Yup. This is it boys. Best game ever

Yup. This is it boys. Best game ever.

That's not Tetris.

No it's not. Cause Tetris is not the best game ever. Bloodborne is.

No it isn't.
Tetris is the best videogame ever. Bloodborne is just a pretty good action game.


its not even the best Soulsborne game

DS2 blows blunderborne out of the fucking water

don't mind me fellas just the objectively best game of all time coming through

I agree. Tetris is an awesome game.

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one. Tetris is the best!

>Walk to A
>Talk to B
>Walk to C
>Talk to D
>Walk to E
>Do errands for F
>Talk to G
>Choose a dialog option
>(If option 1) Talk H
>(If option 2) Do errands for G

I wouldn't call any of the Witcher games a videogame.

Literally name 1 (ONE) RPG that doesn't fit that description.

Well, all of those games actually have you either struggling to clear the dungeons or to arrive safe to your destinations, or actual roleplaying where a bad build will make you fail.

With The Witcher games you aren't really playing a videogame or even roleplaying; you're just watching a Game of Thrones-esque experience.

>difficulty makes games better

I know that ds2 is better than 1 and 3 but bb, are you sure?

It is the best game ever created but only if you play it on ps4pro with boost mode enabled. Withoit it, unplayable

I'm not talking about difficulty.
I'm talking about actual gameplay.
Victory / Defeat conditions
Hostile forces

Everything what makes a videogame an actual videogame.

i just wanted (you)s :(


There's multiple solutions to quests

Not liking how a game does things doesn't mean the game doesnt have those things. The Witcher 3 has all of those things. Objectively speaking.

>I know that ds2 is better than 1

Multiple solutions to quests in the Witcher 3, too.

If I take out all the plot, cutscenes, story and dialog from The Witcher 3, is still fun to play?

sounds better than
>die to X guy until you learn A B C mechanics
>repeat for all bosses

No, not at all. That actually requires mental effort and some hand-to-eye dexterity, compared to just clicking on "next", "back", "repeat", "side with the elves", "side with the king", "Side with the sorcerer", "side with the knights", "side with no one", "hate the king".



Just because you personally don't like the gameplay mechanics, doesn't mean they don't exist.

If you take out the combat from Bloodborne, is it still fun to play?

What a stupid fucking argument to make, jesus christ.

I tried to play the new DS3 DLC then realized I could be playing Bloodborne instead so I stopped.

Just got done putting ~120 hours into it across four playthroughs. I've played every Souls game for well over 300 hours each, except DeS which I only played once. My major criticisms of BB:

>Chalice dungeons are hollow and uninspired; they water down everything that makes the Souls games great (atmosphere, exploration, discovery etc...) into essentially a boss rush. There is too much content locked behind what they had to know was going to be a polarizing feature
>Too few builds. STR, SKL, Quality (which isn't much different), Arcane, and Skill/Tinge. A functional arcane build basically requires you to do chalice dungeons since the gems in the main game are shit, and most of the powerful hunter tools you don't get until very late and aren't useful until you have a shitload of ARC. Tinge meanwhile only has a small handful of viable weapons. Other builds that should have been in the game, like slow/rapid poison, are locked behind chalice dungeon or lategame gems and aren't really viable anyways.
>No variety in sidearms. They all pretty much do the same thing except the cannons and shields. It makes weapons like the reiterspallach and rifle spear less useful than they should be since there's really nothing else to stick on your offhand.
>To many bosses are flailing, screaming monsters
>Damage and healing are both too high. 20 blood vials make it simple to brute force almost every boss as long as you don't get combo'd.
>Very predictable framerate slowdowns during combat, like when a snatcher enrages or when there are too many enemies on screen (lecture hall, central yharnam etc...)
>Level design, while generally amazing, has a few weak links due to their bizarre need to have one lamp per area. Forbidden Woods and Cainhurst in particular suffer from this, with shitty shortcuts and confusing runbacks.

for who ?
what if I told you I dont like fantasy, what is the best game ever then ?

Bloodborne isn't even the best Souls

Content wise it's pretty small compared to the others, the Chalice dungeons are shit so don't bother bringing them up

Euro Truck Simulator

>mfw Sup Forums Bloodborne threads

All the souls games were pretty bad. This coming from a guy who's played action/beat em up games since streets of rage/shinobi

weak ass combat mechanics does not make a game good, it just makes it tedious and unenjoyable

You haven't experienced weak ass combat mechanics.

Anyway I get the sentiment, I didn't even buy Bloodborne day one I was so burned/bored after DaS1 and 2. I think it's a matter of spacing it out, the same game repeated into oblivion (even if the formula is otherwise well received) can get old if you indulge it too fast and too often, too much of a good thing and whatnot.

Still I wouldn't call any of them inherently bad. I'd play either one again before I'd even finish pic related.

Bloodborne has great combat. DaS3 has okay combat. DaS2 and DaS have horrible combat

1 was a half-finished mess you meme-loving fuck

Nice meme
2 was a mess all around, faggot

Dark Souls (subseries) was a mistake, get a room you fags I'll watch

It's all the same shit. Just because they sped it up a little and made heavy builds impossible doesn't magically make it go from horrible to great.

>inb4 10 days fag shows up and a bunch of retard reply

That isn't 6th gen Pro Skater 3

>best PvP in the series
>can't spam roll for half an hour straight
>best weapon/build variety in the series
>some of the best DLC in the series
>powerstancing makes duel-wield builds actually viable
>can't hide from invaders in as a hollow
>dying has actual consequences
>best NG+ in the series
>best covenants in the series

Dark Souls 2 is just generally a better Dark Souls 1

Ds2 had no vision behind it.

this will get slid because sonybros cannot handle seeing their pwrecious fwirst swouls gwame gwetting cwiticised :((

um ... how many awards does it even have? bet its not 800. btfo. this fact triggers the bloodcuck like nothing else.

For normies yeah

Not even close, in fact it's not even the best From game.

You mean it had no memes behind it.

Fo1 and 2
Naruto ultimate ninja shippuden starring ba y boy, narutos baby boy boruto. Anjme babies have powers too anime babies have powers too

>It's the best game ever because it's a decent exclusive title that is one of the very must-have titles on a 3 year old console


not very 'must have' when it only sold 2 million lmao

BotW is.

>800 awards

proof. current sales number from at least Q4 2016. come on. can you even provide a single source?

>muh viability

QoL improvements don't matter when the fundamental combat and levels are dogshit. DS2 will always be shit for fucking up the basics.

>best PvP in the series
Irrelevant, PVP in souls as always been shit, and it introduce the horrible mechanic known as soul memory
>best weapon/build variety in the series
Most copypasted weapons you mean
>can't spam roll for half an hour straight
Neither can you in DaS 1
>some of the best DLC in the series
Artorias of the Abyss shits all over DaS 2 DLCs
>powerstancing makes duel-wield builds actually viable
>can't hide from invaders in as a hollow
See above
>dying has actual consequences
Hardly. They just aped Demon's Souls and called it a day
>best NG+ in the series
>best covenants in the series
See above

thats not witcher 3

Guys, I'm on the verge of buying a PS4 secondhand just to play Bloodborne and Nioh on, are there any other good games on the system that I can't just play on my PC?

DS2 had a huge vision behind it, it was just let down by a rushed development cycle.

I did this i can honestly say it isnt worth it. It's like a more fast paced slightly easier reskinned DS3 and i mean that in the most non-baitiest way possible.

No, it didn't. They just attempted to capture the magic of the first game and they did it poorly. The whole game feels like a fan fiction.

I would hardly call the best part of the series irrelevant, although I agree about SM.

Even removing similar weapons it still has more variety then the other games.

Honestly I was thinking about DaS3 when I mentioned infinite rolling.

The Artorias fight was the only good part of the DLC, and It's trumped by Burnt Ivory King and Sir Alonne.

Aping Demon's Souls is better than having no consequences at all.

I respect your opinions.

No, that was what DS3 was all about. DS2 was more of its own story in that it took place in an entirely different kingdom filled with its own stories, with some connections and paralells to DS1. I wasn't playing DS2 and always thinking "Oh yeah, DS1 was a thing" where I was with 3.

can confirm anyone who disagrees is a shield babby who couldn't beat it without overleveling or doesn't have a PS4.

Fun gayme but
>fuck the forbidden woods
>fuck the brainsuckers
>why dont serrated weapons work on ludwig?
>why can you never dodge the pig charge whens hes literally running straight at you
>grant us eyes graaant ussss eyesssss awooooooooooo

> convinced by Sup Forums that Bloodborne is meant to be both challenging and good

> discover you can run past every enemy without getting touched

> discover dodging apparently makes you entirely invincible

> discover that the game offers you the choice to summon 2x players to just do anything that's remotely challenging

> found a trove of notes and spectres every step of the way that literally tells you and shows you exactly what you need to do and destroys any element of surprise

> Z targeting auto aims at enemy so accuracy isn't of any importance whatsoever

> have up to 24 blood vials throughout the game to give you 12+ extra lives at any point

I know difficulty doesn't make a game, but for a series that's made its name from apparently being challenging, it's actually laughable.

I Platinumed it in 10 days and I've never even played a Souls game before and went in blind.

There is literally nothing about this game that's good. NeoGAF tourists saying it is good doesn't really convince me either.

Bad, repetitive gameplay, no interactivity, no verticality, bad polishing, bad framerate, literally no music, no artistic variety, always dark corridors.

Literally a shitty game.

I don't understand why NeoGAF loves the entire series, though. It's all bad.

Nice pasta

It's my picture and my personal experience.

So its actually you that spergs out anytime bb is mentioned, even at 4 am last nigh? Pretty pathetic life you got there senpai

I wasn't up at 4 am, I'm pretty sure of it.