>Be a fan of a Niche game/series >Not a lot of people to talk to because "Sorry user, no one played that game/series." >"Never heard of it" >Niche game/series gets a amazing sequel >It explodes in popularity >Suddenly everyone and their mother are claiming to be longtime fans of the series
Why lie? Why not just say you're new to a series and leave it at that?
I've had this happen a few times and now it's happening again with Automata and it's just baffling to me. I'm not mad that one of Taro's games finally got popular (I'm actually pretty happy with it) I'm just kinda mad at all the people now pretending that they've been longtime fans now that one of his games became popular.
>that faggot who calls automata "amazing genre defining world changing work" >didn't even play nier
David Watson
Why does this upset you so much? Don't you have any real problems to worry about?
Luke Clark
I think it's because there's a stigma against people getting into a series late like this. I've been interested in this series for a long time but never got around to playing it because DoD and Nier are such a chore to actually play and I didn't have a system to play Nier on. So I got really excited when it was announced that Platinum was making the next entry and I assume a lot of other people are also like this and decided that was a great place to start with the series. This being Sup Forums you get a lot of retards who lie about their stake in the series due to anonymity and wanting to feel superior.
Daniel Turner
I've always been a long time fan. I watched a LP of drag-on dragoon, drag-on dragoon 3, and nier replicant and gestalt. I skipped watching a LP of drag-on dragoon 2 because every long time fan knows it's shit.
Austin Robinson
Tyler Davis
I never knew I could get triggered this hard. Thanks man.
Samuel Price
>I liked Nier before it was cool Nier was always popular on Sup Forums. I certainly played it because of the recommendations from this place a few years ago.
Evan Phillips
This makes the conversations with them even worse than when it was just "What? Never heard of it." because when you wanna talk about the earlier stuff they tell you they just enjoyed the normie tip of the iceberg and got you interested for nothing. Now I just tend to reverse the roles and tell them that *I* never heard of it when they wanna talk about it
Luke Reyes
I have no interest in Automata and didn't play Nier, did love DG and DG2 though, I have NO idea why normies are salivating over this game. Literally baffles me.
Parker Wilson
>a person can't have their expectations challenged and surpassed unless they played prior games in the series Maybe they've only ever played Gears of War and the game really did blow their mind, why does it matter that they dont have experience with previous games in the series? although anybody who descrives a game in that way is a massive faggot anyway
Grayson Cox
>tfw I can't play Automata because very time I pick it up I just see a slower MGR
Ryan Young
The fuck are you on about? There were many threads about Nier when it released 7 years ago. They continued for about 2 years before dying out because there wasn't anything to talk about anymore.
Stop being an elitist bitch.
Isaiah Johnson
I hate when people do this to. Like I bought Nier Automata having not played Nier but I don't gush over the series and pretend like I'm a huge fan of it. And I'm not even really just talking about this series, people do it with lots of other series too. It's silly.
Carter Moore
Every time I see a
"You don't have to play the first NieR game xD" I want to fucking scream. It also physically hurts me to see people actually say the characters in Automata are well written, like holy fucking shit my man. This is like Skyrimbabbies all over again.
Nathaniel Phillips
The memes..
Luis Edwards
The game was made to be a stand alone experience, exactly the same way that the first game was made to be. You didn't need to play DoD1 to enjoy Nier, and you don't need to play Nier to enjoy Automata.
Nathan Scott
People don't like admitting they hoped on the bandwagon. I guarantee you the majority of people on this board bought Automata because of 2B's ass and never gave a shit about Taro games before.
Jayden Flores
I get where you're coming from, but honestly how often can you really discuss one series, especially if it's not actively getting releases? I'm not doubting some people are claiming to have been long time fans for e-peen but sometimes there's just nothing to discuss. That goes for any mostly singleplayer game/series.
Joseph King
So the first one is required to play? I was thinking of getting automata but i wasn't sure
Lincoln Torres
The question is why on earth would you care? Do they affect your experience of the game? No. Are they you? No. Do they alter your perception of the game in any way? No.
So? Let em say or be whatever the fuck they want to. You know you experienced the whole saga, so you don't need anything else. No need to give, take or even have any kind of street cred.
Aiden Jenkins
It absolutely is not, don't listen to that whiny cunt.
You won't feel as much impact in a few optional things, but otherwise the game is entirely stand alone.
Brody Sanders
Why would playing a shitty game change their opinion over another game?
Andrew Bailey
No it really isn't, I never played any other game in the series and I enjoyed automata. He's just mad because it triggers his autism - the story is entirely standalone but muh references
Evan Gonzalez
>literal creator of the game says you don't need to play previous games to enjoy his new one >only thing you'll miss out on is minor character backstory and secret boss references >people still somehow believe Replicant and Gestalt are necessary
Justin Watson
This. It's even worse knowing that this is a fucking anonymous image board. Why the fuck do people care about such trivial things?
Cooper Gomez
>being a video game hipster
l o l
Cooper Perry
Isaac Morales
>There are people who claim to be huge Fromsoft fans who never played Armored Core or King's Field
Asher Miller
Hello user I'm a massive fan of fromsoft and I started with dark souls 1 get over your autism you pathetic weeb
Luis Lopez
Literally, literally me.
Jack Cook
Only thing that bugs is nu-Tarofags thinking Automata is god's gift to video games. It's good, but get some fucking taste my dudes. Automata's cast is absolute shit and 9S is the worst protag Taro has ever written.
Jason Morgan
This is why you have to be a fan of normie repellent games like an RTS,
Hunter Morales
Ryder Cox
mostly pc bandwagoners who do that shit did it with souls and MGS
fucking cancerous faggots the lot of them, they cling to any sort of identity, reminds me of the little faggots who sit in Sup Forums all day trying to cling to the "next best thing" and then circlejerk about it for 6+ months and then repeat the process
Hudson Thomas
What are some instances of this other than nier? All that comes to mind right now is MGS V
Oliver Ross
>metal gear solid was a niche series until 5 came out
u wot
James Scott
Any series that was first on console, and then later ported to PC. You'll see so many people who jumped on late and claim to have been long time fans. I don't understand why PCfats feel the need to do that, but it happens so fucking much.
Christian Jackson
Zelda, Metroid are the worst offenders.
Jose Gutierrez
>bandwaggoning on souls >the 'second' game in the series does it upset you that people enjoyed dark souls and stopped your soopa kewl fan club from being so soopa kewl?
Andrew Taylor
>expecting people to play a janky 10 year old game before they can play a new game that looked interesting
Anthony Cruz
It bothers me that the shitposting was turned up to 11 as soon as the PC version was released.
Brayden Taylor
ITT: autistic neckbeards getting upset that people enjoy the same game as they do
Julian Hall
Honestly I'm kinda guilty with Souls, DkS was my first Souls game and even though I got it when it came out I still pretend like I have some prestige over people who picked it up with DkS3, even though I didn't even know about Demon's Souls until years after.
If it makes it any better I threw myself into Soulsborne and own every game from King's Field to DkS3, including DkS for every platform it was released on, and 1000+ hours across the franchise.
MGS I don't lie about how new I am to it. MGSV was my first but since I picked it up I've played them all but 1 and 4. About to emulate 1 too.
Would it be cancerous to do what I did? Throw yourself entirely into a series like that
Blake Johnson
You know this is Sup Forums right? 99% of all posts are shitposts
The only cancerous thing you did was to pretend you had prestige over people who people who were late to the party.
Ian Richardson
>faggots worship Souls games >"Dark souls newcomers are trash, I've played since Demon's! REE" >no mention of King's Field
Fuck you all.
Hunter Flores
That's true, but before the PC release we could have real discussions about the game, and after it got drowned out by the tidal wave of shitposting.
Jaxon King
Bruh, Nier and Drakengard got Sup Forums threads all the time.
Nier is still in my backlog and I refuse to play Automata until I beat the first
Thomas Clark
King's Field and Souls are only vaguely related though
Andrew Ross
There were plenty of discussions even after the PC launch. The shitposting was still minimal.
Mason Sullivan
Over another same shitty game? Gee, i wonder...
Ryan Perry
>playing random multiplayer game >ask someone with a yoko taro avatar what their favorite game is >he says "What? Isn't there only one game?" or something along this line every time
Jeremiah Russell
Yeah i got into the game because of Sup Forums. I was interested in the first Nier, but it's price made me decide I'd pick up other games, but when Automata got announced I decided I wanted to play it's prequel before getting into it.
Daniel Lewis
PC fags started the "Artificial Difficulty" that plagues the community to this day.
Jaxon Murphy
>Nier and Drakengard got ass threads, "Say something nice to 2B!", THISCANNOTCONTINUETHISCANNOTCONTINUE best theme in the game or what?, west devs are you even trying???, 11/10 GOTY forever no game can compete, what do you think her farts smell like?, sit on me 2B!!!
Ian Powell
Thought you were talking about Automata, okay then.
Oliver Ward
>Now I just tend to reverse the roles and tell them that *I* never heard of it when they wanna talk about it
I imagine if I did this it would eventually piss people off. I just take what I can get at this point, like I had a good talk to someone I know about Resident Evil, what with them having played through 5, and they had also watched playthroughs of 6 and 7.
Isaiah Miller
Who honestly gives a shit. This is the same tier of autistic bullshit as the comment section on classic songs on youtube.
Camden Murphy
only major difference is age and perspective, From considers Souls the successor, I do take your point though.
>If it makes it any better I threw myself into Soulsborne and own every game from King's Field
This user gets it. The same feeling I got playing KF for the first time was the feeling I got playing Demon's Souls. That is pretty rare.
Christopher Walker
I remember a good amount of nier threads years ago.
>Would it be cancerous to do what I did? the cancerous bit was acting high and mighty in the first place but then again that's the point of this thread...
It's the opposite of cancer to find out about good games and play them without being a dick about it.
Elijah Edwards
Cooper Wilson
Still never played.
Chase Williams
I bought nier for 360 I'm September put of hype for this game and I actually preferred og nier to automata.
Ending D hit me hard
Noah Gutierrez
Ayden Harris
Nier got plenty of threads though.
Ryder Myers
I never got endings C and D since Goat Hide was a bitch to get, and then after handing it in I completed the game and could never be arsed to get it again.
Zachary Diaz
Stuff like this makes me contemplate whether I've finally outgrown this place.
Blake Sanders
Unironically and literally me. And not only that, but despite the fact I've never played any of those games I talk back and discuss things with people that have played them. They never notice anything.
Asher Clark
Nier threads weren't filled with degeneracy save for the trap faggots lusting over Kaine. And everyone unequivocally agreed that the game was bad, but that didn't stop the hype. That alone was a barrier for entry against retards like this that plague EVERY Nier thread now.
Austin Perry
>OP says he's happy other people are getting into the series >Shitposts like this
lol, just lol.
Carson Gutierrez
Not even 8 words and you already used a buzzword. Post discarded.
Jose Baker
To be fair its the only Taro game one could mass sell. While other niche series starts to become popular because they are streamlined enough. I saw the same shit happen twice, first it was with Silent Hill and later with the Souls series.
the first game and the jumping in time to only realize one was playing a hard sci fi game, not a comfy fantasy game was too traumatic user. I only heard stories of Drakengard and how fucked up that series is.
Dominic Kelly
ITT: People incapable of reading a OP
Zachary Lee
Get the fuck off your high horse. There was plenty of shitposting in Nier and DoD threads. The only reason there's more of it is because there are now more people interested in the games.
Jose Turner
Nathaniel Morgan
>I'm just kinda mad at all the people now pretending that they've been longtime fans now that one of his games became popular. OP being happy that people are getting into the series everyone, no elitist autism to be seen here
Levi Long
>Tales of Zestiria announced for PC >Visit Steam discussions >Don't remember the thread's title that I entered >OP mentions that she's a girl right off the bat and that she's a HUGE longtime fan of the series >Asks if some person would be kind to gift the game to her because she's short on money >One guy asks her what her favorite game is >She says it's Zestiria because it really looks cool from the trailer >Another one then what games has she played >Says Zestiria is gonna be her 1st one, but she fell in love with the series after she watched the trailer and became the biggest fan Not to mention all those reviews on Steam when the game came out. All those "long time fans" talked how epic and great this game was and one of the best in the series. When most real fans shat on the game or said it's average at best.
Same shit happened with MGS V, ZTD, Atelier and others.
Ayden Peterson
ITT:People incapable of reading the rest of the discussion and the fact 90% of the posts are about an autistic need to feel superior to others because they played earlier games
Isaiah Martin
OP posting, but yeah I'm aware and hell I'm fine with it. Just bothered by people who watch a catch up video and act like they know the entire series indepth.
The game is repetitive bullshit quit being a hipster
Matthew Garcia
If you're a hardcore fan of MGS I have some news that MGO2 is coming back soon thanks to the efforts of unofficial individuals and will be playable on unhacked consoles and hacked consoles alike.
I can post more info if you like, but it'd be in the style of the OPs I've been using to shill it about every 6-12 hours.
Caleb Peterson
thanks for your contribution.
Jace Wright
Nier is hardly hard scifi.
Tyler Mitchell
There is shitposting in every thread, but nowhere near the level Automata's deluge of feces poured on.
DoD before Nier was a once in a blue moon type thing. After Nier it was a celebrated series, and Nier too being just the right frequency of obscure/inaccessible that Sup Forums fawns over.
Grayson Robinson
Post it. I've heard someone talking about bringing it back some time ago but dunno what came of it.
Julian Perez
Here ya go, bud.
MGO2 is returning to unhacked PS3s in addition to hacked, ETA
Brandon Parker
I can guarantee you that the proportion of shitposting was exactly the same as it is now. You get around 10 posts of shit for every 5 discussing the game. It's like this for literally every thread about any game, regardless of how popular the topic is.
Charles Roberts
Thanks, m8
Nathan Hall
I dunno but the whole gerstalt program and that shades are humans, the illness is just a the humans taking the gerstalt body. But the problem was that gerstalts got a consciousness.
Seems like hard scify to me user.
Jonathan Peterson
>Why not just say you're new to a series and leave it at that? I'd imagine its because any oldfags would take the opportunity to jump down your throat and call you bandwagoning cancer
Noah Williams
>muh superior taste >only I'm the original fan Old fags are the worst
Cameron Martinez
Sure thing, man, I'm really excited. I missed out the first time around, much to my chagrin. Now I'll be able to meme it up with self-professed MGO2 legends from MGO3 that I ran with. Well, at least one. I wonder if he'll remake his pink gimpsuit.
I'll be going on on day one for sure, come hell or high water. See you there, my dude.
Gavin Lee
>OP says nothing about having better taste >You post this
Reading is hard
Jaxon Ramirez
Or, no, I misrepresented that friend of mine. Gimpsuit's more humble than that, not a braggart as I implied. That was a mistake. I know you don't care, but still.