So Denuvo won?

>v4 dropped

>CPY dropped off the face of the Earth

>cucks at Crackwatch are going nuts

Time to do the unthinkable bros; get a job

Other urls found in this thread: buy more than non-pirates

He is playing games with drm or anti tamper...

>CPY has dropped off the face of the earth

It's been 6 weeks since their last release

>there are actual marketers shilling DRM on Sup Forums now
What's the matter, is you Anti©®™-Tamper©®™-Tech©®™ not getting enough attention?

My family has to eat too. I get paid in restroom coupons

>Denuvo gives developers and publishers enough confidence to port / develop games for PC
>Eventually the games get cracked

Everyone wins

Why would you get a job when you can pretend to be autistic and spend the rest of your life buying games and consoles with the money of poor wagecucks?

>pretend to be autistic

You are autistic. No sane, normal person would go to such lengths to not work

Why not?
Why would I want to work?
It's a waste of time when I have the option of being paid to do nothing.
And wagecucks better keep paying those taxes, I want a Galaxy S8.

then where the FUCK are my autismbux

>Time to do the unthinkable bros; get a job

I'll just play my backlog of pirated games.

>Why would I want to work?
Because struggles, having your mind occupied and having a purpose is what makes life, life.

That's why so many of you suffer from unhappiness, depression and suicidal thoughts. That's why you can't enjoy games anymore. They became means instead of an end.

>being a fucking DRM shill

Actual autists are too autistic for autism-bucks

Kind of funny how nobody brags about all the increased sales denuvo has caused.

I'm going to talk to management, I was supposed to be posting and I'm also out of hot pockets. Fuck you asshole

>Because struggles, having your mind occupied and having a purpose is what makes life, life.
No, it doesn't.
Life is a brief period to have fun, last thing I want is to spend it doing shit I don't want to.

>That's why you can't enjoy games anymore.
But I can, Nier Automata was awesome, and I'm right now playing ME:A, which is not nearly as bad as everyone was saying.

>wagecuck trying to rationalize the fact that he's going to waste 60% of his life working

I have a family to feed Jamal. My loo is poo cloggee. I am paid in bathroom tokens now. I am allowed 1 poo in a loo a day. So fuck you

Well, if you don't work you can't eat.
Not everyone is mentally ill enough to con the government.

>Not everyone is mentally ill enough to con the government.
Casuals, you mean.

you dont need mental disability to get free government money
and trying to rationalize sitting there giving away the best years of your life for money is just retarded. just be more frugal

Give me 3 (three) good reasons that justify Denuvo without mentioning "muh poorfags"

>if you were a developer you wouldn't want people playing your work for free
>it has no effect on performance
>most titles with denuvo consistently sell well

Thank you denuvo v4.

>they pay 100k a week for their portection on top of that 30% cut for the fat bastard
>devs got more angry at PCbros because in no less than 2 weeks the game gets cracked
never change pc friends

They have no ability to measure this.

getting a job because you can't play some games? pfft

People have no idea how time consuming it is to hack these new Duenvo versions.

>>it has no effect on performance

This shit is disputable and should be checked in Doom after devs dropped denuvo from their game, otherwise you got no other comparable sources. But other than that

>>most titles with denuvo consistently sell well

Shit titles sell well with or without denuvo, E3 hype bullshots,tons of marketing and not so many titles coming out in comparison to the other gens being the case. So this argument is straight up retarded and goes beyond retardation when you take numbers and facts into account like

Any kind of DRM (which denuvo is not...) is just so people can't play games before devs get mayor sales from hype so around 2-3 months and are forced to read rigged reviews, paid shills or watch bullshit youtube gameplays by also paid ecelebs since companies won't make demos anymore so people would easily spot shit games from a mile away.

>which denuvo is not
It requires online activation. It is DRM.

Checking CrackWatch/csrinru, Denuvo was (accidentally?) removed from TitanFall 2 during the free weekend, yet there's still been no crack.

The ONLY DRM left is Origin-- is CPY seriously the only scene group that can crack Origin, not even Denuvo?

I'm expected a release of TF2 from them soon, with a hint to their next 'actual' crack.

Well by the definition it is not. As I understood one of the devs it's an anti-temper software which blocks tempering with the files inside the game which itself is not a DRM but I see what you are getting at. For me it's just a semantic at this point so I guess you are right since you still need to activate it online and keep activating after some periods of time which is a DRM.

I mean the only game anyones waiting on is Nier right. Is there something else?

>Have games with Denuvo like TPP, Mad Max, and HITMAN™
>Never once had a problem

Does Denuvo actually negatively affect game performance or am I being meme'd?
>inb4 (((shill)))

Denuvo is just a safty blanket. It doesn't actually do anything other than make publishers feel better. I'm sure in a few years when they still see no noticeable increase in sales they'll stop paying for it.

Denuvo could cause TPP to crash at launch when it first came out because it required a cpu that supported SSE4.1.

The initial claims were about excessive read / writes on the HDD (only really bad if your game executable is on an SSD) and a small CPU overhead.
Unless you have an old CPU neither would make a noticeable difference while playing.

Or just buy the PS4 ver

Friendly reminder

I've bought TPP, DOOM and Lords of the Fallen.
I don't think Denuvo impacts performance significantly given how the games run acceptably on my toaster (FX6300+GTX660ti).

they cracked inquisition, battlefield 1, mirrors edge
all with origin+denuvo

Dishonored 2 FUCKING WHEN
I'm not going to buy a game that potientially runs like shit.

>pirates actually buy more than non-pirates
>anti-piracy measures don't lead to more sales, they just lead to less interest in a game

as far as scams go, denuvo is one of the best ones i've ever seen. they'll just keep taking money from dumbfuck gullible publishers that have spent over a decade scapegoating "piracy" for the reason why their lazy ports of garbage CoD clone hallway simulators have sold poor. meanwhile, they'll see no actual increase in sales, and can no longer blame "piracy" for poor sales. it's amazing.

i give this scam another 5 years at most before they wise up and realize denuvo is a gigantic waste of money.

>pirates actually buy more than non-pirates
... Are you for real?

it's been pretty well documented buy more than non-pirates

>Buy a game with Denuvo
>Install it
>Play and beat the game

Wow, can someone get rid of this intrusive DRM? Time to boycott.

Is it really a scam to sell dumbasses exactly what they want?
Debuvo works in that it slows piracy.
Nobody told publishers it'd increase their sales.

even if I won the lottery and had more money than I could possibly spend I wouldn't pay a cent for a game with denuvo. fuck off shill.

>All the research results talk about music, not games
>The majority of them are blogs

Wow. You sure convinced me.

publishers blame low sales on piracy all the time. an increase in sales is exactly what they want to see.

>i-if i don't do any research i can't be proven wrong!
enjoy living in your bubble i guess.

I never even noticed Denuvo in any games I've played with it.

Beats the hell out of the draconian DRM we used to have like GFWL and Securom.

You don't need to do any research because it's pretty obvious:

>"Why would I pay for a product when I can get it for free?"

>the number of good games received with Denuvo are literally countable on your hands
Mad Max

>Mad Max
It was shit.
The idea to include Chum as a permanent companion was the only good thing about the game.


Literally who?


They just had a release last month.

It's not enough. I need at least 3-4k monthly so I can indulge myself. I don't know how you autists manage to be okay with getting 200 a month.

How many times are going to make this thread?

You forgot Mass Effect Andramada

No, I'm not saying it's good, but you included Mad Max, and it has worse reception.

Denuvo fascinates me. Some games that use it are cracked in a few days while some games have been out for six months and still aren't cracked.

I remember reading these threads when denuvo V3 came out

Lump sum model:
AAA title (bigger 500k units on PC): 100.000 EUR
AA title (smaller 500k units on PC): 50.000 EUR
Indie title (less than 100k units on PC): 10.000 EUR
Per unit pricing:
2.500 EUR setup fee.
0,15 EUR per unit reported monthly based on Steam,… owners.

nice 100k a week :)

also 0.15 euro per copies sold on steam sounds pretty cheap if u ask me
