Why do people like Leo, again?
Why do people like Leo, again?
He's better than his hoshito counterpart at least.
Probably because people think he one of the hottest looking male characters in the game and because his characters personality is alot better than takumi
Takumi did nothing wrong
He's really hot.
Plays the villain and edgelord role better than anyone in Conquest.
Being a bitch is wrong.
So it's only fujos and literal faggots who like this cunt, right?
>sibling betrays your family and starts slaughtering your people as a conqueror
>family is crying and hoping that she is OK
>instead of caring about the well-being of their vassals
Takumi is the only sane man in a world filled with people who are taking crazy pills
Why do all the Nohr nobles dress like supervillains?
>hating on based Xander
Literally why?
he does a bunch of stupid bullshit in Fates but I blame that more on retarded writing
The bro that wants to protect Veronica's smile is what I envision him more to be.
>I love you with all my heart
>but if I EVER find out that you have ANY doubts about your loyalty to my cunt father I'll slaughter you like an animal
> :^)
>putting personal feelings above your code of honor
Weak chinned faggots like you aren't welcome here.
>fuccboi twink build
how to spot the underaged posters on Sup Forums
Xander's great. I like him in his supports and in Conquest. The other routes are irrelevant anyway.
>not killing your loved ones if they turn against the state
Into the reeducation camp you go
the thought of my qt imouto with anyone really triggers
> losing to xander
>Live in a country of perpetual darkness and misery filled with evil cunts
>Surprised when people dress in dark colours.
>not accepting that the lonely introverts belong together
This is why I never marry Hinoka to anyone else in subsequent playthroughs.
How does it feel to have your qt imouto survive the carnage that was Nohr's invasion? On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the max, how consumed with a lust for revenge will she grow up to be?
>you can't make a harem of all your sisters in Revelations
It's shit
wasn't their land cursed by some butthurt god or something? I didn't pay too much attention to the story to avoid the pain
>mother seemingly murdered by Nohrian scum
>watch the Hoshidans kill Takumi
>big brother Ryoma is dead by """"suicide""""
>your precious big sister Azura, who was raised in Hoshido, is mysteriously dead without a body and no witnesses besides a prince of Nohr
delete this libel immediately
You just wanted this, didn't you?
Yes, that's literally exactly what he said he wanted?
Why does she wear the drills?
there are people out there who like Hinoka?
She's the only decent Birthright waifu besides SkyMILF
>not liking sakura
>not liking oboro
>hates Corrin so much that he literally becomes a demon
Everybody in Fates constantly sucking Corrin's dick was stupid as hell but Takumi was kinda on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum where he lived and breathed for his hatred of Corrin.
but I don't need the flat red
you'll have to be more specific than that
>Tharja best under any circumstances
Because people like kill stealing faggots and their retarded teleportation books
a true patriot, and a real human bean
I want to kiss Elise
No he didn't. That faggot went "boo hoo why don't they love me" before jumping to his death. It was only when bullshit dragon magic changed him did he go full hatred for Corrin.
>educated about the world
>knows about strategy
>willing to kill people when it's necessary
>tells it like it is
I'm still mad that Leo wasn't the Lord character of Conquest.