give you her help but she wasn't going to seriously fight you and the fight wasn't going to be like the other summon battles.
More like an actual test.
An SE intern literally confirmed that this exact area was cut content.
But you literally fight near that corpse though???
The game was in dev hell for 10 years. Its a miracle this game even got released.
>literally talking about confirmed leaks and SE intern unironically
jesus fucking christ can you die
Did they release the chapter update that was supposed to fix the second half of the game?
I still haven't bought this and figure I may as well just hold off til they do that.
It was just a 10 minute demo for the DLC
I wish we could get XV on the switch.
I beat it on my PS4, but having a game like it on the go would be amazing.
lol forreal? I thought they said they were planning to release a patch that changes the story in one of the last few chapters of the game, that everyone originally criticized pretty harshly
>its a hillibilly talks about his youtube channel episode
laughed at "i can be perverted" though
That story is unsalvageable. They'd have to rework the entire thing for it to be even halfway decent, then tweak other aspects of the game so that everything actually makes sense.
I want Squaresoft back so fucking bad.
>can't run up shiva's butt
Where da doujins at of notcis crawling inside genitalia chan?
I would buy this game on PC just to noclip around the huge unfinished map and into objects.
>7m in
14 years user its been 14 damn years
Because they didn't want to wait another decade to release it.
Final Fantasy XV cut content:
nothing in the game
3 years in development
the whole plot got leaked a year before release you autist
second best trailer
I highly doubt it, considering even on PS4 and Pro it's not that smooth.
Though the HD remakes I can see. And I'm surprised we never got VII on e-shop, with Cloud in smash and all.
Me too.
God so much fucking potential. I don't believe the Japanese anymore when it comes to these grandiose narrative driven games like this and MGS V what they are promising is too much too deliver even for them.
>They didn't have time and cut that shit out.
>my best friend loves XV
>pretends this trailer doesn't exist
I can't get through his bubble.
3* years
Blame Nomura for making only tech demos for 7 years
They only had 3, actually. Still, that's more than enough time.
How come your captcha is words, I always get the 'click the stop sign' crap which never works
get better friends.
I'm not counting, but doesn't the emperor have more lines in this trailer than in the final game?
He's not a real friend and you should get proper friends and ditch this moron.
What the hell breaks through the window?
>they spent time modeling it and creating the area
>"Nah not enough time to give the player a mundane and pointless side quest that gives them a reason to access said area"
Oh, okay then.
There's a lot of advertised cut content for 15, like pretty much everything they showed before 2014
Magic sentient water, it appears. Probably had something to do with Leviathan.
Hint: Legacy Captcha
Actually blame crystal tools and XIV. Nomura never had a team working on the game until 2010.
I meant this floating TV guy, looks like it comes in through the window with the water but then disappears after a second or two.
Really? Thats still still 3 years until he was yanked from the game in 2013
Still, he had was too much work to do.
Kingdom Hearts is an important property for SquareEnix
>tfw never cared about final fantasy as a series
>see XV information and it looks pretty nice
>ends up coming out while having loads and loads of cut content and basically not being what people were led to believe it would be at all
>disappointment, but no real loss
Who else /apathetic/ here?
>Kingdom Hearts is an important property for SquareEnix
Video games are dead.
I like the gameplay for KH2FM
If you honestly didn't know this, I suspect you might be underage. It has been for over 10 years
2.5 years actually.
lmao. tabata got the short end of the stick
Nomura is allowed years for KH3
no he didn't, he didn't have a team until 2010, then the team left in mid 2011 to work on XIV 2.0 and came back in mid 2012, at which point it was too late for the game to release on ps3 so they decided to move the game on ps4.
Then Nomura left around October of 2013.
Fun fact, the first part of XV which was still Versus in all but name and was planned to be a trilogy, was set to release in 2014. At least that's what Roberto Ferarri said.
All in all Nomura and his team worked on Versus XIII from January of 2010 to sometime in spring of 2011 and on XV from July of 2012 to October of 2013.
>2.5 years
>get game in december 2013
>release game two days before dec 2016
that's 3 years
Still, that wasn't too harsh of deadline to excuse all the cut content. Wasn't it around 2015 when Tabata told everyone that the game was "pretty much finished?"
I would be a little more forgiving if they didn't fucking charge you to play it, as if it was brand new DLC.
>October of 2013
Goddamn so Nomura made this?
the versus team helping xiv was never confirmed I think
This was a prototype made Tokyo team (Nomura, KH team) and Tabatas team after joining them, so yes it was under his direction.
Wada pretty much confirmed it in his GTFO report before Matsuda replaced him in summer of 2013.
he even directed the trailer bro
And Nomura was and still is butthurt to this day for getting kicked out of the project
>Matsuda replaced him in summer of 2013.
I remember that shit, he even gave multiple interviews saying how he will completely reform the company and change the business policies.
Guess that explains why they scrapped Nomura's Trilogy plans, Wada had a boner for reusing assets and milking games but Matsuda, not so much.
>Entitled Millennial that doesn't understand the concept of game development
What a shock. I didn't like XV either but this is true for most games and if it's not uncovered though datamining, devs later talk about it in interviews.
>milking games but Matsuda, not so much.
Yeah, he likes to whore games out through different media. Hope you liked the film, anime, mmo, boardgame, spinoff prequel, multiple dlc, and paid multiplayer you silly goyim
>completely reform the company and change the business policies
Fuck, what's he waiting on?
Who the hell is that assassin's creed dude? Ravus?
Except Tabata isn't even admitting that they cut anything. There are like 50 trailers from 2015 under his direction that contain scenes not present in the game.
Fucking faggot pretends like they never existed.
the majority of xenogears team is off to monolith soft anyway
Everything about this game's development, pre and post-release, makes me cringe.
I remember someone posted a video awhile back of all the cut content from the trailers under tabata's direction. I think it was almost 20 min long
He actually completely changed the way Wada was doing things.
It's just that his way isn't that much better, but at least it is A BIT better.
2 years actually
1.5 years actually.
I woudn't mind a XV-2 if they made the gameplay much better. X-2 was pretty fun
1 year if we're being honest
>xiii sequels out the ass
>dragon quest moved to mobiles and handhelds
>50 remakes of past ff's on mobiles and handhelds
>greenlit a versus xiii trilogy before the 1st game was even out
>Matsuda completely shat on all that
About 6 months if you want to be generous
.5 years if you know anything about actual game development.
>Old General guy
I know this is Prompto's dad, but why was he cut?
yeah looks like he actually did all the things he said he'd do in Then Matsuda came and completely changed everything. I mean we're getting a console mainline DQ game after 11 years.
SE is still shit though.
He wasn't cut, he was just made irrelevant. Buy the DLC and find out why, goyim.
>tfw that was me
Yes, I am a millenial.
No, I dont understand anything about video game development.
What are you gonna do about it? Giving me another (you)? :^)
The sheer amount of time and talent invested work that was spent making things for FFXV that just got thrown away and not used is sickening honestly. Seriously, go back and watch that launch trailer from E3 2013 and it's fucking depressing as hell. So much awesome potential wasted.
I bet they won't even use any of it in a future game. It will just all get deleted when the hard drive it's on blows up.
Who is your favorite character?
Noctis: 698 votes
Ignis: 384 votes
Prompto: 373 votes
Aranea: 250 votes
Lunafreya: 170 votes
Ardyn: 121 votes
Iris: 115 votes
Cidney: 106 votes
Gladiolus: 95 votes
Gentiana: 69 votes
>all this waifufagging
Japan was a mistake.
Is there seriously any doubt that Ignis best boy and Aranea best girl?
>Prompto that high
>all this cut content
>supposed leaks saying that they were under contract to get the game out by the end of 2016 and that later FREE DLC will finish and add this content back in
>proof that they are willing to work on the free content promises in the latest couple patches
Where were you when FFXV saved gaming?
>Luna-who-reya more popular than Ardyn
>Ardyn almost lost to Iris
Giantess doujins when?
>free DLC
>this game
>straight douijins
>save gaming by having to add in what should've been in the game from the start
>free dlc
so innocent
So what would you call actual content they didn't have time to put in because of corporate constraints, being added with no cost to you but the time it takes to download?
What gave everyone the idea he was Prompto's dad, I never found a source on this. He created the magitek army by turning humans into daemons so at the very least they know each other I guess.