Why do people pretend ecelebs help sell games?

Why do people pretend ecelebs help sell games?

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>youtube ecelebs

It works with twitch streams though.

That's kind of a meaningless comparison, because we don't know how much the game on the right would have sold WITH a let's player boost.
Knowing the quality level of these bad jumpscare 0 effort steam horror games, odds are it would have sold a couple thousand copies without pewdiepie & co playing it.

This. Whoever made OP's picture is retarded

There's the argument that youtube eceleb exposure would boosts sales because more people get to see the game, and the argument that it would decrease sales of certain games since it's pretty pointless to play, for exemple a walking simulator if you've already seen someone play it. Any study with a single exemple is basically useless.

>Trying this hard to defend ecelebs

I do believe that it mostly doesn't impact some types of game (experience/story driver games, interactive dramas, horror and the like), it certainly help shifts sales for game that are actually fun to play. Even then, your showing two distinct games and saying one didn't sell more than the other? this picture is an awful way to illustrate your point, it's either lazy or you don't know the first thing about statistics and analytics.

We can agree that e-celebs helped make more of the same trash game right? How many spoopy/craftsurvivals did we get because they made them popular.

Simplest answer is the audience of letsplayers is not the audience of video games (actual players).

Saying letsplays increase sales is the same argument as saying piracy decreases sales.

>shitty screamer eceleb bait game doesn't sell well

Are you really that fucking dense?

One was heavily shilled by the scarecam faggots, one wasn't

>a short shitty $1 jump-scare simulator that there's no point in playing after watching someone else play sells like shit

A shit game will sell poorly, especially if the lets players show it in their videos. Most if not all of these jump scares games suck dick and are not worth more than 20 minutes your time, so why don't kids watch that instead of wasting their money

Personally, there a couple of indie games and even triple AAA I would have never played had I not seen someone play it first. If you want a real comparison, why not check out twitch and see how much streamers get from the new recommendation system?

But people said FNAF only got popular because of eceleb faggots

Basically this. Think Activision levels of market saturation but much lower quality. The first 1 or 2 games that start a trend will sell well, then it goes downhill.

>what is fnaf

>A shit game will sell poorly, especially if the lets players show it in their videos

What about goat simulator?

I don't watch any ecelebs whatsoever, I'm just pointing out that the comparison is retarded.

they want their youtube circles to feel more important

With FNAF you don't know when the jumpscare is coming so there's still some reason to play it yourself.

Games without TV commercials have outsold games with TV commercials, I guess commercials do nothing too.

Thanks OP, I'm going to need this image the next time the underage try to claim

Or I Am Bread or FNAF?

Only because you're a dumb faggot without deduction skills

If Pewds says X game sucks his fanbase will avoid it.

You don't know when it's coming in Sophie's Curse either.

Don't ever respond to me again.

Not an argument.

Just ask these idiots (or check their steam profile) if any of these ecelebs have gotten them to purchase a game -- guaranteed they haven't

fnaf sold well because autistic kids held onto it, just look at the fucking fanart


The problem with goat simulator, FNAF, or I am bread is while they seem shit, you can still have a good time with it on your own. I've never played any of them, but from what I've seen most of these shitty jump scares games are just walking around, clicking on things, and waitting for something spooky to happen. In the other games it's either a joke to just fuck around ala Goat simulator and I Am Bread, or has an actual objective and tense gameplay like FNAF

They seem bad in comparison to actually good games, but compared to random trash indie games? definitely better. It's unreasonable to compare a game that does nothing to a game you could at least fuck around in or have an actual fun/tangible goal

You're comparing apples and oranges. They're two different games, and we can't deduce anything from the picture OP posted.

You know, there's a reason scientists do controlled studies.

>or has an actual objective and tense gameplay like FNAF

Sophie's Curse has all those things and it isn't a walking sim

>Free advertising excuse given to justify ecelebs making millions of dollars off of people's games
>Free advertising doesn't get the developer any more sales
>Sup Forumsermin will still defend this

This isn't apples and oranges, it's games selling through ecelebs and games not selling through ecelebs

Very simple

Just skimmed through a video of Sophie's curse, it looks exactly like every other shitty jump scare game on steam. The game play seems slightly more involved, but it's essentially the same thing of ticking down a timer till you get scared. It doesn't help it's visually similar to this types of games and seems to blow it's load after play through or two. So like I said earlier, shit games will sell poorly

And you believe positive exposure on Youtube does not help sales in any way?

The only way to know whether shilling on youtube boosted Sophie's Curse sales would be to figure out how much the game would have sold if no one made videos of the game.

Skate 3 got a reprint in 2014 purely because a PDP video stirred up enough interest among players.

Sure, the reprint wasn't massive, the game still undersold enough that the series was canned in 2011 and PDP is a massive faggot, but there's no denying that LPers can be helpful in promotion.

No doubt, and FNAF has a better overall design with its character and setting - but that doesn't really change the facts

FNAF would have been a hit without ecelebs.

What a retarded image.

Just look at a game's sales before Pewdiepie makes a video on it and then after. If his video gets 1 million views, and 1% of those viewers buy the game, that's still 10,000 sales.

Let that sink into your brain, nigga.

>Uh-oh! They caught me making a retarded argument! Better double down and hope they stop responding so I don't have to lose face in front of all of my 4channarian friends!

>My anecdote proves you wrong


And if 1% of those people DON'T buy the game

Then that's 0 sales added


Pewdiepie didn't shill for Ember and it still sold more copies than Sophie's Curse. Really makes the ol' noggin' go a joggin'

What morality exactly are you appealing to?

So Pewdiepie's claim to fame is that he still couldn't help sell copies of Skate 3?


Most of the Youtube audience is underage so they don't have money to spend on games.

Well if that logic were true, it should have sold 100k copies alone since he has 10 million views

I mean, I'm not saying I agree with OP's image, but your argument is not convincing either.

I think the fundamental problem is that no matter how hard you advertise something, if it's not something people want, they're not going to buy it.

Keep sucking eceleb dick like you suck quarters out of slot machines

But they can't be compared that way. They aren't even in the same genre.

Not only that, this is literally only one example and one control example. It's incomplete. Even if you're right, how the fuck do you expect to prove it with one cherrypicked example

Uh huh. And now let's see you use an actual good game as an example instead of shovelware trash.

Can't do it? Thought so.

If your game is garbage, it's going to be exposed as garbage in an LP. Of course that's not going to sell copies. If your game is great, it's going to be showcased as great, and that's a whole different story.

What are you even arguing at this point. Games can sell with or without ecelebs, if a game is actually good or passable it may get a boost in sales, which clearly sophie's curse isn't. Even then though, I bet if you compared a game of similar quality to sophies curse, I guarantee sophie's curse sold more because of ecelebs

>But they can't be compared that way. They aren't even in the same genre.

They're both video games that need to sell copies to succeed.

One had advertising done by top ecelebs (Markiplayer, Pewdiepie, etc), one didn't

I literally bought Yakuza 4 and 5 because of a so-called "e-celeb". I would have not even looked at that series without Youtube videos showing how different it is from what I thought it was.

All games are not the same

You know the expression apples and oranges? There's a reason it's a expression. It's there to expose the common fallacy that two things are being compared as if they were the same, when they aren't

Watching other people play video games instead of playing them yourself is gamur gurrrrl beta tier

>they're both video games that need to sell copies to succeed
How come indie games don't sell as much as triple AAA games?
How come niche japanese games don't sell as much as call of duty?
How come shit games don't sell as well as well-designed games?

Fucking retard

>They're both video games

Not comparable in any way you fucking faglord.

There are an estimated five MILLION videogames out there and you just cherry-pick two and think you have proven something. Who the fuck do you think is going to fall for that?

Well that's clearly from your ignorance and you would have known how good they were on the PS2 if you'd played them then you underaged shit

Idioms aren't concrete arguments

>*GOOD games

It doesn't matter if a game gets e-celeb attention, it matters if it does and it looks actually good/fun. Minecraft is the definitive example of this.

e-celebs play shitty games to just for laughs. Of course people aren't going to buy those once they see how bad they are.

The argument isn't that the idiom exists. Misrepresenting and deflecting my argument isn't an argument

OP here

Tetris sold 495 million copies so advertising a game on Youtube obviously have no effect on the sales! My logic is undeniable.

>Two completely different genres
I might as well cherrypick some random shitty indie game that sold less to prove the point of ecelebs making games sell better, despite the fact that it's also dishonest and a bad example

>How come indie games don't sell as much as triple AAA games?
>How come niche japanese games don't sell as much as call of duty?
>How come shit games don't sell as well as well-designed games?

Maybe they'd sell more copies if your hero pewds shilled for them


Just like how you're cherry picking the few games ecelebs managed to help sell copies of?

Whatever you got to tell yourself to justify sucking eceleb dick

Also pic related I just realised who I'm talking to

I feel like the argument that let's plays hurt walking simulators and other games that are light on choice/mechanics kind of falls apart when you consider that those games have gotten significantly *more* popular since the rise of let's plays. Correlation doesn't mean causation, but proving causation generally requires there to be correlation.

Didn't literally every E Celeb play Undertale.
And it sold over 2 Mill.

Also science does not work like that OP.
You cant base your argument as fact based on a single instance.

unironically this. LPers are bottomfeeding scum and the lowest of entertainment. Nintendo going after them for their fair share of profits makes me rock hard.


>PC Gamers
>buying games


>you would have known how good they were on the PS2 if you'd played them

I just explained to your retarded ass that I would have never looked at that fucking series on my own, and your retort is "you should have played it yourself". Brilliant. Go fuck yourself.

Nintendo doing God's work. Anyone defending LPers are part of the cancer.

By OP's logic all advertisement is pointless because there's some game out there that was advertised and sold poorly. Some game out of millions.

Because Pewdiepie does, and everyone assumes that all e-celebs are the same as the single most popular guy on youtube.

>Waaah! I need my hand held! I can't figure out if I'll like a game or not!

Literally fucking children

I didn't need a YouTuber to tell me Onimusha was gonna be a badass samurai game - I could just tell.

>Because Pewdiepie does

He doesn't, but thanks for playing

Simple, don't make walking simulators.

how do you explain "random" player spikes


what if they're clearly not caused by sales/giveaways because one didn't happen at the time but they do line up with an upload about it by a popular youtube

Uh huh. And how many great series have you missed because they were not what your snap judgment said they were, and you never found out?

If you try to answer that, you're an even bigger retard than I thought. That's the point there. You don't fucking know. You cannot know. I made a snap judgment on Yakuza series back when Yakuza 1 came out, and that judgment was "this looks like a fucking shit GTA clone for retarded babies who like GTA". Every game in the series looked like that. And it was only thanks to Youtube LPers that I found out it wasn't that at all, it only looked like your standard open-world bullshit petty criminal simulator.

He did once or twice.

That's all it takes.

How dare they do this? To US, no less. Do they not know who WE are? Do they not know to respect - no - to GROVEL before us? It is US who shrekt gawker, US who got Brexit out of the EU, US who tanked marvel's comics that DARED to make coons and mewling quims superheroes without OUR permission, US who killed the careers of Zoe Quinn and Phil Fish. It is OUR supreme emperor Trump-sama that rules supreme along with OUR Crongress. There is nowhere they can run or hide outside OUR influence. For we are LEGION. And we neither forgive nor forget.

Not him but like 2 game series.
Monster hunter and SMT.
Because they got no exposure at all and weren't sold in any of the stores around me in the early 2000s.

Nobody can play every game in the world

But the fact that you openly ignored Yakuza is a sin - and your justifications were pretty weak too



Just drop it, he'll keep doubling down on his retardation until everyone leaves him alone or concedes to shut him up.

>the people that watch ecelebs are underage retards
Stop the fucking presses