So, uhh. This wasn't an april fools joke

So, uhh. This wasn't an april fools joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

I really hope that games don't start doing like films have been doing IE: Harry Potter, Twilight etc, splitting installations into two.

I mean season passes are already bad enough but selling the game in two parts? I can only spend so much on a game comfortably, and lets be honest, this is just going to be a big race pack.

A sequel IMO should be a true sequel, new mechanics etc. There isn't a whole lot of room for new mechanics in Total War.

In the beginning, they said TW:W would have a base game and 2 stand-alone expansions. That's what this is and the next one will be, not actual sequels, which should be even more apparent by the fact that the two games interact and 2 allows players to use the factions from the base game if you have the base game installed.

That said, they certainly shouldn't charge the price of a full game, but because its standalone, if it's too cheap, new players would just buy 2 and ignore the first. Stand alone expansions always have this problem - ultimately, the people who getting punished by the pricing are those who already own the base game, because they have to pay as if they didn't.

Yeah the current owners of TW:WH is my issue too.

Maybe they will offer a store discount for current owners? Would be nice.



>You will never get a true Total War: Civil War or Total War: WW2 game

What the fugg is Marky Mark doing to that thai tranny?

>ww2 total war

god no.

$60 more dollars please, stupid goys!

Also no pirating for you, dunevo is uncrackable!

Fucking redicilous, they're turning a thinking man's game into a shitty casualized edgy shitfest for warhammer fans that are also as annoying as bronies because they can never stop jerking off over the ip and tell everyone how cool it is.

Yes I'm fucking mad. Fuck you.

This, I can't even imagine that shit. That being said, what is the latest you could ever see Total War going?

some kind of alternative world war 1, where the western front didnt stuck after 1914 september with a new engine that is capable to display modern ww1 weapons and vehicles

>sequel after 1 year

Except if you buy 2 without 1, you don't get the combined campaign map and none of the factions from the first game. You are stuck with Lizardmen, High and Dark Elves, Skaven, probably Tomb Kings and DLC LLs and factions.

I actually really want a 100% naval based Total War game.

Modern day naval would be cool

Congratulations, you have correctly regurgitated part of my post back to me. To what end though?

Hang on.

They haven't even finished releasing their 500 full priced DLCs and they are already going for a new game?

Is the new game technically a DLC?

Who supports this kind of shit?


Not a DLC.

Full $60 game.

but why did they give this name to their name, if its a dlc?
Just to sell it for siddy dollars?

It's a stand-alone expansion priced and titled as if it were a sequel. It interacts with the base game similar to how Dawn of War 1 expansions do.

their game i mean

or basically just like every dlc for attila or rome 2

fucking jewish CA

You can play Attila DLC without having Attila installed?

Will pre-order as soon as I can CA-kun!

Seriously though, I'll continue to give sega my money for more Warhammer and all this autistic asshurt is making my dick diamonds


ill probably buy it too, but no way im gonna pay 60 bucks.
I'll wait for some sales for sure

Who cares. It would be nice if they actually tried to make their games not suck.

TW:Warhammer was the first video game I have ever refunded.

why the fuck would someone pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a CGI cinematic as a joke?

Falseflagging or he's really that butthurt that it wasn't a historical title.

I dont care about it being a historic title.

TW:WH was my first TW game ever. Im just kinda in shock that they announced a sequel within a year of the first games release.

Age of Sigmar > Fantasy

what, so you can play the Age of Charlemagne factions in Grand Campaign? Didn't think so fucker.

stop shilling your crap game Tom

>looks like an SJW
>animates wych tits
I don't know if Bioware has just skewed my perceptions a shit ton, but she's in a very different league from the usual aposematism.

I am happy they are doing this

Fuck all you dumbasses who think CA and just make all the factions for free. I want a Warhammer game with every major faction in it and i dont give a fuck if it costs $180.

I'm just waiting until there's a trilogy complete version. I'm fine waiting 2-3 years and picking up something for $60 that has a ton of content and is an all-encompassing WHFB experience

Lets nip this one in the bud right away with some math shall we?

What's 4 racial DLCs with the value of $15 each combined?

I'll be waiting, it is a pretty hard mathematical problem to solve after all.

>it's okay when CA jews you
>just take the load like a good drone

Is it 42?

Pretty sure its 42.

Honestly why people are upset this is $60 us beyond me. Im more upset that older TW games were $60 since they had far less content.

Shes kinda cute

And her animation work isn't bad

I would say she is not a SJW

What's the MSRP or what's the worth? Because the MSRP is more than $15, and the worth is less than $15.

They have finished all the dlc for the first game

Each game is 60 plus 60 dlc
So 360 in total, 10% off if you buy at the start, or a shitton off if you wait for the humblebundle version

I mean, we got two factions and one "race" for free too.

SJWs stole their looks from lesbians.
Granted, some are in both groups, but yeah.

I don't know. Shogun 2 had one race for 60 dollars.

I like her

Except that name


If this expansion is $60 I'm not fucking touching it. $60 for an expansion is full bullshit Jew'ing. Even blizzard with its jew tactics didn't charge $60 for the expansions.

Why do people think it's Jewing? I've got more value out of TW Warhammer than any other TW game

>4 base factions + a few free ones
>actually play a full campaign as each one because they're different from each other

any other TW

>3 proper fleshed out factions with actually unique units
>6-7 literallywho barbarians tribes who are all basically the same and have a shrunken unit roster

Not even a joke. S2 unit variety was a fucking joke.

>3 proper fleshed out factions with actually unique units
>6-7 literallywho barbarians tribes who are all basically the same and have a shrunken unit roster

yeah for these you had to pay only like 40 dollars if you got the retail version

but for warhammer its already costs 120 with all dlc-s

Because they haven't bothered to look at all its content and see that its more than the base game and actually worth the value.

Bigger map, way better factions, more settlements and a campaign event that isnt shitty chaos. AND you get the combined map for free.

CA is finally doing expansions right.



>AND you get the combined map for free.

what did he mean by this?

And it certainly wasn't worth that.

But in any case, I'm in 's camp. I'm fine with CA charging out the ass for everything - that's their choice - but I won't be buying any of it until its price is at one I find worth it. I don't mind waiting. There's plenty of other shit to play until then. For example, I just bought Bloodbowl Chaos Edition finally for $7, which includes all 23 factions. That'll tie me over for awhile.

>>actually play a full campaign as each one because they're different from each other

This is unfortunately not true in my experience. The map is way too small, it feels like i've experienced much of everything already

Well lucky for you they're adding Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands.

Sup Forums hated the game until the humble indie bundle but of course continued to bitch about DLC

hopefully the opinions turn around a bit more going forward. I feel like the game would have a lot more love if not for denuvo

How would you do a total war game with only two factions

The combined map is going into a open beta at release first for a week or two, before being released

They want to test it, I assume because doubling the number of factions on the campaign map will rape turn times and they will have to merge some.

>stand-alone expansions


I bet this combined map will be the exact same "combined map" we have already seen in empire tw

WAR did it though it didn't go so well.

Considering it came out on the fucking 31'st i'd have to wonder why you thought it was in the first place


No, they didn't releasing content for the first game. There is one FLC left which is certainly new LL for Empire with alternate starting position.

Not what they said they were doing but okay

why are people complaining that it's priced at 60

welves are 20, if they sold warhams 2 as dlc, you'd have to pay 80 for 4 factions, so this is actually a good deal

Yeah but you could still declare war on other shogun/imperial supporting clans, not to say that the idea of playing each state wouldn't be pretty cool but the idea of maryland declaring war on illinois would be strange

Welves are $5 more because of the crappy minicampaign it comes with

>New landmass
>New Race
>4 New Races

60 bucks

Im actually talking about how you have a faction with guns and a faction without guns which are then renamed and reskinned.

That basically sums up FotS

>Not what they said they were doing but okay

are we in a comment section of a funny 9gag picture?


Pretty sweet. I've played nearly every game in the series and Warhammer might be my favourite.

I would argue Total War has always been about the battles, other games do the 4x shit better so if you're not battling why are you playing Total War? On that note the battles in Warhammer are great.

I want Medieval 3 is that too much to ask.

well warhams 2 has a new grand campaign and maybe probably some other unique content, doesn't that justify a similar pricing to welves in terms of price per race?

Relax mate
The next history total war isn't medieval 3, that is confirmed

Enjoy waiting 10 years for you meme sequel

They have to get all the warhammer games out before this engine becomes too dated. Medi 3 or what have you will likely be on a new engine.

A new historical game is in the works.

Open your mouth, here comes the spoonfeed

Im fine with the $60

Didnt like the shitty minicampaigns though, and would preferred keeping my $5

Third expansion will be Total War: End Times

Next fantasy TW will be Total War: Age of Sigmar

Assuming CA gets the ok to make a LOTR game

Which 4 factions would make the cut?

>Orcs of the Misty Mountains
>Lonely Mountain dwarves

Jesus this would suck

Except, CA have already confirmed they won't make an Age of Sigmar / End Times game.

>Assuming CA gets the ok to make a LOTR game

Pretty sure they aren't ever going to give creative rights to anything LOTR / Tolkien anymore.

The LOTR setting isn't split up by oceans like the Warhammer one is. Also there is far less unit variety within factions and fewer monsters to animate in LOTR.

>people are really this stupid

It's as if things like making a new map, designing new overworld gameplay effects, adding new content to existing parts of the game, and creating all the animations and skeletons costs money.

These things don't come out of thin air.

hello segadroid

There's honestly more variety between like 2 or 3 factions than there is in most entire TW games.

It is far easier to scream "shill" than to think. People like the easy way.

This is what happens when you ignore your tech debt.
You sell a game for sixty bucks and people call it a ripoff because you can't really add any new mechanics or differentiation from a mod for a previous game.

It would have made more sense to make them actual expansion packs for 30-40$ rather than a stand alone game.

Though maybe they want to give people the choice to pick and mix their favorite factions and save on money that way? Ive been waiting for a proper sale on TW:WH since its release(I missed the 12$ humble bundle, fucking kill me) and im way more interested in skaven and lizardmen than the empire and the dwarves.

Bonus points for high elves because if any race should have a proper fucking dragon thats actually usable in multiplayer it should be them

>Pretty sure they aren't ever going to give creative rights to anything LOTR / Tolkien anymore.
New Line/whoever owns the movie license, as long as publishers/developers stick to the films and not the books then they'll hand out licenses like candy and there's nothing the Tolkien estate can do about it.

but why is this game gonna be standalone

im pretty sure 98% of the buyers already got the first game

Shit nigger look, they told us they would be splitting the game in a trilogy since day one

and you believe the reason for splitting is ....?

Because they want more money, or they assumed the fans wanted something now, while they call the other 2 expansions. But it's fine to me, I feel like I got my money's worth out of the first game, I think the DLC's were Jewey though.

Warcraft 3