>implying Sharena is as flat as Lucina
Fire Emblem Heroes
Other urls found in this thread:
If you like this character, you're probably autistic.
stop fucking posting heroes on Sup Forums
go to /vg/ their entire fucking FE general is dedicated to heroes
I finish the 3DS games this month and just want to talk about them but the fucking general is filled with heroes garbage
and now Sup Forums is also filled with it
fuck off, FE threads on Sup Forums are non-heroes only
Great start.
>being this mad
You mean fantastic.
There are non-Heroes threads everyday. There was a 250 or so Fates thread last night. Just make one nigger.
What if I want to talk about both?
Heroes is fucking boring and I hope the voting gauntlet starts soon.
I can't decide if I want to marry Corrin to Hinoka, Rinkah, or Scarlet in Birthright.
Rinkah sucks. Why did you even consider it.
I have a fetish for brown muscle girls.
Why those three?
I do too, but you shouldn't let your dick decide to marry terrible units.
Anyone else considering restarting their account? It sucks when there are literally no orbs left to obtain.
One of the problems in Heroes I see compared to other mobile games is that a lot of the orbs we've gotten are from events and limited giveaways, unlike things like PaD where a majority of the orb-equivalents can be obtained most of the time.
Hinoka because she was the only one in Birthright who stood out to me before playing, plus I enjoy her voice and personality, plus flat. Rinkah because , and Scarlet because she's qt and I enjoyed her support.
I see. I would say pick you like most. But I dunno.
>plus I enjoy her voice
When the fuck is Ike?
Right here bro
I liked her when she was called Otori Miou
Should I fall for the meme and go with Cherche with a SPD or RES bane?
Both have an ATK boon, luckily.
>doesn't like Buttercup
>tfw cherchefags have become the new strawman for camilla haters
I hope I wasn't the only one who married her in Revelations. I know there isn't any special dialogue, but I have a rule that I need to make sure that family members kill each other if possible. I had Jill kill her dad, Say'Ri kill her brother and here I had Kanna kill her zombie mom.
There are zero things wrong with Hinoka's voice. If you're playing the Japanese version that is.
Neutral IVs Nowi or -HP +RES?
Kinda leaning toward neutral since I think the whole IV shit is pretty gay desu
>camilla has (will have) 2 focuses and has an Easter variant
>xander is a part of the story and has an Easter variant as well, will be a Grand Hero Battle soon
>Elise and Leo were featured in the first gauntlet battle
Why have the Hoshido royals been so shafted?
It's so cute, why didn't we get this?
>ere I had Kanna kill her zombie mom.
Wait, Scarlet shows up as an NPC enemy if you marry her?
she's objectively the worst mother in terms of inheritable stats.
>3 fucking summoning sessions not even one green fucking hero
>last one out of desperation nets me Camilla Bunny
She joins you for two chapters before suffering an unavoidable death. But you can still marry her during this time. Then in a future chapter her lifeless corpse shows up as an enemy. There is no special dialog or anything if you marry her because IS is really damn lazy.
This game needs more banners and new characcters. I'm already bored with the new Lucina.
>The most popular character in all of Fire Emblem
>Make his artwork look like complete dogshit
What DID Nintendo mean by this?
Whoever tecchen is really needs to commit suicide , motherfucker made Ike looke like a twink faggot.
Also, how does faces work, apparently, can't even make eyes look okay.
It actually bothers me a lot how Ike's face looks like that of a woman.
We currently get 2 a day from doing nothing, 1 from killing 20 enemies, and a constant stream of challenges that offer them.
I'd say the game is pretty generous for those playing free
a p r i l 1
I know, I spent my last 20 orbs the day the new banner came out even after beating all 9 new stages
And now i already have another 19 orbs just by doing nothing
I'm surprised at how generous this game is when it comes to free orbs
Where is all my cute crossover fanart?
Neutral I guess. But having 3 less HP for 3 more Res isn't that bad either. Probably going full hardcore and running numbers for different scenarios would be ideal if you really want to get down and see if -3 HP is important or negligible. We might see a magic meta soon too. maybe...
It was an April Fools prank by some dumblr
>don't repost
Yeah, the fact she dies in Conquest and Revelations kind of made me want to give her a happy end in at least one route. So that's why I'm really leaning towards her. It's mostly a toss up between Scarlet and Hinoka at this point.
You probably missed the Camilla celebration thread we had yesterday.
Threaten Def or Atk on Hector?
>Vantage 2
I'd say Def. Hector is for killing, not for tanking.
I need 300 SP user, stamina doesn't refill that fast.
I want to fertilize that egg
You ARE voting for mommy in the gauntlet, right, anons?
Enjoy getting slaughtered by lucinas or any decent red
i think this gaunlet is going to be the same as the first one but camilla getting all votes
Enjoy getting slaughtered by nowis or any decent blue
Enjoy getting slaughtered by julias or any decent green
I'm voting for Palla
and then I'll move to Camilla when Palla inevitably loses ;_;
>let Sanaki keep Cymbelline
>one-shots Hector
>gets pooped on by Taco
>give Sanaki a raventome
>poops on Tacomeme
>suddenly can't ORKO Hector anymore
>team has a Hector weakness now
What do lads?
You can only reply to me if you're sticking with you're waifu and not selling out for a pittance of feathers.
So is Bunny Lucina any good?
Don't you mean big sister?
That's my strategy, but I'm going with Minerva. It's not like you lose out on a ton of feathers
Looks like a man
but Camilla is my waifu, she was my only reason to buy fates and start playing heroes
I want to impregnate Minerva.
That's not Hinoka.
Enjoy getting slaughtered by lucina or even chrom/morth
I'm thinking of putting Fort Res on Julia and Renewal and Ardent Sacrifice on Tharja so I can keep Effie above 50%. Think it would be worth?
Sword Breaker says hi
Forgot pic
>Minerva will never wear her Zeon uniform anymore.
Camilla is winning this by landslide
This illiterate slut keeps stealing all my team's SP gains, what do?
You can't impregnate Minerva, she is a Wyvern and for Cherche only!
>Enjoy getting slaughtered by lucina or even chrom/morth
I'm not retarded and want free orbs so yes.
switch her out, stoopid
It was great.
>1000 easy feathers round 1
>1000 easy feathers round 2
>Dump all my flags on round 3 where ranking rewards are significantly higher.
>Get 500 feathers from winning round 3, 3000 feathers from ranking high in army, plus the final 2600-3000 feathers from overall rank
>Easy 8100-8500 feathers
You bet I am
>manga ships Marth and Minerva
Why do the best FE girls always get cucked?
Just got, Eldigan, he worth anything?
>want to support Palla since I like her the most out of all the contenders
>but supporting Camilla will give me more feathers to 5* Palla
It's the worst.
>no good Camilla dojins
why live
No, he is, not worth anything
>not enough translated doujins
Yes, but you'll need to change out some of his skills. Don't waste any SP on Lunge. Plan ahead for what you want to use him for so you don't waste SP on his default skills.
but that's chroms...
Attack or Speed so another unit can safely clean up afterwards, Defense if you're just using him. Personally I don't like Threaten skills though, you're usually better off with meme team buffs, or just buffs in general.