Choose what game to play for me

Choose what game to play for me


no mans sky I hear its really good

I said game not slideshow

Is this a bait thread? Whys your library so... normal?

30fps is better than 0fps


All the way or nothing
Do you go to the pizza store just for the crust

Whats wrong with that

crust is the best part

If bb is so great why arent u playing it but shitposting in my thread

Cluster Truck is pretty fun

ETS2 and don't stop until you've a fleet with at least 1 of each make/model of truck

Go get Painkiller black edition.

Play Furi while it downloads.

>Folder full of shortcuts

Where else u keep ur pirated stuff

Kat's game! for the unique gameplay of course, fuck the waifufags

Bump niggers

Ori or Shadow Tactics

Play Furi. It is amazing.

I don't even pirate anything and I still have a folder full of shortcuts

Dishonored is pretty good if you don't want a real challenge.

Thanks senpaitachi furi was pretty great
Need a controller though

yeah, anyone who doesn't navigate to the .exe manually starting at C:\ is a casual.

last game you played ?

Finished doom on hurt me plenty maybe i should replay pistol only on hardest

I would play The Witness or Kona, for change of pace. Res 7 is good, but after Doom i dont know.