Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

because you touch yourself at night

because no one made you the boss because you're a shit

Because of consumers
No one to blame but ourselves

normies choosing the promise of a great game over games that are good now

it is precisely because those games are in top sellers that it is allowed, did you even read the words contained within that image before you posted it?

People want shit NOW

The thing I find weird is how the same few games can remain for months. To make it even worse they are often unfinished pieces of shit.

You got a problem with this badass dude?


>people buy shit
>developers see that people but shit therefore they produce shit
>blame developers

pc master race is early access to reddit so it fits perfectly

Bought into the meme, immediately regretted it

Pu55Yd35tr0y3r420's BATTLEGROUNDS

I bought ARK played for an hour and returned it. It's literaly a copy paste of every other Early access game in the past 5 years

Remember when everyone thought pc gaming was the future? What went wrong?

So he made a bunch of unfinished broken shit. And now he's back to make new broken shit that never gets finished?

I don't even bother buying these games. I just look at videos of youtube meme lords playing them and it's pretty obvious and pretty quickly that you're not dealing with a good game.

Early access. Greenlight.

Same. Friend kept raving on how it's a great game, way better than H1Z1 (which I couldn't give a fuck about).

Never went above 50fps downscaled on my 1070, gameplay since like your average garbage battle royal. Refunded after my friend round.

because tweens and kids allowed to use a computer

>Nier Automata is still in the top sellers
Nothing. Things are better than they've ever been

I don't think a single one of these open world Twitch bait games has been finished. They are stuck forever in alpha.

I don't get how these dime a dozen fps battle royale and multiplayer survival games keep getting released selling hundreds of thousands, they're all the same fucking shit. How are the markets for these games not crowded by now?

It's the same audience. They play one for a while, then when the latest meme game comes out they all buy it because YouTube and Twitch said so.

>hurr durr PC has shitty games thread
Yeah because the majority of console users aren't playing crap too

But these games are regularly updated, are they really bad at retaining their playerbases?

They have some slight differences. Like what part of the game is not broken differs. Instead of fixing their shit, they just keep adding garbage. So someone makes a game that fixes the previous games' shit(while introducing more broken shit) and sells the game to people who are into the genre.
Doesn't look like the cycle will ever end.

I fucking suck at these games
But im' having a fucking blast getting carried by my clan mates.
Game is great, reviews are great.
Get with it, chump.

Except it is the future. You're looking at it.

Early Access is the future.

Rocket league is a good game tho

Normalfags falling for the FOTM twitch meme. These generic battle royale copy paste games need to fuck off. At least Nier seem to have sold well so not everything is fucked.

>Be PC user
>Be swamped with shitty games
>Have a decent selection of good AAA games with the ability to have a good performance as well as indie games and genres like strategy games

>Be consolefag
>Have one or two good exlusives which you can run at a capped 30 fps while the rest is weebtrash, multiplats and cinematic experiences
B-but atleast we have no early access!

Alot of these games have really shitty launches and that can scare people off.
The games with good devs retain and succeed.
Ark is almost 2yrs old and is only like $9 now.

Because Valve likes money and the PC has been infested by console babbies and has been for like five to six years now.


People are dumb enough to spend money on it. It's shit dlc, microtransactions and console paid online all over again.

Can somebody PLEASE, P L E A S E explain why people are buying this trash? It looks like a generic, unfinished ARMA mod. This is the beginning of the end for the PC as far as I'm concerned.


That was epic for the win!

He was talking about early access games

All these fucking phone posters.

Go watch some movies on your consoles,or jerk off with destiny.


>HACK and Slash

>actually owning a computer

Haha go to bed grandpa

>Civ 5 no longer in top 10

end of an era

you know you can filter them out right ?

wtf I hate cellphones now

>ARK is STILL early access

Dylight Light is pretty fun, senpai. Haven't played many survival zombie games so picking up this one is leaves a good impression on me.

They starting selling paid DLC about a year ago.

OK, I've noticed that people get upset about that term
Could you explain the difference between a Hack n' Slash and a game like Nier?
Genuine Question

Its a useless catch all term, its been used to describe ARPGs like Diablo, Musou games like Dynasty Warriors, and games like DMC/Bayonetta

Is there even a completed early access game that is actually good?

Same with Rust. Most Jewish thing ever.

Dying Light should be first since it's the best game up there.

Name ONE reason why the devs should take it out of early access.

PC gaming isn't what it once used to be.

>2017 on just PS4 + Switch but not on PC
>Gravity Rush 2
>Crash Remaster Trilogy
>Persona 5
>God of War
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade 2
>SM Odyssey
>Project Octopath
>Runner 3
>Puyo Puyo

>Meanwhile, only on PC
>Mount & Blade II
>Uhm... A Hat In Time?

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Civ6 pmuch killed that, and desu I only played like 100 hours of it before I went back to EU4


I enjoyed KSP, Factorio and Prison Architect

see And worthless games journalists nor popular gaming youtube channels called them out on it, the industry is fucked.

Considering Ark is on Ps4/xbone It would be the best example.
It really has no excuse to be EA except they continue to rebalance and release content in large monthly chunks.

I think a lot of it is people assuming they'll be the hunter, and just ended up getting sniped by a russian CS GO prodigy on a break.

Ark is a pretty impressive example of shrewd conmen parting idiots from their money.


If the game is marked as Early Access then under no circumstances should the developer be able to attach DLC/expansion to the product. Your game is UN-finished; deliver a finalized product, and then you're allowed to start churning out the additional paid content. But of course they got away with it because literal children and man-children bought it because their favorite e-celeb was paid a few thousand dollars to shill it on their youtube channel.

Total Warhammer 2
Like four medieval simulators
BOTW 4k Remaster
Starcraft Remaster

Can the game be played solo? I got gifted by a friend, but I don't give a shit about clans, I just want to have a comfy dino game.

>they're all survival


Fucking awful

>a "new" genre in gaming
>a game mode that existed since Warcraft 3 custom maps

Blame Gabe.

Reminder he also wants to ruin mods.

PI has some shit coming out this year but you're right. Starcraft online and BOTW Remastered are better than every console exclusive coming out this year so it's kind of unfair

Yeah but you won't have much fun unless you are literally autistic.

Not that the clan shit is any better.

PC gamers are morons.

>tfw I still play games on my PC but they're not even really PC games, just stuff like Shadowverse that's a mobile port

I don't know what happened to PC gaming man, it's just sad now. Mostly play on my consoles now.

Hows wildlands?

Reminder ARK is one of the better selling PS4 games

this fag is full of himself holy shit

Its safe to say the WC3 custom map scene was the worst thing to happen to gaming, its spawned shitty genres like TD, MOBA and BR fps shit.

>copy a book
>call yourself a pioneer

>weed trash
>nu god of war

Not that hard to understand. Its a genre people like and theres only shitty h1z1 and shitty PUBG to choose from. They wanna play a battle royale game and theres only 2 popular ones.

>shitty ubisoft open world meme game has almost as many sales as nier
Fucking christ, as a PC user myself, why do so many people have such awful taste?

Normies love it and normies will always decide what is popular

cost and sales often have something to do with it

if it's a game popular with the younger crowd it's probably multiplayer and there are youtubers playing it that they like

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with tower defense.

There were full release launch titles that are more incomplete than those early access games.

SFV, DOAX3, etc

What are you talking about
2017 looks great for pc
>mechwarrior 5
>mirage arcane warfare
>warhammer 40,000k dawn of war 2
>escape from tarkov
>rising storm 2
>law breakers
There's way more but off the top of my head this is what I'm looking forward to.
>prey on my 1070
It's going to look great.

Also adding to my list
>prey for the gods
>system shock 3
>serious Sam 4
>angles fall first
>inner chains
>divinity original sin 2
>space hulk deathwing
Might update list more later