New girlfriend

>New girlfriend
>plays games
>we both have ps3

Looking for couch co op games for the ps3, preferably ones we can do on one tv / one ps3 but open to other multiyplayer or co op games too

>playing games with your girlfriend instead of doing things outside

She's definitely going to leave you.

no games

Dragon's Crown

Wait a minute.

you and gf have a PS3, she wants to play with you with co-op games

but it can't be because PS3 has no games. your GF is cheating on you lad.

Should get a wii u my dude.
Most girls that are into games love basically any nintendo games especially mario kart, splatoon and smash bros.
Switch doesn't have enough games yet but will eventually.

Not true, I play vidya with my trap gf every day

Rayman if you want fun platformer, you could also play Eternal Sonata if you want weeb stuff.

Hard Corps Uprising

Castlevania Harmony of Despair
Castle Crashers

Doesn't count fag, guys like vidya

I read books with my girlfriend.

I don't know what's more likely.

Having a gf, or finding PS3 games

>implying it wasn't her idea and that we don't actually go out

What a stupid dummy

I'm not sure if that was a bad joke or what exactly you meant

Yeah I've been thinking about that since they're so cheap now. She's into Skyrim, Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption, etc. We just got together a few weeks ago

Thanks for the recommendation

Seconding these. Dynasty Warriors and other beat-em-ups also make for good co-op.

2 consoles
0 games

i want her 2 masterbate me



I haven't had a girlfriend who cared for me or my interests in years.

Do you usually talk about and think about your girlfriend when you're not with her? Do you bring her up randomly during conversations as a sort of reference to the conversation at hand with people? Do you see something and immediately think about showing it to her?

>finding PS3 games
Man, they're only 5-20 bucks and still at used game shops and thrift stores. It's amazing.

Thanks for the recommendation

Tokyo Jungle co-op

>2 consoles
>0 games

You stupid dummy, we both have single player games

Keep up hope, you can find one if you put yourself out there

I'm not in school anymore. I'm in the work force and don't meet new people like I used to. How do you even "put yourself out there" in the real world?

Go to parties hosted by your colleagues or your colleagues' friends/family.

How can someone honestly play a last generation console and not feel like a broke ass nigger?

I understand playing old games for nostalgia reasons or whatever but if you're still playing a PS3 or Xbox 360 youre either a broke ass nigger or a fag

t. ps4 nigger

>Want to Recommend Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World
>Remember Ubishit didn't renew license and new players won't experience it until 360 and PS3 emulators are up at acceptable levels of playable on PC hardware.

I'm an engineering student, met her at a friends birthday party

This is a stupid comment for a lot of reasons but...
I am mostly a PC person and had an Xbox 360, I missed out on a lot of the great ps3 games like Red Dead, Last of Us, Batman, etc...

But I am an engineering major, it's stupid to invest so much into a hobby that only takes a little bit of my time every week.


>for nostalgia reasons
Or maybe because video games are objectively getting worse with every new generation.

post pics

I dont know, this year has been good so far and is looking like itll be great


This. My GF hates games (but likes animals). She still begs me to play TJ with her.

Not him, but I was 18 back in 2007, I started coming here when I was 15.
And I still never had a girlfriend.

Maybe it's time to move on

>little big planet
>trine 2
>army of two
>portal 2 (lan mode)
>left for dead 1 & 2 (lan and split screen?)

Not two relationships are the same faggot
Girls like to stay home doing jackshit just as much as we do.

Just don't overdo it and you should be fine

Little Big Planet cuz it's cute and casual for the ladies.

Bigger library of games. The 7th gen consoles have had 10 years to accumulate a large selection of games


I'll rec you some if you can tell me where to find a vidya gf

I once played a videogame with a girl. She sucked.

All you really have to do is go out and put yourself out there

A lot of girls like games, this isn't the first girlfriend I've played games with, just the first girlfriend since I finally got a ps3

Go lift, dress nice, and have something going for yourself, and then mention you game as a hobby. Seriously

My biggest hobbies are video games, comic books, and science fiction, but I'm not socially retarded and I take really good care of myself.

>Girls who play games are everywhere

>resistance trilogy
>cod waw
>resi 5 gold edition, 6, revelations 2
>the lego games (star wars, harry potter, LOTR)
>castle crashes
>ratchet all 4 one
>portal 2
>dead nation
>mgs peace walker (certain missions)
Have fun Sup Forumsro

Hell, even most girls who don't play video games will play video games if it's not an 'every single time we hang out' thing

Ibb & Obb
Little Big Planet

Awesome, thank you

I wish I had a girlfriend

There's also the Little Big Planet games and some of the PS1 and PS2 classics on the PSN store are also co-op.
There's also the Resident Evil Chronicles HD Remasters, but it's suggested you use the Move controller and the gun attachments, which costs too much if it's going to be two people.

TimeSplitters Rewind when it comes out this year.