Why is Type-Moon so retard with it´s franchise?

>Launch Melty Blood without story mode
>Don´t bring Tsukihime nor Fate/Stay night
>Never translated Fate: CCC
>They took out Fate Unlimited from the store

Are they realizing they could be making money with the old titles atleast in Steam? Why are they so closed minded?

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Doesn't Nasu have a big bias against foreigners?

Also, he's making money hand over fist with the whole Fate franchise, even just in Japan. He probably isn't missing the lost sales.

TM hates Gaiins.

Doesn't sony own something and that's why the newer games are all playstation exclusives?

>Doesn't Nasu have a big bias against foreigners?

Well that would explain the retards decisions then

Their biggest loss by far is not releasing an English version of FGO. I know EOPs still play it, but still it's a huge amount of lost revenue.

Fate seems silly in general, from what I've seen. I'd imagine it has an awful fanbase.

Nasu is a massive fucking hack

I had ONE breakout indie success with Tsukihime, used that to coast into FSN, which was another huge success. He then dropped another project he was working on and having had one successful commercial title proceeded to sit on his ass and license it out and never did anything substantial again

It's because even though they can make good games like Melty Blood, 99% of the money comes from waifu fags and casuals, who don't have the attention span to get into a VN or a game with more depth than Grand Order.

I've thought for a long time now that they really must hate money. They could make gangbusters off of more anime seasons because of the merchandising, but are content to drop one sub par game every 3 years.

But Grand Order likely has more text than FSN itself by this point. Babylon's story alone was about as long as Fate.

It wasn't too bad at first, but it got bad quick the more it expanded.

TM's fanbase tends to get more retarded with every new hotness in it though. Now with /Gassy Ordeal being the big game, it's worse than ever.

It can't be that bad.

Unlimited isn't published by TM i believe?

Fresh IP when? I'm sick of Fate/stay

Fate was at its best around the F/SN era where it was still character driven narratives with strong themes and a healthy abundance of lore.

Nowadays it's just power level jerking when it's not servant circle jerking with nothing to tie it all together.

Nasu tried with Mahou Tsukai but its not the blockbuster success that Fate is.

Doesnt Song have a stake in Fate/GO? Why the hell arent they localizing it? It fucking prints money and they have to be looking at shit like Granblue and Fire Emblem Heroes which are also in english

I 100% did not know about this. How is it?

Published by Capcom.

Since Mahoyo didn't perform very well, and Grand Order literally brings in millions of shekels a day, and is also building to things that Nasu's been alluding to since CCC at the very least, possibly pre-FSN Fate, never ever.

It's less hatred and more that he doesn't give a damn. Like at all.

Kinda the same way we in the US don't really give a fuck about starving somalian children outside of a few people who donate some money and go back to their lives and the occasional chucklefuck who goes there to "make a difference" Same deal with Nasu.

At this point its probably too dense?

Not fully translated i believe.
I still haven't played, but its fully linear with some impressive visuals as var as VN goes.

I think that when there's so much material to follow if you want to discuss it, only the most autistic shit-tasted people keep up with it

It's the story of Aoko, Shiki's "Sensei" from Tsukihime.

Not fully translated and a couple of groups have tried and that Beast Lair faggot mcjhon dragging his feet cause he would rather shitpost on their forum rather than work on it.

Well sheeeit


Here you go, a slice of it.

xth for Alter waifus


>Mahou Tsukai

>from Wikipedia
>The gameplay follows a linear plot line which requires no player interaction as the game's duration is spent on observing the images and reading the text that appears on the screen, which represents the story's narrative and dialogue.
Yeah, it not being Fate must be the only reason that people were not interested. That's the only thing that makes sense.


Don't be silly user, Nasutards are used to spending days reading stuff without barely any interaction, and Fate itself let us know since it takes literally days of your life to read it.

My own in-game clock is slightly above 3 days. the one I know whose read it the fastest is someone who has it a 2 days and 14 hours.

If anything related to particular weeb autismos killed Mahoyo it wasn't the lack of interactivity. It was the fact we couldn't bone Sensei.

It´s seems the dude with the success of F:GO just don´t care anymore, he just have to make more Sabers (hell look at the Tsukihime remake, ALL with Saber´s face) and live.

Which I don´t blame him but that doesn´t mean the stupid decision of not outsourcing the old work and make a good fanbase outside of Japan.

Well yes, that system has it faults, but Fate is absolutely a major franchise nowadays.

The fact is Nasu can call any work he can explore any theme and genre he wants(like SciFi) and then call it Fate to get otakubucks just makes things simpler for him.

Nasu is same face retarded now anyway. I hope he just ruins tsukihime so i can be done with it all.

if you want to blame anyone else for Nero's Saberface blame the company's president and artist Takeuchi

Proto Merlin when

Did you not see the character redesigns from a couple years back? They already fucked up Arcueid.

They actually brought that up recently in an interview.
Takeuchi (the artist for tsukihime, FSN, Nasu's buttbuddy, and actual CEO of type-moon) will just come up with a new design for a new Saber rehash and throw his dick around and tell them to make it happen.

After many failures he achieved perfection

You mean Magi Mari.

I admire Takeuchi.
Pander to yourself.


>Pander to yourself.
But that's too much effort to draw your dream girl over and over.

Shit, fuck you for reminding me about all that. Fuck.

Clearly not for the president

To be fair Takeuchi has only been able to draw about 6 different people.
If you back and look at other older works of his you'll see the same Saber-faces, NRVNQSR-faces, Herc-faces etc, everywhere.

>Launch Melty Blood without story mode
It's a fucking doujin game. Pretty sure the game was first sold at small ass booth at a comiket years ago. Hell the current most updated version of the game came from a DVD for Carnival Phantasm. Don't hold it to the same standards as a usual fighter despite it gaining popularity overtime(which it then got a story mode so I don't understand this complaint anyway)

>Don´t bring Tsukihime nor Fate/Stay night
Not sure what this means at all? Didn't bring them to the west? It's a little late for both games as they're extremely old and "free"

>Never translated Fate: CCC
This is entirely on Xseed and what they choose to bring over. Fate/Extra did horribly and iirc released right on the advent of PSP piracy. CCC is also a PSP game and the system isn't being supported anymore. Sucks but what're you going to do it's a business for Xseed and they don't have the resources to do everything.

>They took out Fate Unlimited from the store
FUC was taken off the store because of Capcom losing the licence. They can't sell it anymore and because of the point above why would they renew it for a game that is pretty much gotten completely for free at this point.

tl;dr You're a fucking idiot. If you want to make a complaint then talk about FGO being the biggest mobage to date without any kind of english support. Even Cygames gets their games out in english to an extent. A big issue with it is likely the seiyuu cost would be insane.



got one better for ya.

I suppose.
