PCbros will never experience the perfect boss fight

>PCbros will never experience the perfect boss fight

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He was alright, but there are better souls fights. Phase one is boring as fuck.

that's not

Who was better in the souls games?

I'm thinking about buying a PS4 soon since its cheap and has enough exclusives to justify it now IMO

Sucks that you paid more and only got to play 1 game for 2 years

Where did he say he bought it on release? I started and finished the game a month ago.

PS4 wasn't even that expensive at launch, waiting around years to save $100 bucks isn't something I'm interested in doing.

Not him but I really enjoyed Lady Maria, despite how easy she was. The fight was just super cool, Ludwig had issues for me because his lumbering ass made camera control a bit of an issue. Gehrman was great too. Like most games, human sized bosses are usually cooler.

Why is there no fanart of Ludwig as a human?

>Champion gundyr

Most Humanoid fights really.

Ludwig is sort of just a really big version of Lost Sinner.

Who is in turn basically Flamelurker with a sword.

>can parry boss

I had more trouble with Maria. Her faggot fucking fire attacks kept getting me. Killed Ludwig my second try but she took me like 6.

I like how when you defeat him ad a beast, he covers the beast side of his face with his sword, as if to show you're about to fight what remains of him as a hunter. Look at the small detail put into the bosses. It's incredible

I'm quite partial to Dragonslayer Armour.

It's made to feel like you're fighting a player, with it's fighting style filled with one handed and two handed attacks and even using the Weapon art.

It also has a decent arena that forces you to pay attention and enviroment damage to keep you on your toes.

Wow, another "screaching flailing monster" boss from Bloodborne.

P E R F E C T I O N!!!!!!

Fact: atmosperic gimmick bosses are the best in the series. Storm King, Executioner Chariot, Living Failures, etc.

Living Failures summoning meteors was the best part of the DLC.

Ormstein and Smoug

My favorite part would be how peaceful the orphan of kos was at the beginning
Another "screaming monster" but there's a backstory behind them. Wouldn't it be weird if they silently ran around?

>screeching flailing monster
>literally missing the entire point of the fight

PCbros, ladies and gentlemen.

I just did via this webm

>voicing being tired of the exact same boss formula throughout the game is "missing the point"


Not gonna lie, after playing BotW I can't imagine going back to dark souls. I only play 1 and 2. Considered 3 but Im really just tired of attacking enemies ankles. Gets boring.
Only Nintenbros will experience what a real fight is like.


The god tier bosses do not really compare. Raime, Pontiff, Gundyr, Ludwig, Artorias, Elana, Sinh and Ebrieras are all amazing in their own ways.

Orphan of Kos

Ludwig is quite telegraphed once you get the hang of it. BSB, Amelia, Moon presence, Amygdala, Darkbeast and the werewolf are the flailing beasts that people dislike.

Lmao that's so fucking pathetic.

Is it wrong to like fights that are completely mediocre? Deacons of the Deep had my dick in diamonds when I best it an inch from death due to being swarmed, Scorpioness was the best fight in Vanilla DS2 and I would unironically rank Sanctuary Guardian above Artorias now

What are you talking about? DMC3SE is literally available on PC right now.

Its a real enemy. I know you aren't used to seeing it.

I have a PT exclusive though I agree it wasn't worth it.

It's still not worth it unless you can find one for 250 with a game.


I thought DS3 had better fights mechanically but nothing tops the buildup to Ludwig being an awesome church hunter, his sword being rape, and then you finally fight him and he's that monstrosity that ass rapes you.

then phase 2 kicks in.

The flailing boss syndrome requires the bosses to
> poorly telegraph attacks
> fast attack patterns
> not require players to learn the attack pattern to be beat
> low punishment for being hit
ludwig does not fit into a single one of those

its like calling every duel artorias 2.0

Shit phase design.
It isn't perfect and doesn't reward you for learning like a good fight would. Maria was vastly superior, even if she was too easy.
Why are all soulsniggers retarded?

>It isn't perfect and doesn't reward you for learning like a good fight would.
what did he mean by this?

>hold down Y 3x
>dies instantly to Urbosa's Fury

wow, so hard

i will never have nothing better to do with my time or money than spend $300 just to play a few mediocre games with shitty graphics at 30fps and below

dont pity me, i pity you

Ocerios's second form is pretty much this to a T

>fighting Ludwig with the Moonlight sword
Way to ruin the immersion

not so fast, I own both.

>Executioner Chariot

He's one of the worst bosses of the the entire series.

Why do the lighting and particles look better than DS3? IT'S not fucking fair bros

Sour grapes

But you made this transparently Salty post...

>instead I paid $500-$1500 to play a bunch of indieshit walking simulators and terrible ports


These guys are so fucking easy. I'll admit I got kill twice by the first one I fought.

>Phase one is boring

>using end game abilities on weak enemies
kek I bet you level up to SL 500 with hell kite in ds1

I love the wordfilter for PCbro

Harder than anything is ds.

>Red Dead Redemption



I really don't get the Ludwig meme & why Sup Forums sucks his dick so much, is it just the cutscene?

He really wasn't that good, all 3 hunters were better boss fights in BB alone, then in Souls trilogy there is a number of way better fights

imo anyway


Ive played both on PS4 & they look about the same, i think DaS3 looks better overall due to the fact it's just less blurry

>Living Failures summoning meteors was the best part of the DLC.

That was so fucking cool

fuck off and kill yourself you delusional faggot

i had rdr on console and i was not interested in playing it at that shitty ass 30fps 720p

and you fags think you can brag about it being stuck in this low quality, and having to buy a remaster if ever, to play it again once you realize how dated that shit looks now or in the near future

what fucking losers

what a coincidence

read above you cancerous piece of human garbage consolefag

>"terrible ports"

>get 2-3 times the framerate out of all the multiplat games on a graphics card that costs less than your console, on highest graphics settings

Both Maria and Orphan were better IMO.


I used mainly 2 handed weapons in BB so the temptation to parry bait was never an issue with me.

I also wasn't SKL so the parry damage would be garbage anyways.

So now that Souls is officially over and done with, what's next for Fromsoft?

Thanks I had no fucking idea what that guy even looked like because everyone posts the same single god damn picture constantly. thats all ive seen of him.


>a game about hunting people turned into rabid beasts
>they act like rabid beasts

Really makes me think.

>it's a reskin asylum demon from das1
what did he mean by this?

Yep, first thing I thought when i was fighting him was that he looked and felt like he could've been one of the more forgettable bosses in BB.

already did

I really want to play this fucking game but alot has been spoiled for me and im not sure how i can justify bying a ps4..

Just play Das3, it's a better Bloodborne

How to make Jetstream Sam in DaS3?

already played it, and i love it, still want to play bloodborne

it's really not

I don't own a PS4, and I can admit that BloddiBorni looks like the most polished and fun souls game out there.

If DS is Eragon, Bloodborne is LotR.

soon desu
just dew it... 4 The Players

Enjoy your early acess multiplayer survival crafting games.

That boss design looks retarded.


>steam has millions of users and millions of games

enjoy your 30 fps cutscene adventure and if you're a good boy and pay sony they might let you use your own internet

There is zero progression to any of the actual attacks. The fight doesn't REALLY get harder as it progresses, instead he just gets an entirely different moveset. Ultimately, it isn't good boss design and defeats the point of having phases in boss fights entirely.

just like demon souls :^)

But we did.

what the hell is wrong with his entire lower half? is there any lore for designed by a small child?

>m-multiplats dont exist guise my money is well spent because i got to play some shitty mediocre games at 23fps that you cant play at all

meanwhile the vast majority, if not all relevant recent games, actually run good on my platform


Who are you quoting?

No one, quotes are indicated by 'quotation marks' you fuckwit

Lurk forever, reddit-kun.

He was hard, but fair. Epic fight. You just have shit taste.

I was spoiled a lot (cleric, amelia, gascoigne, rom, the one reborn) and I still loved the game, and the bits I didn't know about were just some of my favourite gaming experiences. Granted I had forgotten most of what I saw by the time I played it (basically just remembered the designs and some vague strategy), but still have a go at it if you can

I'm in the middle of the replay of another game but Sup Forums makes me want to go back to Yharnam