>Wake up
>See this
Wat do?
Wake up
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Great thread.
kill jestah
wonder how the fuck i got in prison
Ask for Magilou.
/uninstal irl.
Does she plan on whining about MUH REVENGE and MUH LAPHI for 12 hours straight? Direct me to Magilou and Rokurou, please. I want to have some FUN.
well worf it mate
well worf it
decide to save the world
Well, the least I can do is teach her how to fucking dress like a sapient being on my way out.
Realize I'm in a JRPG and with some grinding I can go from peasant to God-killer in about 80 hours.
Do it.
Follow along for fun times, then ditch to go hang out with Jude and Milla when they show up.
>Last Berseria thread
>Already archived when i got in
>muh waifus
>muh shallow revenge story
>muh birds fly because they flap their wings hurr
Please dont tell me you fucks are too dumb to know the answer
And no, its not fucking subjective.
do they ever mention who the clothes belonged to previously? that shit was just gathering dust in the chest or what
Is this the tales thread? I just finished berseria, is it worth doing a NG+? Im going to take a break because it stopped being fun but im not against picking it up later.
I think i missed some side quests because some just ended out of no where. Like they opened a chest and say theres bullets that can save dragons and then do nothing with it? Seems like i missed a step somewhere. Also i missed a few extra bosses, only one i fought was phoenix.
Slideshow at the end was nice. Neat seeing what couldve been.
How does this matter
it is quite the peculiar outfit, so who did the guards take that outfit from? especially seeing how there is no one in the prison that seemed to own these clothes. at least i don't remember any prisoners calling her out:' hey what are you doing with my clothes'. probably dead by now ...
Op here, the right answer was "marry berubetto desu"
This man slaps your gf on the ass and then proceeds to ask you why do birds fly.
What do you do?
>le why do birds fly
Fuck you, that's why. How could anyone even take Artorias seriously? Nigga got the mindset of an edgy 14-year old, high on sasuke faggotry.
Also this bitch is so in your face about "muh revenge" to the point of it turning into a shitty joke.
Now that you mention it, that's a very good question.
Youre sent back to before the last fight os you can finish those quests there. There's quite a bit of stuff if you didnt go back to Meirchio to get the medicine quest from Medissa, it wraps up Eizen's and Eleanor's arc and theres the Katz village too.
I like too think that slideshow is a dream that Phi put them in. The intercalating ss incest images between them kind of gave this idea to me.
1) wonder how I am in dungeon
2) ask if want some fuck
This girl in proper clothes is like seeing your fav actress do a nude scene for the first time.
It could have a number of explanations and neither of them would impact the story at all
Thats why it doesnt matters
And what kind of crazy fuck would think that was already a complete outfit instead of something she put together on the spot is beyond me. In fact, it literally says that in the description on the appearance screen.
So how much of this game ended up being censored?
The whole thing. The original version was a /ss/ eroge that escalated into futa-dom but Treehouse ruined it.
>I am a retard whose thick skull was completely incapable of comprehending the message, i also dont know the answer so i will belittle the question!
>Nigga got the mindset of an edgy 14-year old, high on sasuke faggotry.
What the fuck, are you this retarded that you have to bash every element so you dont feel dumb?
Sasuke was literally Velvet, nothing to do with Arthorius.
Birds fly because that's just what they fucking do you autistic sperg. And apparently smalltime huntresses go on blood fueled revenge sprees when they aren't made privy to your plans to sacrifice their brothers.
>/ss/ into futa-dom
>Treehouse removed it and gave us this instead
Holy shit based Treehouse. Saving games that don't even release on your platform from the homosexuality of futa. Truly Nintendo is the best.
i figured all those image were them dreaming.
i didnt know about the kats village, i hate those fucks anyways.
i did the medicine quest and i think i finished all of rokuros quests, i killed the baron and his mom, is there anything else for him after that?
How does eizens arc end? i killed zaveids wife then found a chest saying siegfried has special bullets but there wasnt anymore quest makrers that popped up after that
>Sasuke was literally Velvet
Not quite.
ask for a titjob
>incapable of comprehending the message
>belittle the question!
The question itself is fucking meaningless. It comes from the same bullshit family of "why do people kill" and "what's the point of living".
>"but he tests people that way, user!"
Life isn't a fucking anime, where no one knows how to behave around other people, and everyone talks in cliches.
>i didnt know about the kats village, i hate those fucks anyways.
Its just meta-content i think, theres a skit player and maybe more shit, had to stop playing Berseria for a while before getting there.
Wow you actually know a bit more than me, who's this baron? I noticed some bosses are actually related to Rokurou, although his arc ends at Shigure fight regardless, unless you can save Kurogane by killing more things? Also, im pretty sure the code-red daemons arent all related to his arc.
And im pretty sure Eizen's arc just ends with the Phoenix fight.
How do you even get that Zaveid quest?
Wonder why i wake up in some kind of dungeon.
Damn the Lord of Calamity looks like THAT?
The baron is part of that family that vanished mysteriously, they were called like the blade of the king or some shit, basically they did all the underhand stuff. the rangetsu family is like a vassel to them. Baron became a demon and ate his family, you get a quest to go kill him at the seagate. sorry if thats not very clear, i don't remember everything. afaik you can't save kurogane.
im not sure how it started but theres a family in that cliffside town that knows zaveid, i think it starts with them.
Once i got the star saying final battle i just looked through each map for questmarkers and followed them desu. Im pretty sure i missed out on a lot of content though. tales games usually have more extra bosses.
If i play again im just going to use the wiki to find stuff i missed. Also magilou is the best girl hands down.
that pasta is only for ugly people
velvet is cute CUTE!
I've never played this game and probably never will, but is there a reason this character is so comically designed? Is it tongue in cheek? Is it a joke?
Does anyone know what is up with this Webm? I've seen in in a bunch of tales threads recently
it's a mod AFAIK
It's a mod.
It's just a mod.
>Tales games can now be modded to let you use boss characters on PC
What a time to be alive. Full series re-release on PC when? I want to play as Alexei and the Don.
>Bullshit family
Just stop man
Its clear to me you cant possibly fathom the answer, and its such a simple thing. Youre just hurting yourself at this point.
>"but he tests people that way, user!"
Point to me to where did i said this.
He is not testing anyone. He isnt going to reveal his plans if someone actually knows the answer.
I think i'll do you a favor and just answer it.
Birds fly because its their nature. They did not chose to evolve flight, nature 'chose' it for them.
Do you understand? Birds are forced to fly if they want to survive, obviously they cant see it this way because they operate on instinct.
Its a direct argument against Eizen's entire philosophy of life and Velvet's answer, or rather, by observing logic and reason, its the only answer, how can anyone possibly claim to guide his own destiny when they are essentially controled by things beyond their grasp?
Instinct is ultimately what guides human behaviour, and thats the whole point of malevolence, it symbolizes the apparent darkness or evil inside human beings. Its the driving force behind greed, lust, gluttony and the other 'malevolences' as the game would call them.
But then it starts getting interesting, as we know, theres no such thing as evil and good in nature, instinct simply serves as safeguard, a defense mechanism for things we dont understand, and thus is malevolence merely human nature.
This is what Arthorius, or rather, the exorcists try to fight. Human nature itself, its an enemy infinitely greater than Velvet or any person could ever be.
But no, Berseria is a shallow revenge story and games are for children.
She dresses like a SLUT
It looks like he shares 80% of his moveset with Velvet though, even though he might as well since he teached her everything.
Whack off under the covers while pretending to sleep
Don't talk about velvet like that.
As soon as she stops acting and dressing like a chuuni
Why did she get the daemon arm when she fell in the hole?
Why does the game have art with such shitty shading? (OP pic is fine though)
It's just cheat engine. Honestly i wasn't expecting people to spam my crappy Webm.
Thanks for this great comment, user.
Am i a scrub for only playing as half the characters? I couldnt get eizen, rokuros just a spazz, and castors are boring imo.
Velvet>elanor>mgilou>rokuro>eizen>phi as far as gameplay.
Eizen is literally just Coercion -> Eleventh Hour -> big fuckoff dragon fireballs for a week
>tfw I loved playing as Phi and no one else seems to
Abstract kind of feel imo.
Are you kidding me
Magilou annihilates shit
Rokurou is the only one shafted if hes by himself since he needs to be hit during his first break soul, then do 4 hits WITHOUT GETTING HIT AT ALL, then break soul again into final mystic.
Of course bosses blocking like the fucking moon in an eclipse will fuck up your combos so you cant mystic without status against 1200 or more focus boss.
I think the only way to even achieve anything against bosses is abusing Magi's and Phi's break souls.
>Mfw Eizen has at least 3 gap control artes
>You punch shit and nothing ever hits you
Why would they put a titty monster in the first hour then disappoint me for the rest of the game.
Just mod her in.
hard and above every enemy might as well be a stonewall with blocking. magilou does rape but i just didnt find her as fun as the others.
because titty monsters are for fags
Her tits are unreal.
>Celica goes from her old self to Seres
>somehow this makes Artorius unhappy
Was he gay?
He had to...
>Is Artorius gay.
Is Inomata garbage at coloring?
>Overpower her
>Pound her butthole into bloody mess with my peepee
>Smash her face into a brick
Being #edgy is my fetish
Run around bland environments, collect little orbs and shitty items, get into fights where I mash buttons and watch characters talk at each other. For 80 hours.
Why would you smash her face you violent fuck?
>Overpower her
Assuming you're some kind of god of course.
I agree on the pound her butthole part.
Remind her that her fucking game has too much shitty dialogue even for a tales game.
The first 20 hours were good, but once you return to Titania it turns into Skit after Skit after Skit after Skit without even being able to move 5m. What the fuck were they thinking
They have the same body, ceres has cleavage though
Because it'd feel good to ruin her totally when I'm climaxing
For me she's just some random anime chick, whatever
>"let me tell you why"
>proceeds to prove me right
Insert my peepee in her.
Stupid sexy Phi.
me too, I played 80% of the game as Phi
This is now a Phi thread.
pirated this game to see the hype. Its a fucking boring piece of weeb shit. You guys will do anything as long as it has some waifu bait wont u
JP voices in this game are awful
Way too much screaming
The skits are great. They're part of what makes the characters and the uiverse good imo.
Stop spreading nonsense.
The in universe reason is because she's wearing a combination of salvaged clothes and the clothes she was imprisoned in that were reduced to rags.
When I first started playing I was wondering why no one ever talked about her despite her massive honkers being genuinely distracting every time she was on screen. Then she died like five minutes later.
Nah I love the Tales games, but the skits in Berseria are out of control in the later mid-game. Its like they forgot to actually develop the characters earlier on and then just went full ham. There are several parts in the game where you can not walk 5 meters without being interrupted.
I remember one part where I "played" for 2 hours and maybe had to use the controller for 10 minutes.
I like skits, but getting blasted with them nonstop is just annoying
Why is velvet so perfect?
Just skip them if you can't stand them
Because velvet is love.
I dont want to skip them, they should just be more spaced out
to give you blue balls
Does anyone know why my dualshock controller turns red? I want it to change back and it feels like Velvet is eating my hands.
I dont see why they upset you, I never got annoyed by them at all, it was the opposite.