Bully thread

Bully thread.

Probably my favorite 3D game to this day.

>that atmosphere
>that hilarious and clever writing
>bike races
>godly soundtrack
>good character customization

Did you like it? What's your fondest memory playing it?

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What's the game even about?

I never touched it because I was bullied all the way through school and I didn't want to be triggered.

I booted this up last night and played until it crashed again since I'm using the 60fps patch and this particular mission doesn't work with it.

I've done this like 4 times now.

Story based open world game where you're a student.

You're a problem child who gets sent to a school with other problem children.

You can stand up to the various cliques and do shit your way. Be a bully or stand up to them, the choice is yours.

It's anti-bullying mate. Bullying the bullies to stop bullying.

It's being the god bully who bullies bullies for being bullies more like.

Saying this game is anti-bully when you stuff people in lockers and give wedgies is stupid.

>with other problem children.
Not quite. It's just a disciplinary private school.

Bully is great. Rockstar needs to make a sequel to it. And LA Noire. Fuck not even sequels, just games in the same vein made to modern standards. Hopefully they will.

>Rockstar will never ever make Bully 2

>It's being the god bully who bullies bullies for being bullies more like.
>Saying this game is anti-bully when you stuff people in lockers and give wedgies is stupi
You can be a dickhead outside of the story, but the story is quite clearly Jimmy trying to stop the bullying and segregation.

Shut up nerd

Can I play this in 100% moralfag mode?

>Saying this game is anti-bully when you stuff people in lockers and give wedgies is stupid
That shit is optional. In the course of the story Jimmy stands up for people a bunch of times while giving the assholes their due.

>It's just a disciplinary private school.
And who do you think gets sent to that kind of school?

The only thing I can remember about this game is breaking into the girl's dorm decked out in full ninja gear and trying to steal their panties once I unlocked all the post-game stuffs. Shit was fucking cash. This and the Warriors are probably the most underrated games Rockstar has ever made.

I still have hope.

It's not optional. You take down bullies by bullying them. He stands up for people he also bullies.
>And who do you think gets sent to that kind of school?
Any type of person, it's on the parents.

There aren't any choices worth mentioning. Just play it, it's a good game.

>He stands up for people he also bullies.
Yes, because
>Bullying the bullies to stop bullying.

Are you perhaps retarded? Illiterate? If you're a bully you aren't anti-bully.

The music that plays when you ride around on the bike was so good.

It's obviously meant to be a humorous way of putting it you downer. Jimmy gains the respect of all the factions throughout the game, so that he can bring them together.

Anti-bully would be some coward bitch who says shit like "d-don't fight".

The flight music in GTA V reminds me of the Bully soundtrack.


>anybody who does violence is a bully

>throwing people in trash bins after using your dedicated "bully insult" button isn't bullying

Is this a Horizon Zero Dawn Prequel? Aloy on the left it looks like

How's the smartphone port?

It's been over a decade user

GTA: High School Edition.
>skateboards & bikes instead of cars
>slingshots instead of guns
>potato cannon instead of missile launcher
>school sluts instead of hookers
>cliques instead of gangs

Gameplay & story wise very similar to other Rockstar games. You're the new kid at school who over the course of 1 school year takes on various cliques and bullies. You do missions and roam around an open world (the school + a smalltown)

One can hope and pray, though I thought they were going to make a sequel to La Noire called Whore of the Orient or something.

>implying that you take down the bullies by throwing them in a trashcan

>using the bully insult on anyone but Jocks

Maybe they'll hand it to the guys who did Max Payne 3

Power rankings from bros to holyshit what is your issue
>Bullies> Townies> Jocks> Greasers> Preps> Nerds

Prove me wrong.

It's not impossible.

I want this game, but either it never goes on sale on steam or I always miss the sale because I'm not spending 15$ on a game that released almost 10 years ago.

you forgot
>dat bassline

It's worth the 15 bucks, user.

pirate it brah. oddly enough the pb version from mrdj has many seeds.

I totally did, my bad bro.

The soundtrack is fucking amazing.

Get it for the 360. It's like 5 bucks

Patrician Pete > Bullies > Greasers > Townies > Jocks > Nerds > literal human trash > Preppies > Gary

Greasers are only irritating because Johnny is a shit tier leader. They turn into bros later though.

Fuck Preppies I always insult them whenever I see one

BTW, Wii version is the best version. Waggle is used well in biology class and fistfights feel great, too. Ony downside is the resolution.

What about the girls, though?

Zoe > Mandy > Pinky > Christy > Angie > Lola > Beatrice > Angus Agnes

PC has 60fps and best graphics so it's the best. I did enjoy the Wii version though.

>Ony downside is the resolution.

But Wii was more powerful than the GameCube which was more powerful than the PS2. It was the best console version.

This game is still the best waifu simulator.

Except for the 360 version?

guise I had sound problems so I uninstalled and never played it. Problem was I've heard footsteps all over the school and npcs would say one line over and over again. Happened to anyone?

>paying for a single-player game

*husbando simulator

There was a 360 version? Huh.

Yeah. Happened to me when I switched from Stereo to Surround. Scared the crap out of me desu

Have you checked your audio options and tried switching to Stereo or Mono?

I need to replay this. It was my go to because I couldn't buy GTA.

Scholarship Edition. A remake with updated graphics and some added content.

think so, didn't help at all

I wouldn't call it a remake, it was more of an enhanced port.


Game could use a remake though.

>those redone textures
gross. wii version best version. best shadows and textures and framerate for consoles

Everything you said is wrong user.

Agreed. I'd be too down for that.

this game is good but i think Sup Forums overrates it a bit.

So same as the Wii, but shittier controls?

I've been playing this a bit recently but it keeps crashing on me randomly. I've tried all of the fixes that I've been able to look up but nothing seems to work. Running windows 8.1. Any ideas?

What was Gary Smiths; problem?

Did he have autism?

ADHD and Narcissism.

run it in compatibility mode.

Already doing that.

well then idk, fixed everything for me.

newest patch

>this is on steam
what the fuck

I have a feeling it has something to do with x360ce or the controller adapter I'm using. I'm playing it with a PS2 controller.

the best rockstar game imho

riding around on a skateboard in a ninja outfit effortlessly beating up groups of chads is what video games are suppose to be

Running 1.200

>tfw no bully to spit in my mouth and bully my prostate
why live bros?

idk then


works for me :)

It's great for its time. I would love to see a modern Bully, although it might end up being a monkey's paw thing.

I love it
I'm almost certain i've beat it the same year it was released originally on the ps2

>running around the girl's dorm prefect in black ninja gear to her obliviousness

It was great

The newest patch fixes it for windows 7 & 8

If you're on windows 10 there is no way you've got it running steady enough that it won't crash at some point for whatever reason. Hell even 7 & 8 still crashes.

she's the best girl right?


>black nerds
>heroin addicts


>wants you to walk her back to a motel
>best girl
Sure, if you like prostitutes.

Her dad also shows up at the hotel at one point to have an affair, so it could be possible that she was just visiting him there.

360 shadows suck, and 360 framerate eats a dick a lot. wii version is pretty consistent.

>Beatrice that low
>Lola over Beatrice

You are a special kind of cuck, aren't you?

You have a good taste, user

This game needs an HD release. It's fun as hell but looks worse than Morrowind to me at this point. There are gamecube games that look better than Bully.

It already got one.

You mean the guys who did Bully? They're both made by Rockstar Vancouver, which coincidentally, is now defunct.


it's now playing in your head

Beatrice is low because self-esteem issues. Lola is only higher because she's hot. I wouldn't mess with her anyway, because she's not worth it, just like Beatrice or Agnes wouldn't be worth it.

More like visiting him for a threesome.

If a new game were to be made, would it be set in College? Male or Female Protagonist, could be like that Victoria from Life is Strange

I'll never understand why this game didn't get a ps3 version. Even the 360 got one

>self-esteem issues
enjoy getting aids from lola, KEK

ah shit fuck u

I've played the PS2 and 360 versions back to back and never noticed any frame issues or anything on the 360 version installed in the hard drive.

Is this the spiritual successor to Bully?

>implying they don't
Insecurities kill relationships, user.

>implying i wouldn't double bag it if i ever stooped to boning lola

>he lieks aids