What is Sup Forums's opinion on piracy?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on piracy?
On one hand, I'd hate it if someone played a video game I made without paying me.
On the other hand, I'd hate it if I buy a video game and it ends up being not worth the money.

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Pirate it. You like it, you buy it.

I'm doing the same thing right now 15 - 25 years late because only now do I have money to spare.

Pirate it, if you want. Buy it, if you want. Either way, you're a faggot, if you brag about your choice.

i pirate things related to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, jav, and Sup Forums

woah, but pirating video games? nah, the buck stops there!

Pretty much same.


I pirate old games because I'm not paying PSN/VC prices. I buy new games simply because I like Steam library integration

I don't pirate vidya because i generally know what kinds of games i like and only buy things after watching at least a few bits of gameplay, so I never feel like I bought something I don't actually want.

I don't give a shit.

pirate games if you can't afford them and wouldn't buy them anyway
pirate shit games if you want to play them for some reason
pirate games where the original devs don't see a cent if you buy it
buy games you want to see more of

What about the second hand market?
If I pirate a game, and I really like it, I might buy it in the future. But if I pay for a second hand copy, why should I buy the same game again.

I think it's wrong unless there's no way to buy it. Like old games that were never released in your country.

It all comes down to this for me:
>On one hand, I'd hate it if someone played a video game I made without paying me.

There are people who put a lot of work into making these experiences for us. They should be rewarded.

As for the risk of not liking a game, I always do my research when I'm thinking of getting a game. It's rare when I get something that I don't end up at least enjoying somewhat.

If I hear about a game that is recommended, I pirate and will buy if I like it. I don't care what other people do, it's none of my business.

Oh man I loved that scene from Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka.


>On one hand, I'd hate it if someone played a video game I made without paying me.
Why? Personally I'd just be happy that someone (presumably) enjoyed my creation enough to acquire and play it.



D-Don't cry though

why call it 'piracy' when you can call it 'sharing'?
seems like you're leading the question here.

3rd movie rip fucking when?

There is nothing wrong with piracy.

If you buy keys off G2A or the like, you are scum.

I recently bought DS3 ringed city, and I'm pirating burial at sea.

I pirate first, and buy if I decide it'll be fun for more than a few hours.

If I have some other way to try the game, like a free demo or a friend who owns it, I'll try it there instead.

If every game had a free demo I would never pirate vidya.


>tfw a movie theater near my house is playing all 3 movies next weekend
My body is ready

Also I don't buy anything with denuvo, period. I pirated Inside and I bought DOOM once denuvo got removed.

I lied. I bought TF2 because it was cheap on amazon and I don't regret it, best damn multiplayer game I've played in a long time.

What the fuck is going on here? I always thought this series was WORDSWORDSWORDS and shaft art directors jerking themselves off; the harem anime.

forgot what it was but its like

actualy deep character development, hiding under artsy cinematography, hiding under pandering, hiding under sarcastic dialogue, hiding under a haram show, hiding under a horror anime

Stealing is wrong, end of story

Doesn't matter if it's music, tv shows, or vidya.

>b-but it's making a copy!

Someone is consuming the product of your hard work that would have otherwise paid for it, so you lost money in potential revenue.

>I'll pay for it after!

Yeah right. Sure, there's the one fag who actually does but you know that's bullshit most of the time.

>It's from a bad dev/artist! I'll pirate it to prove a point!

If they make a bad game/album/movie, why are you playing it in the first place?

How does it feel to know that I am completely indifferent to your post beyond replying?

Sup Forums's opinion has been and always will be:
>Buying games

sharing is caring

>the harem anime
he gets a girlfriend by episode 2, no one else is in contention, most of them just have vaginas

I just look up gameplay of the game and if it looks fun I buy it. I don't really care if someone else does it.

That's the prequel Kizumonogatari. If you're going into the anime expecting constant action then just forget it and watch something else. Its more about the characters and their interactions than FIGHTSFIGHTSFIGHTS.

Who cares. I don't need to morally justify gettin' games for free.

What you gonna do about it?

>That's the prequel Kizumonogatari
what no that's kizumonogatari itself

The series basically is 95% talking, stills, and characters randomly posing.

i like it, its cool

can we talk about lolis instead

If you think that monogatari isn't deep you were too busy looking at boobs to pay attention to the dialogue behind the 7 layers of sarcasm in the conversation

>Stealing is wrong, end of story
It's not the end though. Stealing is only as wrong as the intention behind the theft.

I follow a rule, if I pirate a game and either beat it or play it for more than six hours, I buy it. When I was younger I always said I would do this but never did so I wrote a list of games to buy in the future, about two years ago I got a decent job where I make more than enough money to live and have some extra cash, I finished my list four months ago and have kept my rule since then. That being said it's entirely dependent on each individual, honestly I only have a rule because I feel the same way as you, if I made a game and people played it I would want money for my work so I could continue to do it, but I'm also incredibly jaded from what the industry has become, a lot of games lie about their features or ship incomplete, and I'm not willing to reward companies or people who do that.

monogatari isn't for the intellectually inept...

did you really type all that bullshit you fucking autist i seriously hope it's a copypasta

um, yes

That's what I meant. I guess I phrased it a little weirdly.

>that fucking pic
Well, well, well, what do we have here...

I'm for it. If I make a game worth pirating, that's a win in my book.

>It's autistic to think the industry is going to hell, but still enjoy video games


well goooollllyyy


I pirate most things because it's free, I'm cheap and kind of financially strapped. I only try to hold off on pirating indyshit cause I feel kind of bad.

Sometimes I pirate because I want to be petty to shitty companies i.e AssCreed because Ubisoft.

The only thing I refused to pirate was Dark Souls. I only pirated 3 just to see if I could run it. When I saw I couldn't I unistalled it and once I upgrade my toaster I'll definitely buy it.


Go home, Karl.

Nothing, but I said my piece.

nope, it's definitely still stealing, even if it's for your daughter's cancer treatment.

Kizu III rip fucking WHEN

I don't have well stablished IP, so I can't sell any good game. Then I make shitty games for phones full with publicity.

I got money to live with that.

Steam is worst than piracy. I like how the Nintendo games always cost the same.


I have nothing too much against it, but I buy stuff myself since the cost is fairly minimal to me.
The one exception is when I emulate, because buying a legal copy is too much hassle.

why not

it is up to the consumer to educate themselves before they buy something. stop trying to blame your poor purchasing decisions on others.

It's not a harem anime, even though RRG is a horny bastard he still has Crab as his girlfriend though if recent spoilers are to be believed, they're having major issues in their relationship in college.
I won't say Monogatari is deep, but there's some actually good development and character interactions beneath the surface of pandering and sarcasm.

Still WORDSWORDSWORDS and art directors jerking themselves off, but the former is literally an author trait, and the latter a studio trait. Look up a SZS OP if you want to see SHAFT really get artsy.

There is nothing stopping you from purchasing a game you like after pirating it. That being said, some people don't give a shit and just want to play games for free. I find both equally justified.

I pirate shit, but buy if I enjoy it and have the money/access to do so.

What happened to the art style in the monogatari series?

They wanted Kizu to feel different, because content-wise it is pretty different from the majority of the series.
