Name a series more overrated than Doom.
Protip:It's physically impossible
Name a series more overrated than Doom.
Protip:It's physically impossible
Easy. The Witcher.
Doom is widely considered the greatest video game franchise ever, despite being nothing but average even at the time of its first shareware release
Deus Ex
Really shit game.
I played the originals, three and this simultaneously and this was definitely the worst.
>hurr durr lore
>hurr durr voices story
>hurr durr upgrades and other rpg style shite
>hurr durr crysis suit style shite.
what a load of shit basically.
And Zelda.
At least the Doom games are actually fun to play.
Dark Souls
Sums up ID soft perfectly
Highly touted, yet results don't show
>being nothing but average even at the time of its first shareware release
Guess how do I know you're eighteen years old at the very most?
Want to know how you're wrong? When I was born, Gerald Ford was president :-)
What else like Doom existed at the time of its first shareware release?
irrelevant. Innovation does not equate to quality
There was nothing to compare Doom with at the time of its release.
Again, irrelevant. Doesn't make it any good.
The legend of Zelda
You can't judge negative quality without any comparison.
Mario, Zelda, MGS. Holy fuck that was easy OP.
The Last of Us.
ez pz.
legend of zelda
What of the multiple millions of players and the couple of decades of praise, culminating in the general consensus that Doom isnt bad?
What about Doom is bad outside of the realm of subjectivity?
Of course you can.It's why the very first horror movie is a pile of garbage nobody remembers
Seconding this
The same general consensus that tells us that Star Wars is a movie series of the literal highest quality?
Why do people remember Doom if it isn't any good?
This. Probably the most overrated of all time.
The same reason people remember garish 90's fashion trends. rose tinted nostalgia goggles
Oh, okay. Can you explain why Doom is bad?
the elder scrolls series will always be the most overrated series of video games of all time
>Can you explain why Doom is bad?
>Muh Nostalgia is the only reason why Doom is still good
>one of the biggest modding communities work on it solely because of nostalgia and nothing else.
Jesus christ a but more of that flawed way of thinking and i could swear you are a Sonybro.
I don't believe you.
Doom: truly revolutionary
Doom 2:more of the same, safe sequel
Doom 3: Pretty good, but FPSs were reaching critical mass around that time.
D44M: Very good, but merely that
best reviews.
Do it, faggot.
I can agree with this, even if i had a great time with the 2016 single player.
>doom 3: pretty good
it's not the best but it also isnt the worst FPS created.
Worst Doom in the series? Probably
A fun and slightly terrifying game when it came out? Sure.
even then, the game looked like an 7th gen game, just look at pic related.
Not to mention they copied the gravity gun for a desperate attempt to stay relevant with the expansion,
I remember that moment in the game.
Aaaah, memories.
its mediocre and held back by trying to be a horror game making all the encounters very boring
and here you are, in your 40's, arguing with teenagers about video games
> responding to a troll
half life
I get that it's a meme, but i'm convinced people who genuinely bitch about the game being pitch black-dark haven't played beyond the first few chapters.
blah blah blah whatever
I still like the series
hurr durr a bunch of criticisms that dont make the actual gameplay bad
>physically impossible
Mass Effect
Final Fantasy
Elder Scrolls
Any and all crafting survival shit
And more but I'm busy.
You double nigger
> (You)
>hurr durr a bunch of criticisms that dont make the actual gameplay bad
>hurr durr 5-6 hours of arena shooter crap for £40
They haven't. Doom 3 still has a small but active deathmatch community.
No shit? Never would have guessed. I'm kind of glad that it's still around.
I dont understand how people call DOOM generic or bad. What other modern FPS games have speedy movement, double jump, projectile based combat, no cover, no health regen, and a variety of enemy types that serve different functions? What am I missing here? Serious Sam 3? Shadow Warrior 2? Both of those are by the same publishers if im not mistaken and had fairly low budgets on top of being released a decent amount of years apart. How is it not something special? Even those games still rely on things like reloading, sprint, and aim down sights, which DOOM does not.
Can someone explain? Where is this sea of FPS games im missing out on that are like DOOM but better that you guys are enjoying?
More empty words, all I get out of that is you personally hate arenas. Still no criticism to the gameplay. Games can have bad level design and good gameplay to make up for it, not that I personally think the level design is bad.
>hurr durr Sup Forums hurr durr everything is shit cos we''re edge lords.
souls series/bloodborne
Certainly seems that way
jesus fucking christ.
the game was shit because it was nothing like doom. even doom3 was like doom.
the game was shit because it was generic console 2016 FPS crap.
It looks like Doom to me. You're just making a bunch of definitive statements and not giving any reasoning behind them, as if you're so right it should be self explanatory. How someone could claim a game with sprint and reloading is more Doom than one without is beyond me but i'm sure you have your reasons.
Yep I got curbstomped by a guy that had his timers down perfectly
Fucking easy.
Witcher franchise, Halo franchise, call of duty mw2, Mass effect franchise, FF7 etc and not to mention, the MOST overrated game of all time. HALF LIFE 2. Literal trash of a game. I would let it slide if people said that it was an okay game and they liked it but, one of the greatest games? Fuck no. It's not even a mediocre game, it's straight up terrible.
wow its like you never actually played the game
>Assassin's Creed
>Elder Scrolls
Half Life is really tightly designed and innovated the modern FPS campaign as we know it today. Both in Half Life and HL2. The technology was groundbreaking both times as well, on top of an engine so versatile it has one of the most active modding communities in all of gaming. So no its really not overrated, its one of the most influential games of all time. Not saying its the most or close to it, but its one of the landmarks in the FPS genre for sure.
doom 3 is often labelled as shit, and while it is a shit doom game, it isnt a bad game and is actually quite enjoyable
Being a landmark game has no barring to me. If the game is generally not fun and has a lot of fuckery, I could careless what you did for the industry. I don't hate half life 1, but half life 2 is disgustingly mind numbingly boring and retarded. Cool, it did great stuff for the genre. Not cool that it's shitty. I could barley even play this game myself. I restarted with Synergy in order to cure the cancer that the game gave me. I have never felt so fucking bored in my life.
I mean, what type of unimaginative retard makes the aliens, generic humanoid retards? Why does the game have to load every 2 seconds? Why was there a shitty vehicle sequence that lasted forever? Why do i feel like I'm going into a coma when playing this game? I have never felt this way with any other game. Even other shitty games, I can laugh at and get something out of it. Half life 2 stunned me. Are people joking when they say they want half life 3? Is that the meme? did I misunderstand it, this whole time?
All Resident Evils except for 4. All of them are shit with 4 being average
Literally Halo. The amount of hype that Microsoft builds up for it is incredible.
ummm I dunno but it loads so that the world is seamless, the first one did too. But its rated highly for the reasons I listed and at the time it came out those things certainly didnt seem to bother everyone. Similar to how people love COD 4 for doing all the stuff it did first, but the gameplay isnt very good.
Completely agree, Mudkip Edition was such overblown trash.
Doom 1 is amazing
Doom 2 is great would be amazing if 1/3rd of the levels were mediocre to shit
Final Doom is great/amazing. TNT is mediocre but Plutonia is godlike
Wads are endless and some are better then the main games
Doom 3 is okay not a Doom game in spirit but a okay game of its kind
D44M was solid and a good harken back to older games although it could be alot faster and more monster heavy.
Overrated? It deserves all its praise. Wolfeinstein alone would not have jump started the whole genre Doom helped create and individually all the games besides maybe 3 was great or better.
Final Fantasy since it started great and rapidly went to shit
>Forgetting Doom 64
You were so close user
*game series that you like*
Amazing as well. There you go. A series that hits almost every note and when it doesn't it still looks good compared to most games.
Nice bait leaf.
Dork Souls
Whilst I think you are full of shit and in fact, a colossal fucking faggot, I will admit that DOOM 2016 was mediocre overall because it lacks what the first two games have, which is almost limitless replayability.
I haven't played the newer Doom on PC so I dunno, was it ever given the mod support that 1 and 2 have or is it still just snap map bullshit?
I mean, Doom 2016 didn't even receive any DLC other than multiplayer shit.
Seriously, what the fuck?
You just proved his point, retard.
Metal Gear Solid.
Even all you contrarian chucklefucks cant stop sucking kojima's dick.
>6 enemies
>bounce pads
>like doom
>ITT redditor children that don't understand what made doom so significant or why it works
Doom 4 is garbage as well
Unreal > HL
UT2k4 > HL2
HL innovated in the dumbest shit
But you Leafs cant stop sucking tranny dicks.
Wait didn't Doom 1 have those levels with the flickering lights in pitch black where you could barely see anything just like Doom 3?
Doom had a few.
>Even all you contrarian chucklefucks cant stop sucking kojima's dick.
You will never understand Kojima's deep subliminal messages. Get back to me when you're grown up.
Pretty much every game Sup Forums has ever praised is more overrated than DOOM. In fact, half the games you niggers salivate over exist BECAUSE of DOOM. Fact!
Doom's engine changed the gaming industry by improving movement, structures, mapping.
that's why we're able to move up stairs and down stairs in video games you mentally retarded post Millennial
>Nobody was ever going to do this unless id did it
t. retard aka (you)