Now the dust has settled. What is your opinion about Yooka Laylee being removed?
Now the dust has settled. What is your opinion about Yooka Laylee being removed?
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Absolutely disgusting. Censorship is awful. I thought this bullshit would be over but I guess these SJW cucks can't get enough of having their asses beat.
If this game had been made in the East we wouldn't be having this problem.
Is Yooka Laylee officially dead now it's removed from JonTron's voice acting?
Why does Jontron do that finger pose like all those islamic terrorists do?
t. Gary Johnson supporter
Wasn't aware of this game existence until the drama brought it up.
Looks fun so I preordered it.
The "outrage" from the alt reich died within a week.
Was this the worst PR decision of the year so far?
They signed their own death warrant, all they had to do was not pay attention to what was going on.
Please stop misusing this word. You cause it to be meaningless.
>jon fanboys and pol get triggered
no, it's the best shit they ever did
Here's your dopamine release
Or the best one.
But I think they would have done better if they asked JonTron with a multimillion people audience to promote the game.
same but im going to pirate it :^)
No, it was a very good one since keeping in a guy screaming constant racist shit on youtube and twitter would certainly cost them sales. Besides, the people upset about a neo-nazi being removed don't play games anyway.
I just want to know what happened to Jontron. All of his cronies are super liberal, so I'd imagine he burned several bridges with that debate of his.
I didn't even know he was gonna be in the game. I don't know what this fat neckbeard said to piss everyone off, but I know that his "voice," which would've just been him making clucking sounds, detracts nothing from the game. He added nothing to the game, and it lost nothing by him being removed from it.
Not gonna say that it wasn't stupid that they felt the need to take him out over some unrelated shit, but as far as actual gameplay goes, it doesn't matter.
As much as you don't like it, Trump is still in the White House, and that's the end of story.
Considering how the game has been getting nothing but hate so far, I doubt it.
Why do fat autists think that beard looks good? Literally only neckbeard fedora faggots have that beard. You either go full beard or goatie. You can't just get rid of the mustache. Or are their test lvls so low they can't grow a proper mustache?
Too bad your idol lost you fucking loser.
>i'm still salty about "her" losing so i'm going to pretend Playtanic games cutting ties with Jontron and hurting themselves in the process is a victory!
BRA-VO! Best bit of the show so far!
a fucking burger
Usually I dont post in eceleb threads, but THIS.
This weirdo jihadist beard looks especially dumb on white boys.
But he's half Iranian. So he can be half jihadist and half white nationalist.
post porn of the bat please, thanks
My thoughts exactly. The decision to remove him from the game is exactly as stupid as him being in the game in the first place. The game is better off without e-celeb retardation but christ it was idiotic to remove him the way they did.
I think I figured it out. It's a sad attempt to hide their multiple chins.
They should have laughed at the "requests" for him to be removed and just said "obviously individuals viewpoints don't reflect the company's views." Instead they virtue signaled. I took back my $103.
If we still had flags you leafs would be exposed
Real progressive, darling.
>all that extrapolation
Ever wonder why Trump fanboys on this site always assume you are Jewish or payed directly by Hillary Clinton for disagreeing? It's because theyre fully steeped in their ideology. They literally can't envision a world where humans make pragmatic political. choices You're either a cuck killing the white race or /oneofus/ XD
Could care less about Jontron but the game honestly looks pretty bad desu
I guess that's what we get for falling for le kickstarter meme though
>As much as you don't like it, Trump is still in the White House, and that's the end of story.
actually hes golfing again today
still exist
Still mad eh, shillary?
>Actually backing any kikestart
Yeah that or there is a factual paper trail proving paid shills spread viewpoints that some dumb ignorant losers adapt and adamantly defend for free. Shit's mind boggling.
>Trump is still in the White House, and that's the end of story.
Yeah, that's the point. Do you like him because he was supposed to do stuff or do you like him just purely out of hatred for the other group?
Pretty dumb since the extent of voice acting in this game is probably gibberish but when NeoGAF throws a hissy fit, devs are quick to pacify them.
on Joker to TiM, how indoctrinated are you?
I was kinda considering getting it before but now I probably won't. It's not like a big coup or anything but I was only tenuously keen and this small nudge of disdain pushed me back to not caring.
I don't know why people are so mad at people choosing to cancel preorders or whatever. Canning Jontron was a blatantly political thing, same with cancelling.
First and last. I knew i was gambling but i never would have expected to refund it for this. I would have worn my shirt proudly even if they game ended up shit but now that it's political i can't.
Yeah, I can't believe all the people on Sup Forums were dumb enough to fall for the free Trump shilling going on
reminder that most of anti-Sup Forumstards and/or anti-sjws are from canada
Not him but I'm black and I supported Trump.
Doesn't mean that I should take Jontron seriously when he implies that I'm genetically a criminal.
Even him said that he has said bullshit and wasn't very clear about his own points.
>As much as you don't like it, Trump is still in the White House, and that's the end of story.
as much as you don't like it, Trump has kept nearly none of his election promises, and that's the end of story
It's not censorship though. If his character said something and they removed it because of the public, it would.
But that's not what happened.
>supporting SJWs
well that makes you cancer
why are you projecting your retarded pol ideals on me
i don't give a fuck about your hilarry or trump obsession
you are a triggered poltard, accept it mate
>Buying or not buying games based on anything other than the quality of the game and genre tastes
ya'll some sad motherfuckers
He was offered to do a NPC voice 2 months before the kickstarter started. He was probably going to be like a Canary mary type of character.
Nothing major.
Cucks are useful idiots to the sjw's winning
>b-b-but I don't care, I just wanna be cucked and continue getting cucked.
Playtonic did nothing wrong
Oh hunnie-bun I'm so sorry that your Abuela lost, maybe next election season will be better for you :)
I hate Hillary but you have to admit that Trump hasn't done shit since he's in the white house.
I'm not supporting anyone. I'm not buying Yooka-Laylee since I'm not blinded by nostalgia. I liked Banjo-Kazooie, doesn't mean I'm gonna wipe my dick all over something that copies it. I'll wait for a price drop or evidence that it's actually a good game before I throw any money at it.
>allowing video game companies to turn into Bioware 2.0
The entire staff of Team 17 are worms to me.
user, only the sith deal in absolutes
I have no opinion.
I don't know who jon is, I don't really know or care why his voice work was removed, and I didn't even know he was in it to begin with.
I backed the game on Kickstarter, so I will play it when I get int just like I always meant to.
ded geam
Well depend, if the main selling point to a game ,for example, was that Morgan Freeman would narrate everything you do, and at the last minute, he backed off the project, then I could understand not being interested.
But this was a random voice cameo of Jontron doing ECH ECSHH ECH in a Mic for a character.
A poorly made paint image? I'm forced to give (You) a (You) now!
Alive game.
>caring at all
well that makes you an idiot
Thanks for your support toward Trump.
Jontron isn't really racist though, he just fell for some Sup Forumsmeme and interpreted wrongly some studies.
Pick a side, Nancy
>mass effect reference
hey buddy I think you got the wrong site reddit is three blocks down
>only Sup Forumsacks really care that Jon Tron is removed
>everyone else who was going to get this game is still going to get this game
>kek most of of the people bitching will probably still get it
Good luck fighting the good fight against the bioware boogie man senpai
not wanting a racist who un-ironically believes mexicans are trying to secede parts of america, rich blacks commit more crimes because of poor whites because of their genetics, and muslims are all terrorists who hate you for your freedom.
this isn't censorship, you right wing faggots always talk about freedom of the markets and corporations so if a company doesn't want to be associated with a dude like this it makes perfect sense
>god don't you just hate how Sup Forums is in every thread
>Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums they're fucking everywhere ruining everything
That's a false story
you leftist fucking cucks. Yooka Laylee is going to sell like dogshit because of our boycott. Deal with it.
you could just answer the question. Most Sup Forums users played 1-3
le equality meme
>you can only be a member of the alt reich or a social justice warrior
>no middle ground exists
No but it will be impossible to discuss it anymore because the Jontron thing will always get brought up and start arguments
I pick the side of videogames.
It's time to admit that Sup Forums has gotten out of control and the political shit-flinging has gotten so bad they are in the same exact spot where SJWs were 2-3 years ago.
If you make discussion of a game impossible solely because the devs hurt your feefee you need to fuck right off, and it doesn't matter if he taste of the cock you prefer to suck on is Hitler Lemon, Stalin Strawberry or BLACKED Chocolate (Sup Forums's favourite), you are a faggot anyway.
go fuck each other retards
I'll take Stalin strawberry please
really triggered the Sup Forumstards
You're the one salty, not me.
What do you have against them?
They didn't shit on white people or something.
Are the alt-right triggered that easily?
Like how we can't talk about Broken Age because people needed to blame their idiocy on someone else when they played the first half and had shit fits when the second half didn't align perfectly with their dreams and fanfics.
Not posting the better version