What microsoft needs to be good again?
What microsoft needs to be good again?
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Stop with the W10 exclusives bullshit and discontinue the Xbone.
Games would be a good start
This. They can't make games.
Leave the console market and focus on making PC exclusive games.
Shut the fuck up, nobody fucking plays Windows 10 games you stupid fucking leaves, aussies, brs. Stop with this bullshit meme of Windows 10 gaming being popular because it's not.
good price
good exclusives
new ips
returning old ips
market the fuck out of it
That's it
microsoft was never good, they got lucky because halo was great and created an install base for them. Halo is no longer great, nobody cares about xbox now
Microsofts legacy to the game industry would be paving the way for companies to cheat their customers with paid online subscriptions
>stop trying to pull the gfwl 2.0 meme with W10
>start labeling Scorpio as next gen console
>make it optional for developers to make Xbone version of their games instead of forcing mandatory Xbone compatibility
>fund good exclusives
>avoid another RRoD
It's easy
They need to include a dick sucking game complete with realistic mouth peripheral. Only then will people buy it in any quantity.
Having good exclusives would be a start. XBone has less good exclusives than the PS4; it's like they're trying to be terrible.
A game that isn't Halo or Gears. They have worse 3rd party support than Nintendo at this point.
>stop trying to pull the gfwl 2.0 meme with W10
Windows 10 gaming is not popular you pessimistic cunt.
>make it optional for developers to make Xbone version of their games instead of forcing mandatory Xbone compatibility
All games are made in UWP so it's just scaling like a PC when it comes to Scorpio and Xbone.
>They have worse 3rd party support than Nintendo at this point
No they don't
Get an exclusive company and IPs like how Sony has Naughty Dog
I guess they were trying to do this with Rare but they ended up just wasting them on Kinect games
>Windows 10 gaming is not popular
Neither was Vista. What's the problem?
>it's just scaling
There's more to games than graphics and resolution.
Sega games.
>Stop with this bullshit meme of Windows 10 gaming being popular because it's not.
Or we can just wait for MS to admit failure and release them on Steam, like they did Quantum Break. No sense letting a high-budget game linger with a few thousand sales on the Xbone and Windows 10 store.
You guys keep bringing it up, if it haven't hurt the Xbone sells all this time what the fuck makes you think it ever will. You guys are never right so you can stop circle jerking that a piece of shit like Windows 10 gaming will ever have an effect on Xbox One Scorpio. No one literally gives a fuck about Windows 10 gaming. Halo Wars 2 bombed because it was on Windows 10.
>There's more to games than graphics and resolution.
Yes there is but Microsoft had already stated that all Xbone development now happens in UWP like Windows 10 games which means one games gets made on UWP and it works on all devices, Xbone, Scorpio, and Windows 10 PC.
Japanese support, but MS will never get it again.
God, if they use another of those shitty AMD CPUs the Xbox division deserves to fucking be closed down.
How hard it's to get an Intel Skylake like the G4560 and a fucking RX470 in there, that shit would destroy 1080p60 no problems.
It's not like they don't have the money to buy a 3 core 6 threads SOC from Intel, I bet Intel would be happy to make one for them since they already have experience with low power usage chipsets and they own their own damn fabs to boot.
They won't since those games sell big on Xbox, so don't ever expect to see them on Steam. Quantum Break was some failure story based game that belong on a PS4 so who gives a fuck, that game came from Don Mattrick's shitty era anyway.
They may, Phil did go to Japan and some Japanese games like Valkyria Revolution is coming to the Xbox. SO there may be a possibility of more to come.
In order for the Xbox brand to be success again would require MS to make Windows 10 far more open and accessible to 3rd party companies. MS keeps trying to make the Windows store some exclusive market similar to Apple or Google.
MS is realizing now that they're place in the market is tailored almost exclusively towards business enterprise and not mass consumer market. Microsoft's new partnership deal with Samsung's Galaxy S8 is a clear sign of where they're heading. They now have a Windows branded miniature ecosystem on select S8 phones to appease towards the Office apps.
So how does this Scorpio stack up to the 1060-1080?
But that's the thing, these games are Microsoft's exclusives so unless they are lesser known franchises that may not sell at all. They won't get released outside Windows Store.
I actually think MS can buy out Valve at this point in time. It depends on how much equity Gabe has but I think it might be worth whatever princely sum that requires it.
It seems like Microsoft is in a constant losing battle.
They failed at mobile phones, and now they're failing their home turf of PCs. Google is rapidly pushing out the Windows computer market with Chromebooks which are cheaper and appease to the average person. Their strategy on gaming is also flawed because they're not teaming up with Steam as part of the Windows ecosystem. MS doesn't even have a home AI assistant such as Amazon's Alexa or Google's Google. They have Cortana and she only exists on computers... that's it.
The only way Microsoft can survive is through apps on their rival's operating systems.
If MS & Valve were smart they would partner up to be fully integrated into Windows 10 but without MS's control over Steam.
Sure they could buy out Valve, just as Google, Apple, and basically any large tech company could. The question is whether the acquisition would be worth it. PC gamers are pretty damn fickle, and if you told all the steam users that their platform was being acquired by Microsoft and merged into Xbox, I'm pretty confident a substantial portion of them would jump ship.
>Continue Forza
>Gears can continue if it adds more horror elements
>Do everything possible to keep legends in FIFA exclusive. (probably the biggest one)
>Find way to make NCAA football and bball games, and then make them exclusives/w10.
>Ryse 2 as a souls/blood borne "competitor" but with Ryse or better graphics, score, and voice acting.
>Get the jap that made/wrote blue dragon and lost oddysey to work on sequel to one or both of those and a new IP further down the line
>New IP that's open world (genre of this gen for better or worse)
>if it haven't hurt the Xbone sells
It has. Indirectly. It hurts Microsoft's image having a lot of shitposters emphasizing the fact that it doesn't have exclusives compared to PS4. Regardless of how childish and nonsensical the console war is, it does affect Xbox; it's like marketing, but they do it for free. With people simply saying "PS4 has more exclusives than Xbone" it's enough to push people away from the Xbox. Although people don't play on W10 much, it undoubtedly lowers the Xbone's value.
And don't get me wrong, I love my xbone because I don't like playing games on PC. But having all first party games on W10 doesn't help the Xbox brand.
That's great, it helps with development. But games that would require the additional processing power that xbone can't handle for physics or whatever else isn't resolution won't be able to launch their games exclusively on Scorpio because xbone parity is forced.
With enough money, anything is possible. Unlikely they'll ever push as hard as they did with the 360 though. All those exclusive shmups and jrpgs were great, quality over quantity.
Valve is a private company, they can only be bought if Gabe wills it and it's not like he needs the money,
Make the new windows better for gaming.
When ps5 comes out and is only as strong as the Scorpio but can't play any PS4 games unless you pay for psNow. Meanwhile the scorpio and next system from microshit will be able to play all Xbone games and all the 360 back compat games. People will jump console the same way they did with this current gen.
>Continue Forza
They will.
>Gears can continue if it adds more horror elements
Unknown, but the second game in this new trilogy will probably be darker. Single-player for the game isn't a system-seller, the multiplayer is, so horror isn't a big deal.
>Do everything possible to keep legends in FIFA exclusive.
Don't know what this means but I'm sure it attracts normies.
>Find way to make NCAA football and bball games, and then make them exclusives/w10.
0% chance
>Ryse 2 as a souls/blood borne "competitor" but with Ryse or better graphics, score, and voice acting.
They don't even own the IP, Crytek does, and Crytek doesn't make games anymore.
>Get the jap that made/wrote blue dragon and lost oddysey to work on sequel to one or both of those and a new IP further down the line
Strictly a mobile game developer for years now
>New IP that's open world (genre of this gen for better or worse)
Would be nice, but unless they've been working on it for years in secret, it's going to take 3-4 years for a game like that to get made and come out.
People buy games for third party games, not exclusives and with Scorpio having the graphic and resolution advantage it already puts the Scorpio ahead of the PS4 so speaking.
>Strictly a mobile game developer for years now
I know. I was thinking that Microsoft can buy him out and make him their Kojima. Free reign with lots of money.
>With people simply saying "PS4 has more exclusives than Xbone" it's enough to push people away from the Xbox.
It definitely does, I know I've recommended the PS4 to people over the Xbox One because of it. It's not like I hate the Xbox One, I own one and think it's actually a decent machine, but I have a gaming PC as well so it's pretty difficult to say with a straight face that Xbox is the best place to play.
I wish MS would drop play anywhere because as it stands, all it does is make me less likely to buy a game for Xbox One.
>Mistwalker is a mobile game developer now
What an absolute shame
There's a law that prevents foreign companies buying out japanese ones if I'm not mistaken.
Impressions from Sea of Thieves alpha players are saying it's a solid 8/10 at the moment with potential to be a 9/10 or 10/10
With destiny 2 having year-long exclusive content, SoT might be more popular on xbone and maybe even PC
jump ship and go where?
it's not like neckbeards will stop playing csgo/dota and give up their 1000+ game library that they never play
>be good again
What do you mean by that?
I think Microsoft is doing well, sure, a few bad mistakes here and there, like the cancellation of Scalebound and Fable Legends.
For Microsoft be even better, they have to give more focus to games. For an example, developers wants to make Fable IV and Sunset Overdrive 2. I sincerely don't understand why Microsoft apparently have no interest in both ideas.
>Sure they could buy out Valve
Unless Gaben himself gives up his shares in the company then no, they couldn't buy it out.
fatman cant live forever
And what if those people don't like Sony's exclusives because if someone told me what you tell people I would tell you to fuck off since I only like the exclusives that come from Microsoft and Nintendo and hate the living shit out of Sony's exclusives?
>what if those people don't like Sony's exclusives
Then they probably wouldn't have asked in the first place
>cry to jap devs to get a version of their games in your console
>rare developing a new viva pinata or new ip
>revive fable
They need actual games instead of tired dead franchises like Halo and Gears of War.
Forza is their only long running franchise thats still worth a damn, Forza Horizon 3 was good enough that I dual booted windows 10 for it but even thats still just a racing game.
>They have worse 3rd party support than Nintendo at this point.
Definitely not, they still get all the big AAA 3rd party franchises that are popular with the mainstream from Ubisoft, EA, Activision etc. Nintendo is getting none of that.
Valve is not publicly traded and they make way too much money as it is to be tempted by a buyout.
>Revive fable
Fable was never good, the first game was decent but it was always a mediocre franchise.
Halo looks like it may be getting better with the story going back to being Master Chief focused, having a simple story, bringing back split screen, in talks of bringing back black undersuits, and a return to a more classic art style seen in Halo 2 Anniversary and Halo Wars 2.
Forgot to mention that I agree with you on Gears of War, I feel that the Gears franchise ran its course with Gears 3 and I'm still mad at Microsoft for cancelling The Coalition's (known as Black Tusk Studio at the time) new ip just to bring Gears back. I didn't care if Microsoft lost that series as an exclusive. Wish I said that here .
>I feel that the Gears franchise ran its course with Gears 3
Pretty much I like the first 3 games but it just felt tired like the game was only there to continue a franchise that should have ended. Only reason I had even played it because my video card came with it.
I will at least give Halo credit for changing the gameplay up sometimes even though at times they would go overboard (Halo Reach and 4). I also liked the fact that Halo 3 didn't end will all the bad guys dead leaving the series future opened. Gears literally ended with Gears 3, there was no reason to continue it. Gears 4 had to bring the Locust back under a new name "The Swarm". "Locust Swarm" they're not even trying to be original.
He can disband the company if he's about to die.
Oh yeah, what great Xbox exclusives do you like this gen? Dead Rising? Halo 5? Seriously, I own them all and not one of them aside from maybe Sunset Overdrive was unique.
Sunset Overdrive
Halo 5 (multiplayer)
State of Decay
Killer Instinct
Forza games
Rare Replay
Gears 4 (for what it is I guess)
MS could have an amazing 1st party line up if they revived some of their forgotten IPs like Rise of Nations or NNN
Good exclusive games. And lots of them. There are still games Microsoft showed off at the E3 before the Xbone was released, that still haven't been released.
Every single game Microsoft have been involved in this generation has turned out shit or was just straight up cancelled. It's like someone at Microsoft is sabotaging any first party or exclusive games Microsoft has. They have to be doing it on purpose, otherwise Microsoft is literally so delusional and so detached from what people want that they will never recover.
Sunset Overdrive, Recore and Killer Instinct are shit.
The rest were mediocre at best and I honestly haven't heard any of them receive the same kind of praise something like the newest Zelda game or that Horizon game did. They were all forgotten about a week after release.
>Sunset Overdrive, Recore and Killer Instinct are shit.
You're shit and you should go back to your movies and weebshit. I bet you're a leaf.
Fully merge xbox live into windows 10. Copy sony's upscaled "4k" gaming, but undercut them by 50 bucks and do promotional partnerships for more entry level 4k tv bundles. And it needs 2 or 3 big scorpio launch exclusives.
Its not even close to being 4K capable, I just hope it has a Ryzen CPU
>I just hope it has a Ryzen CPU
Me too
>good again
Implies they were once good, which is incorrect, so the question is fundamentally flawed.
Microsoft needs to die, for the sake of humanity.
Games other than gaylo and gays if war
>Sony needs to die, for the sake of humanity.
>Rare Replay
I would give my left nut for them to release it on PC is the framerate improved on the N64 games particularly Jet Force Gemini. I know PD is the remaster, I own carts for all the N64 games but would love to replay some of them with better performance.
Recore has potential to become a larger franchise and a decent sci-fi IP if more resources are put behind it, its just a shame the first game was lackluster.
You need to die fuckhead
Sony isn't spying on me and sending all my personal data to the NSA.
Sony isn't backdooring my operating system.
FUCKING CONSOLES HAVE COMPLETELY WRECKING THE GAMING INDUSTRY. Completely. Those if us who actually spent the shekels on a good system have seen games fucking watered down to apply to the lowest common denominator, and this is more of the the same pattern. Ex: this was the system it took me 2+ yrs to save up muh shekels for:
-Intel Core i7 6850K 3.6GHz Six Core 15MB 140W Overclocked
-4x Crucial DDR4-2133 8GB
Video Card
NVIDIA Titan X 12GB, etc...
You'd bust your ass for the entire summer , and by the end of it have ~$2.5k and then, piece-by-piece, get the parts you wanted and then put them together until what you wanted. This is going to ruin all that, and send us back into the the same of fucking sega and genesis. Big companies aren't going to work hard to produce great games because these AMD processors can'r handle them, so no one os going to want them. This is awful for the video game industry. Everything is going to revert to the mean, to the common denominator, which is fucking shit.
And what's is Sony's answer to this pleb of shit going to be? Something very similar, rest assured.
The Xbone S already does 4k upscaling but it does not use any sort of checkerboard rendering as far as I know nothing renders natively above 1080p like some Pro games do.
If they are willing to sell the scorpio for $500-600 I could see native 4K happening but obviously it would be 30FPS, 60FPS 4K is just way too far out of reach for consoles right now.
As I mentioned in my post you have to remember "4K capable" would mean for console 4K/30FPS where as obviously most PC gamers idea of 4K capable is 4K/60FPS.
But they're stealing your credit card information.
>Intel Core i7 6850K 3.6GHz Six Core 15MB 140W Overclocked
Why would you ever buy this over a 6700k for gaming? There's next to no games that take enough advantage of multithreading for 6 cores and the 6700k has better performance per core at about half the price.
I hope the Definitive Edition helps it, I want a sequel.
No different than Microsoft in that regard, except that Sony doesn't also steal my SSN.
>except that Sony doesn't also steal my SSN.
Yeah they get stolen by chinese and russian hackers because PSN is shit.
When do you ever put your SSN in your console?
>Sunset Overdrive
One of the few unique games on Xbone and it was way too light on content
Please tell me you're joking
>Halo 5
Worst Halo game yet
>State of Decay
Truly a horrible game, I could not believe people like this game. Basically single player Infestation: Survivor Stories / The War Z
>Killer Instinct
Don't care about fighting games
Good series, Horizon 3 was a lot of fun
overrated 2D garbage, I never finished it because outside of the okay art, there was nothing about it that was interesting
>emulator collection
No thanks
>Gears 4
I liked it, but I still wouldn't trade it for something like Bloodborne.
4k 30fps is relatively easy with a 480 yes, they might just do a crossfire add-on for 4k 60fps gameplay, but at the very least plebs finally have a 1080p 60fps capable console if it has ryzen
Microsoft is literally the richest company in gaming and they couldn't spring for:
>Fromsoft exclusive
>Persona V multiplatform
>Final Fantasy Remasters
>Can't even get a streetfighter
Literal joke of a company
>Microsoft is literally the richest company in gaming and they couldn't spring for:
Microsoft shareholders are tired of MS spending money on games when the Xbox brand has never really made any money.
This, Xbox had its time in the sun. But it's pretty plain to see that management has no idea what they are doing.
It's game over, they need to focus on things they are good at and it sure as hell isn't consoles.
>Halo 5
>Worst Halo game yet
Gonna stop reading right there. Halo 5 multiplayer and forge is the best in the franchise
microsoft doesnt fucking care. this is fucking MICROSOFT we are talking about here they have billions and billions of dollars and yet they have never made a single profit on any of their consoles. they just dont give a rats ass about their gaming divison
>Good exclusive games. And lots of them
This. This is my fear, and this is what's going to kill good, regular gaming until it unravels unto one names, shapeless, AMD blob. The upcoming generation will no longer build their own machines and know what it means to wait for a part to get just the right part they wanted....everyone will just own the same blob, AMD chip with sub-par performance, games wiki everyone will settle for shit...
you mean the feature that wasn't done at release?
and yeah, I would say Halo 5 is the worst Halo game. I replayed Halo 1-4 and ODST before starting 5 due to the MCC and 5 was the least fun.
>Please tell me you're joking
Unique game hurt by time, hopefully Definitive Edition fixes that.
>Worst Halo game yet
MP is good
>Truly a horrible game, I could not believe people like this game. Basically single player Infestation: Survivor Stories / The War Z
I like Days Gone the post
>Don't care about fighting games
Then don't post about it, this what I like faggot.
>overrated 2D garbage, I never finished it because outside of the okay art, there was nothing about it that was interesting
Like Sony's exclusives
>emulator collection
>No thanks
I know it sucks not having good games
>I liked it, but I still wouldn't trade it for something like Bloodborne.
I really don't care for it , I wanted the new ip Shangheist, not the game that ruined the third person shooter genre. Gears 1-3 was enough.
>Halo 5 multiplayer and forge is the best in the franchise
The Forge is easily the best in the franchise, the multiplayer however is garbage.
The Multiplayer is underdeveloped shit which only appeals to a minority crowd, MLG pandering bullshit developed for and by a team of MLG players. Its impossible to play and enjoy the game any other way because of how it was designed.
BTB, one of the staples of the franchise, was an afterthought and was tacked on post launch so they could push REQzone and microtransactions. Social content was also non existent and an afterthought as one of the multiplayer directors stated on twitter "ranked is how halo is meant to be played, social stuff might come later in a "funsies" playlist". The ranking system was garbage and consistently places you in uneven teams.
343 are one of the most ignorant and disrespectful developers I've ever come across. They have consistently tried to push their own vision with fans screaming and shouting all along the way and 5 years later they've realised their shit isn't going to fly (Halo 5 bombed hard).
Perhaps now they will actually give us a Halo game. Bring back the classic art style, bring back iconic sound effects and make sure you provide content across the board next time. Even with their bullshit claims I have little hope, especially where the microtransactions are concerned
>good again
>implying they ever were good
>The Multiplayer is underdeveloped shit which only appeals to a minority crowd, MLG pandering bullshit developed for and by a team of MLG players. Its impossible to play and enjoy the game any other way because of how it was designed.
>BTB, one of the staples of the franchise, was an afterthought and was tacked on post launch so they could push REQzone and microtransactions. Social content was also non existent and an afterthought as one of the multiplayer directors stated on twitter "ranked is how halo is meant to be played, social stuff might come later in a "funsies" playlist". The ranking system was garbage and consistently places you in uneven teams.
True, they better fucking fix this in Halo 6, thanks for making me remember.
>being this casual and thinking your opinion matters
Lol, I bet you think Reach is good too.
4v4 arena goodness has always been the best part of Halo.
>I like Days Gone the post
It's not even a game, I don't have an opinion of it although I am not expecting a god game
>Like Sony's exclusives
How many of Sony's exclusives are 2D indie shit? Seriously, a game that launched at $15 is not a system seller.
>I know it sucks not having good games
All of the games that are good in the Rare collection were from the N64. It's one of the only "Xbox One Exclusives" I don't own because I don't give a fuck to replay a bunch of games from my childhood.
>Gears 1-3 was enough.
I agree with this, but at least the Gears 4 campaign didn't bastardize what the previous games did like Halo 5. (Halo 4 was pretty shit as well though on this front)
I really do want the Xbox One to do well but I'd rather MS stop focusing on stupid shit like controller updates and Play Anywhere. Those things don't do me any good as an Xbox One owner.
>Gears 4 campaign didn't bastardize what the previous games
It did, why the fuck am I fighting Locust again, oh wait The Swarm. :/
Oh come on, the Swarm was not nearly as bad as the fucking promethians and their garbage weapon. Don't even get me started on the fact that you're forced to fight the same fucking boss like 5 times.