>the lets player who started to stream games together with his asian mail order wife and shes better than him at the games
The lets player who started to stream games together with his asian mail order wife and shes better than him at the...
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Chinese bone structure . jpg
She dyed her hair for him so she's more animu. Its funnny because she talks like an elderly asian lady but uses words like "dope".
looks like a cuck
Chinks are ugly fucks
ayyyy lmao
did you know Asian/White mixes are 34% more likely for mental illness, drug addiction, and identity issues
She discovered makeup recently.
More likely than asians or than whites or than blacks?
so this is the power of WMAF...
Ayy lmao
and now looks like an actual alien
oh, is that all? you had me worried there for a minute but that still puts them well above niggers
>white women salty that azn women are more desirable
>youtube takes a shit while streaming
>Sup Forums must talk about it
Just stop.
also, issues with bone marrow transplants
and more likely for speech impediments
and usually ugly
I'm actually a white guy with yellow fever, but don't act like most Asian women aren't ugly as fuck.
>being so salty over Stacy you need to imagine every criticism of your fetish to be from them
i bet you think all white women fuck black men too
Im a slav who fucked women of all races already and asian women are much more pleasant than white women to be around.
Well if they're asian asian and not raised in california 3rd generation house dragons with all the negative qualities of white women and asian women combined.
But korean and japanese women with proper makeup skills are top tier.
>Literally all white female authors
Top kek.
This is all to do with poor upbringing and American 'culture'.
>J. Richard Udry
>white women
it's the amwf spammer you mong
then where are all the good hapas everywhere else?
>being so jealous of blacks you need to think all threats to your fetish are people jealous of you