Hey guys, are there any video games that appeal to transracial people like me?
Hey guys, are there any video games that appeal to transracial people like me?
Video games.
This shit is getting better by the minute.
>Pink News
In Morrowind there's an Orc who thinks he's a Khajiit
Any RPG that lets you change your appearance later on
i don't wanna live on this planet anymore.
The correct term for her is
Ok, i honestly hope this catches on, it's the thing that will break the camel's back, and make people realise that all this SJW stuff is bullshit
Actual SJW here. Me and pretty much everyone else like me think this bitch is crazy. You can go back to Sup Forums now
people in poverty live in first world countries
what's an SJW?
salty jewish woman?
>Hey guys what video game [Sup Forums Topic]
not video games
>Mentally ill people claim to be the opposite gender
>You must accept it, you have to let them be who they are
>White lady hates being white, decides she wants to be black
>RACE TRAITOR! You're despicable!
To be fair, she did disown her own father unjustly, and defrauded a university scholarship, and claimed discrimination when turned down for a promotion and filed false police reports.
how do SJWs believe in evolution and equality simultaneously when they are completely incompatible concepts
>top right
i'm being smeckledorfed, aren't i
let me guess you're woman
That's actually pretty spot on
>tfw Mufasa and Simba was my awakening that I was a gay furry
I want a drawfag to draw her asking the magic conch if she'll ever become a black woman, then when it says maybe someday she's full on mammy
The leaf behind every shitpost
wow, truly inspirational, she must be the most non privileged person in existence. So unique.
Those articles probably went up on the first.
>BBC to announce that the UK is to withdraw from Eurovision
>implying it's Sup Forums
>no archive link
Are you in cahoots or something?
You laugh at this now. But a couple years from now, the media will be pushing this like crazy.
Mark my words.
how do you reconcile that a white person could pass as a black person, possibly even experiencing the oppression felt by blacks, and still say she is crazy?
>tfw parents parents come from norway and sweden but I identify as a transnative american ftm Indian woman
No kidding. No one wants me
I identify as transasian, I'm working on making my eyes more slanty to match those of my brethren.
If you find this concept hilariously crazy and not transgenders, then you're intellectually dishonest and a faggot. Either people can be whatever they want to be or people are what they are. You can't pick and choose.
We all know you are a fucking leaf. Your kind was fully exposed yesterday.
does that mean eminem is now a degenerate for turning middle school boys into wiggers 17 years ago?
>does not tolerate racial dysphoria
you're a piece of regressive shit
Lefties accepting transgenderism but ridiculing this so called transracial are so incredibly hypocrite.
when wasn't eminem a degenerate?
White people have such easy lives that they go out of their way to make it slightly hard for them
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