>the top highest-rated games for PCs are all multiplats or indies, with no exclusives in sight
>high-budget PC exclusives rarely even get perfect scores
>the top highest-rated games for PCs are all multiplats or indies, with no exclusives in sight
>high-budget PC exclusives rarely even get perfect scores
>She Remembered Caterpillars
Loving Every Laugh
>only games with million dollar marketing can be good
It's sad how console toddlers literally shill for billion companies for free
>have a year when more than one decent game releases
>use this to spam metacritic scores
>last year it was irrelevant since the genres on PC didn't exist on PS4, also Bloodborne
I get it. But we do have 4k BOTW, now.
exclusivity is an anti-consumer practice. pc is for people who want to play games above 30fps, among other things..
the pinnacle of pc gaming....whoa
Sadly, projects with high budgets are almost invariably the only games that have cutting edge graphics worthy of a GPU that costs twice as much as a PS4.
The only graphically intensive games on PC are simulator autism and multiplats. It's absolutely useless to spend thousands on getting a nice rig unless you want to see the grass draw distance and resolution improved
>console niggers still fucking mad that PC outplays them and looks to keep outplaying them throughout 2017
Just fucking get a PC and end that inferiority complex, guys.
>Indies are only good if they're on PC
>they don't count when other consoles get them
o i am laffin
And who says games have to require that much money?
>PC is the best platform to play multiplats on
>B-but... they don't count! BLOODBORNE! ZELDAAAA!
lol kid
Nice strawman dude. Good indie games are good regardless of plaftorm.
>multiplats or indies
So what? If I'm going to play a multiplatform game, I'd rather play it on a PC, for several reasons. Meanwhile, I haven't played Hollow Knight yet, but I've heard only good things about it.
>no exclusives
Yeah except for several entire genres.
>Sadly, projects with high budgets are almost invariably the only games that have cutting edge graphics worthy of a GPU that costs twice as much as a PS4.
Not everyone who plays games on a PC actually buys an expensive GPU, though.
Night in the Woods having the same score as Hollow Knight is really sad.
Everyone knows that you choose your console based on its exclusives
What critically-acclaimed exclusives does PC have?
you're missing out on a lot of games that are exclusively not on pc bro
Currently playing Total War: Warhammer on highest settings, that's pretty fucking beautiful and worth every penny. Sorry that you feel otherwise just to justify your low budget locked down mini-pc.
Also, why not get a PC for the inevitable definitive version of Red Dead Redemption 2?
I don't really support the whole "exclusivity" thing. It's just childish. Also controllers aren't for me, I need more precise and intuitive controls like M+KB.
>What critically-acclaimed exclusives does PC have?
This one :^)
There's really no point in giving you a serious response. If someone names a game, you'll just come up with some reason that it doesn't count.
I'm sure you'll find something that piques your interest.
btw you don't have to hyphenate every time you use an adverb
the only thing pc has are regurgitated strategy games
prove me wrong
>can't even put the review scores next to each game
Typical lazy PC gamers looking at quantity instead of quality
You said it yourself "you choose your console based on its exclusives", a PC isn't a console, it can play much more games, emulate other systems AND be useful in other tasks
If you just want a toy, you buy a console
inb4 "those don't count"
if you're going to put out a lazy and shitty list, i can give you a larger and better list of games that can't be played on pc
you tried though, lad
Nobody wants to look up thousands of review scores, buddy.
Writing a script to automatically pull them from Metacritic might be fun, but I'm not going to do that, because I have enough homework already.
I don't think Aurora 4X even has a metacritic rating mate. PC games are too hardcore for the lowly gamers who rely on metacritic to tell them what their opinion of a game is.
Even if those two documents have 100% overlap, there are 4457 games there. Can you really give us a list of 4458 console exclusives? Go ahead, nobody's stopping you.
>list of games that can't be played on pc
But if you need to combine every other platform to beat PC then I think PC already won :^)
laziness, plain and simple
Can't even vouch for your own platform, gotta make a lazy list of "exclusives" and don't even indicate which ones are worth a damn
It's not even my list, and I don't need to "vouch for my platform" because I'm not a paid shill.
If me enjoying PC games makes you mad, then feel free to cry about it, but I think it's a waste of time so I don't recommend it.
>implying you're intelligent enough to play any PC exclusives. Your tiny brain would be overwhelmed.
>over 4000 pc exclusive games
>only 100 ps4 exclusive games
look at all of those great games. please ignore that fact that they're all expansion packs though haha
On pc, an expansion pack might as well be another game, unlike on consoles where you pay $5 for horse armor.
I don't think I've seen this sentiment carried out unironically in a while, PC superiority was kind of rampant 2 years ago but it has died down alot, there's only a handful of people defending PC and trying to push that argument now a days. It's good people are starting to realize that if your platform's identity is based on having games every other platform has with the silver lining being essentially running console games better than it, it's kind of a shallow platform.
PC gaming is actually good for it's own unique toolsets and exclusives such as emulation and adventure games. You can also manage music and customize your games which you can't do on consoles without going through third party apps or simply not at all.
Consoles compliment PC's well, they both have advantages over each other and needn't be going to war. Just my 2c
If you have a PC you have literally no reason to buy a console. I once believed in some asshole who said the same thing as you, eg that consoles compliment the PC and he was so fucking wrong. I ended up spending 200 bucks on a PS3 controller, basically.
So in the sense that you get an expensive controller for your PC, I guess consoles do compliment it.
>better graphics
>more games
>most exclusives
>can emulate console games
PC gaming is #1.
expansion packs don't exist anymore grandpa. The Witcher 3 was an anomaly.
>If you have a PC you have literally no reason to buy a console.
I disagree with that but it's mainly because personally I play very few third party games. Almost all the games I play on console are exclusives and even though console exclusives third party games may run better on my PC, I'm fine to just play them on console too as my standards for performance are quite lax. For me PC has still been an amazing platform for it's exclusives games and genres, emulation, storage purposes, backwards compatibility, it's assortment of creative and educational applications and programs and the freedom it offers to tailor it's own build price according to my needs.
I personally couldn't live without consoles or PC as for me they can't replace each other and each offer advantages weather it's games, utility, user experience and/or ease of access.
basically this but I mainly play on pc instead of console. I literally only use my console for exclusives and I think those games in general are pretty good. It's usually not about what's 'the best' it's more about what your expectations are and what games you play are.
But there is none. I choose the less powerful option because i do not wish to spend more than £300 per console gen. Aparently this allows me to play games like RE VII. Aparently you can also play this game on your (possibly) high performance PC. Sounds like we are both happy, would you not agree?
The best part about PC gaming is the free part.
I can't believe the asshurt one must feel for paying $20 per indieshit title
It'd drive me mad.
>everyone knows
I bought my PS4 in anticipation of Tekken 7 my man. Being current gen was a bonus.
it's good for the consumers that have the devices with the exclusives
How do you play games with a need of analouge movement on M+KB anyway?
Just admit it PCbros, at this point the PC is basically the Steam console.
By the same logic though, if you already have a PS4, you have very little incentive to build a more powerful PC.
Not really.
Most games don't need it, the only games I can think of that do are some emulated titles like Okami. The shitpost threads about MGSV were hilarious when people would say the game is better played with a controller. Fucking retards.
>bought a PS4 for a PC game
>master race
>pirating in the year 1976
Can't pay 15$ for 30+ hours of content? Are you a poorfag?
>high-budget PC exclusives
Name one.
Actually having games for starters. Sure 2017 has had a few games but in another month you'll be back to playing literally nothing.
>bought a PC for a PS4 game
Im glad you guys are getting your first ever Tekken in 20+ years user, but you can't just buy everything in life. The playerbase will stay where it has grown.
Steams grip on PC gaming has dwindled for the past couple of years.
Star Citizen
Divinity Original Sin 2
Planet Coaster
I had literally 0 games on my PS3 which weren't exclusives. The games weren't the problem, the hardware was. I had to downgrade my gaming experience below the level of the most awful PC ports I know of in order to play them. The noise, the ridiculous load times, bad frame pacing and low frame rate, occasional stutters, no multi-tasking. Even games I though were good brought so little entertainment value because I spent the majority of time being unhappy about looking at load screens or being unable to take a temporary break from the game to browse the Internet - I couldn't do it without using a different device and the switching between them was a pain in the ass.
And having played those exclusives, all of which were received with universal acclaim, they weren't good enough to make those sacrifices for in the end. 1 of them, Valkyria Chronicles ended up coming to PC later on anyway. I replayed it there, it was almost like a completely different game.
Did I ever say that you had any incentive to build a PC? No I didn't. If you needed a powerful PC, you'd already know it. You wouldn't need anonymous on the Internet to convince you that you needed it. Only console ports need a good PC anyway, most of the really good PC exclusives run on toasters.
But i have all the same current games you do? People legit get mad at me for having a PS4 and then immediatly tell me i could be playing the exact same games i al already playing at the same spec as my PS4 if i would only spend just £300 more than i did for my PS4 with a straight face. What for?
No I'm a richfag I just get off on not having to pay for things.
I get the same enjoyment out of it.
Getting Thimbleweed now and just finished Deus Ex MD.
>I had literally 0 games on my PS3 which weren't exclusives.
Oh wow, that's a bare shelf.
The PS4 has one Tekken game and PC can emulate most of them.
Why are you so retarded?
>But i have all the same current games you do?
And I have a fantastic backlog. Your current games don't mean a lot if you actually play a lot of video games.
>Best version of multiplats
>Don't have to pay a third party to use our internet that we already pay for
>Games are cheaper
>Can use MKB for fps and pads for whatever else
>Console exclusives are shit and only get hyped for the sole fact that they're exclusive
>Muh Last of Us brick throwing cliche story book
>muh Horizon Ubishit
>4000 pc exclusives
Most of them aren't exclusive at all.
Even starcraft isn't exclusive
PS3 had shitloads of exclusives near the end of its lifetime. I'm not counting games that are no longer exclusives. I bought PS3 near the end of life but well before the PS3->PC porting spree started.
I had enough games on it that I didn't regret buying it for 200 EUR. Although the controller was the real MVP there, since I still use it to this day.
>Best version of multiplats
Literally nobody actually gives a shit about that, especially with the Western dudebro SJW garbage that is 99% of your multiplats.
I understand that the user experience for last generation consoles is not as good as modern PC's but as I stated before, for me personally my standards for performance are quite lax.
I never once was pulled out of my gaming experience on PS3 due to load times or sutters, I simply didn't notice them. In regards to multi-tasking, that is an attribute that gives PC's an advantage over console but personally, I actually favour the apparently lack-of-alt-tabbing feature as it allows me to concentrate on my games for a long gaming sessions. As for the other issues you encountered, I was usually too busy enjoying playing my games to notice them but I hope they weren't too bad for you and I am sorry to hear that.
>literally nobody actually gives a shit about 90% of games that are released
Ah, I bought one at launch. Huge fucking mistake. Only worse mistake would have been buying a PS4. the game drought there was how many years? Sony legitimately almost murdered my love of gaming.
>the top highest-rated games for PCs
this list should represent that? I mean, it's all 2017 games
Considering that third party multiplatform games don't count, PC has been in an even BIGGER drought haha
You think all of Sup Forums would be happy they don't have to buy consoles during their life time to play most Japanese games.
I got to skip this entire generation thanks to the important games getting released on PC. I also got to avoid bad performance and visuals.
>Why are you so retarded?
In fact i take good care of my PS3 and PS2, my PS2 being my main go to console of choice. Don't even have to emulate, it's fantastic, got every single Tekken bar the handheld ones. Terrific fun m9.
You're the only one.
My PC at the time wasn't modern, and it's not like current gen consoles are any better. The PS4 has the exact same problems. I was at one point thinking of buying the PS4 Pro just because the idea of it appealed to me, but then I heard the noise its fans made and I never thought about it again. At least the overall experience is better on the Pro, though. I'll give you that.
And I know that you wouldn't care about these things I mentioned. Because you have different standards. If you've been a console player your entire life and you're not into building high end PCs, you're used to the level of experience that the consoles give. I've been building custom PCs for decades, so I know exactly what I want and consoles are too cheap to deliver it. That's the same for most PC gamers. And I mean actual PC gamers who do gaming as a hobby not some people who play games for merely entertainment and on the PC because that's all their mum is willing to buy them for school work.
Yea on release the PS3 was rubbish. I'm not silly enough to waste my money on buying a console on release, that's just not smart no matter which console you look at or how strong the launch lineup is. I don't even trust the hardware to be problem free on launch.
S I X ( 6 0 ) T Y
S E C O N D .
You're not sorting right OP
>at the same spec
30fps isn't 120fps you autist.
The only one what user? That still likes his PS2? Tonight was a bit of Tekken 4, street fighter alpha anyhology and then SH3 to finish off because i needed a hard dose of Heather Freakin' Mason.
Oh? And can i make RE VII run at such specs if i say have a budget of £500?
Atleast we have games made by transgender indie devs. Get with the fucking times consolebigots
>Multiplats and 8+ year old games
Mustard race, laddies.
I wish the pc has as many muh cinumatic xpereeeiences as ps4
Or gritty dudebro shooters in the dark and rain with gender fluid protagonists.
One notion I'd like to challenge is that most pc gamers are enthusiasts who play games as a hobby. There was a recent survey which revealed most steam users don't have PC's that are capable of native 1080p resolution. PC's are also rather synonymous with being an overall cheaper platform via game sales and the fact that it's most played games are Mobas and Free To Play/Early Access games that are accessible and appeal to those who have lower end PC's.
>hurr I'm a consolecuck that has to justify my purchase by comparing it to a superior platform, but only analyzing muh exclusives, because those are the only reasons to invest in a console durr.
People who compare consoles to pc should honestly reconsider living. Pc is a niche platform that has several different reasons for investing into. Using "muh exclusives" logic doesn't apply. When will you consolecucks realize this.
>tfw their exclusives aren't even good but they get hyped up as being the best game ever to justify their poor console purchase
Uncharted is da pinackle of thurd purson shootin bcos u can do it on a train and on a plane and in the desurt hidin behind cover like u cant do in ova games. it has prety cutscenes to
>those goal posts
wew lad keep crying