Do you prefer physical or digital games when you buy?

Do you prefer physical or digital games when you buy?

if possible physical.

>PS3 shelve is full
Literally how?

Digital download 100%

can you imagine being a political cartoonist and having to do this shit everyday to put bread on your mouth?
the only thing they have going for them is that they aren't anthony burch

Literally why

Can you imagine being a retard that doesn't understand what satire is, let alone edits of satire?
Well, no need to imagine it when you're living it, I guess.

I usually go that route too. Except that now PC games are useless physically.
They just send a box with a code.

Here is Mass Effect Andromeda. Not even a place to put the DVD. Just a whole empty box with 3 sheet of paper and a code.

Kind of pathetic that this guy put so much effort into a cartoon that puts down kids in order to make himself and people his age feel better about themselves.

If the only way you can compare yourself to someone else to make yourself look better is by using kids or teens, you probably don't have a lot going for yourself in life.


t. thirteen year old who thinks he's finished maturing

He's a cartoonist that works for The Onion, my main man.

Take a guess.

Well it's usually better to have something that exist in the real world rather than something that only exist on a server.


Always physical.

It's getting harder though. Final Fantasy XV is now 60.15GB and only one DLC episode has been released so far. That's not including A King's Tale. At this point, they are going to have to release a complete edition eventually.

Most physical copies aren't even real physical copies. Most disks just boot a download.

Is FF15 on a full Bluray or do you download most of it anyway?

I pirate all my games, so digital I guess. There is something nice about physical libraries, but I do that with books, not vidya.

I can't even put random CDs in random game boxes anymore, fml

this guys little self insert at the bottom of the panel always pisses me off, it really makes him look like an arrogant cunt, and i've seen at least one comic from him I almost liked but that fucking narcissistic need to self insert with some shitty last word quip ruined it


They're all satire, my dude. They're supposed to be shit

I prefer physical but since im a PCbro i have to buy digital.

>I pirate all my games, so digital I guess.
You will regret that.

yeah, he's fucking awful
you should write a letter to the onion and tell them what you think

>Do you prefer physical or digital games when you buy?
Thanks to Denuvo I returned to physical in 2016 and hell I'm enjoying it.

I massively prefer physical to the point that I'll happily pay triple or quadruple price to get a physical version of a game. I just don't think downloaded things can possibly be worth money.

Caveat here is that the physical version has to be playable without online services. Shit like Street Fighter V (to pick a random example), which requires signing into Capcom's network as well as requiring a gigantic day one patch basically doesn't have a physical version as far as I'm concerned.

>digital games are only a license
>physical games are only a license
>sony, microsoft, and nintendo are currently trying to prove in court that you don't own your console; you only own a license

>Here is Mass Effect Andromeda. Not even a place to put the DVD. Just a whole empty box with 3 sheet of paper and a code.
That's a great collectors item.
And so useful in 2030, when EA including Origin is extinct.

how'd you know that was the one?
>the onion
well fuck me then, i'm actually embarrassed, I'd never though i'd end up as one of those retards in the comment section of a joke article that believed and were outraged by it but here I am

>Shelves are bending

2017 and PC games are a complete joke.
Just take that box and time travel back to the heydays in 1997 and watch their faces.

Movie shelf

I dont get the bending.

They are DS and 3DS games. They are not heavy, at all.

shitty shelves

Digital when possible.

There are games I have to import physically because I'd rather not jump through hoops making Japanese accounts and stuff.

Both. The later patches are huge (except for today's) and there are more on the way.


I have digital everywhere
I don't even have a fucking disk drive on my computer


>PS3 games
>Shelf not empty

Paper shelves? My girlfriend has one of those, I put some games on top of the shelves and I thought it was going to break.

I hope so because shelves should not bend like that from light stuff like that.

He's not even a real person. lol.

>I don't even have a fucking disk drive on my computer
You don't even have a video game console.
Do you even like video games?

Why's that?


I don't spend money on shit hardware for 1 decent exclusive per system. It doesn't make any sense. Don't get me started on shit controllers, mandatory accessories they don't support, physical dlc, etc.

Well I can only pirate digitally so I'd say digital.

You already stated that you hate vidya.
What are you even doing here?

You wanna act like a cuck, keep getting fucked like one

But it's all digital. It's a video game. It's 1s and 0s dawg! It's all a lie!

I lost all of my physical games from, from '89 to '16 in a flood a few months ago. Almost all of it, including a sealed, boxed copy of Mother and all three Mega Man Legends games

Since then I've not been keen on physical stuff

>PS3 games


depends on the game. If I know I'll play it a ton I go digital. Sidegames are physical, unless I'm feeling stupid and want to blow money on a special edition for a game I'm hyped for (almost never though)

>all three Megaman Legends games


Misadventures of Tron Bonne?

And I nailed it.

>Misadventures of Tron Bonne?

Yes. It was easily one of my more expensive/rare games

but you don't buy a digital game, you buy a license to play one when they let you

This is literally the most common thing most people bitch about, is kids.

How kids have it now, what kids have now, why kids aren't the same now, what kids are doing now, etc.

Anyone that isn't a concerned parent of an actual kid going through a weirdo phase needs to shut the fuck up about kids.

If you don't have kids, shut the fuck up about kids. What the fuck are you even doing talking about or even socializing with kids unless you actually work with them or have them?

>DVD case only includes a download code

They should fucking jail people who do this. I think being buttfucked by Jaykwon for three or four years is totally reasonable for that.

>No xbox games
our guy desu

RIP, I had a copy too but I lost it when I was moving cities a lot as a kid.

>people STILL think Kelly comics are serious

>lunar dragon song

physical all the way
sometimes if I like a game I buy it physically even if I already own digitally just to have a box and a disc

I would go physical if I had enough space

Not having backup copies of his physical games.

>digital or physical
both at the same time

>I lost all of my physical games from, from '89 to '16 in a flood a few months ago.
Interpret it as a sign from God.

Depends on the game, some games I like to have a physical version of.
You have games like Mario Kart and Animal Crossing which I'd prefer to just have on my home menu to select whenever I want a quick race or to do daily things rather than having to take out the disc/cart just for that.

>all these idiots taking the onion cartoons at face value and reacting to it

Physical for consoles digital for my PC.

Fucking obviously.

It depends. If I can back up the files and still play it I am fine with digital. Physical for situations where I can not.

god can go and fuck a cactus

Digital. None of those consoles have good digital support, and since you don't seem to have any games for consoles that HAVE good digital support, I must assume you're a digital guy.

Ikea nigga

Now that's a tru baller

>driving to the store to buy digital bits
>storing digital bits in a box on your shelf
>having digital bits mailed to you from a warehouse

This thread needs more Kelly.

You know, it's weird. I almost always prefer physical.

But with the Switch and Splatoon coming out honestly I'm considering digital. One of the main reasons I didn't play Splatoon as much is because I had to eject the disk and replace it every other play session.

But Amazon gives me $12 for ordering physical so...I don't know.

The term "digital" means you download shit through a network.
It was never applied for "digital bits" on physical media, like you use it.
Your usage is wrong.

I own Ikea too, and it does not bend. Hell, my Billy even deal with Books really well.

Here two full Billy full of movies and no bending.

There's literally nothing wrong with steam in and of itself.

The supposed "DRM" People complain about is completely unobtrusive and ONLY effects actual pirates. Once you download a game frome steam, even if steam itself disappears tomorrow and valve takes no measures before pulling the plug, you still have and can play those games.

Since steam is the most common way to own a digital copy of a game, there's literally nothing wrong with digital copies. They are just as safe, if not safer on your hard drive than they are on a disc.

My games are downloaded to my hard drive, I don't need a server unless it's online, and if It Is, it doesn't matter if it's physical or digital, you still rely on servers

Yup because my PSX is super connected to the internet

Physical because with Prime discounts, new games are cheaper physical. And buying used gets you older games cheaper.

>Nintendo games over the age of 12

I preferred digital. But legislation is forcing all online distributors to now include sales tax. Fuck that, fuck that.

Can anyone make a good video game edit of this?

downloaded games are stored on physical media too you fucking retard... where the fuck do you think your console/pc stores that shit? on a physical storage device like hard drive, flash, or ssd

so what does that make downloaded games according to your definition?


You need to keep the satire brah.

>The term "digital" means you download shit through a network.

These people think it's cool fitting 100 games to a shelf. This mother fucker can fit a few thousand and keep space for shit that matters. 10/10 post.

you got me

Here's my Ikea set that bowed under a few blu-rays, a kinect and some legos.

I've since removed the blu-rays and it's bowing less, but you can still see it.

Digital - less clutter. I can download it again any time I want later.
>But the service may not be available in 20 years!
Quite possibly, but I doubt I'd care about the game 20 years from now. There's an extreme possibility the disc would get lost, or damaged in that 20 year time span as well.

Even if the service isn't available you can still play your games if we're talking about Steam.

Don't know about other services.

>*autistic screeching*
I just corrected your wrong usage of established terms.
This is how the industry uses the term "digital" as in "digital distribution", as does everyone else.
On Sup Forums it's just an autist playing his word games, because his brain is disabled.