Replaying the Metroid Prime Trilogy

>Replaying the Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Realizing how well crafted everything was in these games.
>Gameplay (in the Wii version), music, animations, lore, details, boss battles, even the cutscenes, they can be both subtle and hype as hell.

What happened? Why did Nintendo fuck its own franchise? I mean I get that it's not the heavy seller like Mario or Zelda, but come on. Even Prime 3, being as divisive as it is, had some spectacular bosses, lore, music and ideas.

I just want to play another Prime game of this quality on the Switch. The core concept of Federation Force was great as a spinoff, but it had so much against it that the game didn't have much for it.

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>paid 80 bucks for a used copy of Trilogy from gamestop in 2014
>it goes on sale for download from the wii u eshop a year later
I've never been FUCKING GAMESTOP'd so hard

Nintendo only makes games for children now. BotW is unintentionally difficult, they'll patch it back to retarded easiness soon.

>bought Trilogy on release despite being a 14 year old fuckhead

>If you look up at rain it will splatter on your helmet
>Explosions close to you cause you to see your reflection
>Beams have dynamic lighting
Metroid Prime 1 had really good technology

At least you have the sick metal case.

Quads speaks the truth

Did you know that, in Prime 3, you can interrupt Ridley's attacks by screwattacking him? He will move out of the way. It's really sick.

Don't forget the sick poster. I just dug it out of my closet recently and hung it up again.

It's a good thing they removed the problematic videogamey stuff, like a working hardmode. Wouldn't want the children to be scarred for life with a game that actually has challenge.

>Prime 2's Varia suit.
That's the best Varia suit.

I replayed Prime 1 for a bit for the first time in a very long while.

Still pretty good.

post favorite suit

>Wanting me to decide from Prime 2's Varia Suit, Dark Suit, Light Suit, Phazon Suit and the first PED Suit.
You can't make me decide.

Basically Retro Studios wanted to do something else. So they made some DKC games, which were again.. incredibly well crafted. Retro is just a really good development studio. Nintendo saw the talent they had and gave them the resources to realize it with franchises they thought deserved it and that Retro would want to make.

Now Retro has done so well with what they've made, that Nintendo is letting them make their own New IP game. Hasn't been announced yet.

Fingers crossed that it blows us away.

not my favorite, but it was pretty cool to have in prime 1

I honestly can't understand why people still love these games, I think they've aged horribly. It was incredible and revolutionary when the first one came out, but all you can possibly be playing them for now is atmosphere


The only thing Prime 3 had for it was some really good bosses. I replay these games every year and I'm always impressed by just how good Prime 1 is in everything it does. Prime 2 is good too, but it lacks the level design and all the hidden upgrades that 1 did so well. 3 Feels like an arcade shooter in comparison and I rarely manage to play through to the end without being bored.


I don't know about that. It's been a while since the last DKC came out.

What do you feel has aged badly?

Prime 1 > Prime 2 > Prime 3

100%'d the trilogy last year and it was really fun
going back to the games.
Prime 3 was the weakest by far but still decent.

Too bad I didn't play them with the right version of Dolphin that gets rid of the shader issue.

Corruption is fucking shit.

>Good bosses.
>Ignoring the top notch lore.
>Ignoring the atmosphere of Bryyo and Elysia.
>Ignoring the kick ass music.
>Ignoring the characterization of Samus.
>Ignoring the expanded Federation stuff which was healthy for the Metroid setting.

You make me weep.

Honestly I didn't care for the wii-remote aiming in prime 3. In prime 1 and 2, the clunkiness of the the gamecube controller added to immersion, as Samus had to physically lift her arm to aim up.

I think what was amazing is that they made a game with a female protagonist who wasn't just a slut who showed off her ass constantly. This is what made me throw away games like Bayonetta and Dragon's Crown. Just imagine how rare that is, a woman who actually has a personality beyond just "whore who strips for money".

What are the differences between Prime 1 on GC and in the Trilogy edition?

I know that in the trilogy they removed the effect of you cannon freezing when you charge the iceshot.

I think they nerfed some bosses from the GC version in the re-release.

-A handful of graphical effects are removed
-Wiimote aiming
-Waggle2jump morph ball
-GC Normal difficulty = Wii Hard difficulty

You know what's even more immersing? Having precise controls that do whatever you want. That's the feel of the wiimote.

Wasn't that Echoes?

Power Suit

They just added an easy mode and hypermode is Hard difficult on the Wii.

Shame the Prime games are such fucking terrible METROID games though.

Why the fuck dont more console games have lock on for first person shooting?

It felt great.

I know they did it for echoes, but I swear that there were one or two that were weakened in prime 1. Like Flaahgra the elite pirate take more damage or something

There's so much wrong with your post user. They tried dowing something new with the lore, but it really shows that they were running out of inspiration by this point.
I can agree Elysia was comfy, but other than that there were basically only two memorable areas; the ice cave on Bryyo where you get the screw attack and when you return to the ship you start the game on.
And the expanded federation prescence was the last nail in the coffin, ruined the atmosphere and loneliness the previous games had.
Everything in Prime 1 was remarkable, from the way the scanners and puzzles felt realistic (unlike the movement based stuff they threw into prime 3 just because), to every area. Entering phenandra drifts, the pirate base, getting the thermal visor and navigating in the dark to that really off putting music is a 10/10 game experience.

I kind of disagree, as someone who played through a bunch of Metroid games for the first time recently (Super, Zero Mission, Fusion, Prime Trilogy) the Prime series still had that Metroid feel to me. If any game seems like a terrible Metroid it'd be Other M, didn't play it, but reading about it sounded like it barely had any connection to either the 2d or 3d games.

Half life on the ps2 has lock on

>Metroid prime's theme backwards sounds like echo's main theme

Yeah they feel more like zelda games. Not that that's a bad thing

The difficulty was toned down a bit. The games weren't design with motion controllers in mind either, and that also trivializes many enemies. I'd really have liked if they increased the difficulty instead.

Some graphical effects are removed, like the frosting over on the ice beam. They've also patched out 95% of the sequence breaking.


I played through the Prime series not that long ago, though just beat 3 recently a few months after beating the others, I still felt 3 was pretty damn good. It did lose a bit of atmosphere with the whole federation and bounty hunters, but overall it still felt like a Prime game, had some interesting locations, and was enjoyable to play. I'd still rate it the weakest out of the trilogy, but it was still a highly enjoyable game regardless

The way Samus controls in Other M is taken directly from Fusion. I couldn't believe how much like 2D Metroid it felt. And I'm not just talking about the lack of 3D analog movement, the jump physics and ledge grabs are all spot on. It's too bad the game itself didn't hold up.

If I ever saw shit taste in post form, this is it. Prime 3 is spectacular on its own ways.

It all boils down to how much has their creativity and self direction improved over the years. Remember when Retro first started out they were a new startup company, they were making 3 Gamecube games. Miyamoto went to tour the studio and see how things were coming and was disappointed in everything except an action adventure tech demo, that when Miyamoto saw it, he saw the next Metroid game. So he gave them the license to make Metroid Prime and he produced it and supervised it to make sure it'd be up to his standards. He also cancelled all their other projects.

So.. we might see that Retro has grown and they can do something creative on their own, without direction and oversight...

Or we might learn that while Retro can do the technical stuff, they really need Nintendo's direction on WHAT to make.

You can look it up, they've been working on their next project since Tropical Freeze came out. They just haven't announced it yet, maybe this E3?

As for how long it's taking? Good games take some good time to develop. I wouldn't be worried about that, also lets remember that Initially they would have been developing for Wii U back in 2014. But in 2016 they would have moved over to developing for Switch instead, that'd cause a delay.

Oh. I never played the Trilogy pack so yeah.

That's too bad though I guess they could made it harder to compensate for the easier controls at least like you said.

normal is now easy, veteran is normal, and hypermode is hard mode.

Ok that's fucking amazing, Retro is full of genius.

Hmm maybe there's more to it than I thought, still, just from the synopsis I read and everything I've heard about I'm not sure if I should even bother with it.

It is but it should have been the last Metroid game anyways.

>maybe this E3

I've been telling me that same thing for years and years in hopes of a new good Metroid.

If you ever wanted to try it out, see if you can play or emulate the Japanese version if you can. The story is bad anime shlock, and the English version is like watching a mediocre English dub. It feels like they're reading the lines in English with a direct translation of the Japanese text which does not flow well in English dialogue at all. The Japanese version has Japanese voices with English text selected by default, and I find it more tolerable.

>a woman who actually has a personality
Samus never had personality

It is to me.

I don't think it'll be a metroid though, it'll be a new IP. Metroid might be dead, and you can thank Sakamoto for that.

In terms of aggregate quality between all of the games on it, MPT might be the greatest compilation disc of all time.

Prime Samus is fucking boring.

Every Samus is boring, the games are good in spite of her and not because of her.

Samus is just the spam in the can. The armor is the true star of the show.

It's a good action-shooter, but it lacks all the traits that to me define a good metroid game.

>can't start a new game on anything harder than veteran
>need to play through the game to get some decent difficulty
>all your scans carry over, ruining half the enjoyment
I love the Trilogy version and bought a wii solely to play it but I really hate some of the decisions they made.

Fuckin Sakamoto. He deserves being shitposted online forever.

I don't think the difficulty was changed at all user, it's just easier with the better aiming controls.

They found the same thing with RE4, so they made the hard difficulty normal and halved ammo pickups to balance it and keep the experience they wanted.

Metroid games post Metroid II were subtle about her personality, which makes it great.

Funny how all the original metroid games (not the prime series) would reward you with pictures akin to striptease for fast runs.

She has a videogame character personality, that's what I referred to. Before everyone wanted to make her "deep" and "emotional" she did whatever was necessary for the game to progress. She didn't need drama shoved in everywhere. Compare that to garbage like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy, where every woman had to cry for at least 10 minutes, every 10 minutes.

This is why the first Prime game is the best.

metroid game
non-beam upgrade

>play prime
>enjoy game
>get near end
>have to find all the hidden artifacts

Stopped playing right there. Ruined the pacing.

>a thumbs up is subtle personality
She has no personality everyone fucking does that just about when they approve of something. She is a blank slate and never the focus of her games. She was always gameplay and no personality which is why her games didn't suck until fusion

Good game over or best game over?

>Samus slumping over after her life support fails and she flatlines

For someone who the backtracking in MP1 was a deal breaker, would 2/3 potentially interest me? Was the backtracking better or worse?

That's a good personality though. I never said it was deep, just that it was good.

if you want your female characters to cry and have emotional episodes every 5 minutes, then titles like Gone Home would be a better "game" for you to enjoy.

Federation Force just came out.

>What happened? Why did Nintendo fuck its own franchise?
They kept trying to focus on the woman inside the suit instead of making a game based on gameplay. Why they didn't build on Fusion personification of Samus is beyond. Fusion was a perfect example of how to give Samus humanity without sacrificing who she is as a character. No asked for "dire situations" (Zero Mission) or "knowing what kind of person she really is" (Other M).

>Ped / Dark suit with all of the upgrades
>Torvus bog
>Prime menu theme
>Super missle

The endgame backtracking issue is there in 2 as well. 3's is..okay. At least getting into the endgame area only really requires a certain amount of keys to get into. You don't even have to find them all. Hell you can even find some of them naturally.

*is beyond me

Remember feeling like this when playing blind. When you've replayed to the point where you know where all of them are it actually feels really well paced to go get them when you're in the area. You should have all of them before you go fight the Omega Pirate.

The backtracking in Prime 2 is arguably worse. And there is the power cell hunt in Prime 3 but that's entirely optional iirc.

I've heard people complain about 2's backtracking but personally I didn't see an issue. Certain areas are locked away until you have the final suit and beam, and its fun to destroy groups of ing with a single shot

Do the Prime games emulate well yet?
I have an i5 6600k and 1060 6GB so I'm kinda hoping it runs well

>In Prime 3 where she becomes a second Dark Samus

Prime 1. Seeing those kind of locations in 3D is great. Immersion out of the whazzoo. Motion controls made it better.
Phase beam. I like the green.
The Varia Suit
Space Pirate Research Lab in Phendrana.
Rogue Security Robot
>Non Beam Upgrade
Grapple Beam

Prime 3 had severe loading issues, the gameplay was shit, the level design was shit.
2 was fucking terrible and just annoying all around.
1 was the best of the lot but still shoddy as fuck.
All of them were awful as fuck in trying to bring Metroid to 3D.

>That first encounter with Ridley in Prime 3
The hypest shit, I loved that.

prime 1 or 2
phazon or light
can't come to a fragment of a decision
tallon overworld 2
thermal visor

you can tell i can't decide on my favorite anything when it comes to metroid


Prime 1
Light Beam
Varia Suit
Chozo Ruins
Meta Ridley / Quadraxis / Rundas
Space Jump Boots

Prime 2
Touch choice, but I'll go with the plasma beam of Prime 1
Light Suit
Sanctuary Fortress
The Metroid series has way too many bosses, those on Super, Fusion and the Prime series? I cannot pick one
Same with the music
The Screw Attack


Except you forget other subtle animations in the Prime games, like after beating Thardus (where a rock hits her on the head and you actually see her look back for a second)
It's clever ways of showing that she's not just this blank slate bounty hunter


>yfw ridley screams

I'd get that, and I don't care about what any of you autistic faggots say either, I'd also get the Other M one, it's a nice figure.

Holy shit Ridley calm down.

Prime 1/2
Plasma beam (all games) / Dark Beam
Phazon / Light Suit
Chapel of the elders, Chozo ruins, Agon wastes , Torvus bog, Sanctuary Fortress.
Meta-Ridley, Quadraxis
>Non beam upgrade
Screw attack (all games)

prime 3
Judicator from prime hunters
the repaired suit from after the atack
elisia because of >music
Quadraxis from MP2
hyper misile