Is it good

Is it good.

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I enjoyed it.

Not as an srpg. Story is trash too. So no, not particularly. There are plenty of worse srpgs out there though. Even on 3DS.

I unironically think it's the best 3ds game.

one of the worst 3ds games, only loved by waifu fags
conquest does a better job, but the story got even shittier

No, it's one of the worst in the series.
The only ones who praise it are casual cunts who haven't played any other FE

I'm quite enjoying it atm but I can tell the maps lack a bit of strategic depth, I wonder if Fates fixes it up on that department. The characters in Awakening are top tier though.

Maps are boring.

Strategy boils down to throwing your strongest unit into the middle of the crowd and letting them destroy everything.

You are forced to grind waifus to get better units.

Pairing system fosters the use of suboptimal waifus by giving them stat bonuses from the unit they are paired with.

It's a good game if you are going in looking for waifus with a bit of gameplay rather than gameplay featuring waifus.

Literally not possible when kid icarus uprising exists.
The game is so good the bad controls don't even matter.

Conquest is superior as far as strategic gameplay goes, and if you stick to supports, the characters are up there with Awakening.

>Strategy boils down to throwing your strongest unit into the middle of the crowd and letting them destroy everything.
>You are forced to grind waifus to get better units.

Then play it like an old FE and actually get your lower units exp you nonce.

Is Conquest really one of the best in the series?

Yes, it's pretty satisfying to play despite some horrendously unbalanced/OP mechanics and there's plenty of charm and variety to it

imo it's the hardest for sure. I haven't played 5 though which most people seem to say is the hardest.

Wouldn't go as far as to say best in the series, Fates: Conquest is the best of the 3ds titles in terms of gameplay, but the story is retarded beyond belief.

Yes. One of the best 3ds games. v is too contrarian to admit that this game saved their shitty series

good sales do not mean good quality

The maps have less strategic depth than Mercenaries Saga, cheap indie shovelware srpgs that are basically FFT/TO Lite Lite Lite Edition.

Mad telius queer is mad


dumb shitposter


My board is for mature adults.

Eh, it's okay. Fates is better though, for the most part.

You are objectively wrong as everyone knows rune factory 4 is the best 3ds game


Yes. Not the best FE, but still good.

dumb shitposter

None of those are Shin Megami Tensei IV.


My board is for mature adults.

Conquest >> Radiant Dawn > Path of Radiance >> FE7 >>> FE8 > Birthright > Revelations > FE6 >>>>>>> Awakening

It's average at worst. Definitely not unplayable trash like Shadow Dragon.

>not liking awakening automatically makes you a tellius fag
reddit seems like a better place for you, sperg.

No. You might still have fun though.

Conquest had potential, but a good game it was not. Damn shame, really. At least it shows they're learning.

Nice ad hom, asshole

My board is for mature adults.

Stop replying to subpar nu-Sup Forums 2017 trolling.

conquest was an excellent game


This looks like an actual gameplay quality list. Nice to see in Sup Forums from time to time, instead of just spergs who think that other factors matter in srpgs. Pretty much agree too, except 6 is less braindead than the other two GBAbabby Emblems.

best game in the entire series trust me OP.

That's because only 5 people played that game

its an average FE game. pairing up could almost be considered abuse considering how broken it is

6 would be great if it didn't have Roy and same-turn reinforcements

Revelations makes me want to kill myself.

revelations is too terrible to be better than awakening

In every title art, Kalem is covered by something, ultimately ignored by all, as usual.

Both Devil Survivor games blow Awakening out of the water as far as SRPGs go alone.

Lissa's butt

I thought FE was tactics, not strategy.

>Birthright > Revelations
Why? I never get this. Rev maps managed to be
boring with a worse plot and characters. At least Corrin is at his "best" here, but that is it.

It's highly, highly uneven in execution overall, but Chapter 10 is probably the best map I've ever played in a FE game. Too bad later maps aren't as fun or well made.

srpgs are tactical games. The Devil Survivor games and FE games are both srpgs. I'm not really sure what your point is.

I haven't played FE but I'm going to get this new one

So the actual term should be TRPG.

Those marriage proposals are so forced, just out of no where.

It fucking saved the fire emblem series. Of course it's good.

strategy is a plan, tactics are a method

>he thinks the s in srpg stands for strategy

Kek. Also, people do say trpg sometimes.

huh? Revelations had the absolute worst unit balance in the routes, complete with for some retarded reason a SMALLER party limit than the other routes despite doubling the amount of available units

Bit user, it's totally believable that those girls would want to marry Henry.

yes and lissa is best girl

Name two games on 3DS that tell TRPG and SRPG apart.

It's incredible. Much better than Fates.

What does it stand for?

Those and Conquest are easily the best srpgs on the 3DS. That's not saying a whole lot though.

But damned if the DeSu games aren't fun.

I'm saying Rev is worse then birthright

From 3 onward, Rev is the worse FE game

I thought SRPGs were games like tactics ogre, FFT, yggdra union, and FE.

How do you beat the expert mode. Made it to level 18 or so with a maxed great general Frederick. Everyone else dies instantly and you can't grind with the zombies having custom silver weapons and maxed stats on the prologue stage.

Simulation. Because they're tactical simulation games. Which is why both terms get used.

They are. Who are you replying to?

> He let Frederick gets maxed first

>I'm saying Rev is worse then birthright
that's also what I'm saying

>he fell for the prepromote meme


Its a good butt.

Both terms refer to the same exact games.

its best to consider it as a casual SRPG with optional modes that make it similar to Fire Emblem, rather than a true FE game.

It's still worth playing and is honestly a good entry point to the series as much as fegen hates it

I'm not stupid. Every one gets fucking face raped after chapter one. He is the only one who can take a single hit ever.

>He is the only one who can take a single hit ever.
Frederick is the casual filter for Awakening. If you use him, you're supposed to be fucked because they deliberately made him have zero stat growth. Awakening is actually quite easy aside from a few annoying battles.

>I'm not stupid

You should have let Frederick tank, and let robin and chrom gets the last hit to get the experience.

There is always a pre-promoted Great Knight trap in FE games.

It seemed like the opposite
Echos of Jugdral or New New Mystery when

Again the hardest mode Awakening has. Like the eclipse in berserk where every one special dies but it's not at the end but level 2 and the only person who lives is the strongest atm.


Hardest mode is Lunatic+, and you don't unlock it until you beat Lunatic.

Name your perfect FE game:

>map design of Conquest
>class skill system of Awakening/Fates
>equippable skills of PoR/RD
>sprite graphics of GBA era

Yeah but what are the best FE games?

Radiant Dawn & Path of Radiance?
What about the GBA titles?

No. Random encounters/street pass scenarios/enemies spawning mid level ruin it.

Characters/classes weren't balanced at all either, the berzerker guy with a hand axe did more damage than any archer and the dragon child thing could one shot anything with that dragonstone+ thing or whatever the fuck.

What 3DS FE games are there out right now? Which one is a good one to start with?

It's been quite a while forgot the difficulties. Expert is pussy shit compared to lunitic.

I've heard a lot of good things about New Mystery. Do I need to to play SD to understand it? Cuz SD sucked balls. Did they improve that godawful 3d graphics?

5 > 9 Jap difficulty > 10 > 14C > 4 > 9 Western difficulty > BS FE

Can't be bothered ranking 1, 2, 3, 6. 7, 8, 11, 12, 14B, 14R, or Heroes.

Not really, they recap good chunks of it, though there's some shit you'll miss.

4rd Gen - 776>Mystery>Holy War
6th gen Path of Radiance>7>Binding Blade>Sacred Stones
7th gen New Mystery>Radiant Dawn> Shadow Dragon
8th gen Conquest>Birthright>=Awakening>>>>>>Revelation

5 is only difficult the first time you play it, mostly because of bad game design and bizarre mechanics when compared to the rest of the series. At a higher level of play, 5 isn't very difficult.

Conquest and FE12 are by far the most challenging FE games.

I'm just here to agree with this guy.

>5 is only difficult the first time you play it, mostly because of bad game design and bizarre mechanics when compared to the rest of the series.

I hear this quite often about the game. I want to play it but this always puts me off.

Is revelation really that bad? I'm playing conquest and was going to play through birthright and then revelation after, I heard birthright is too easy.

I enjoyed it.

Not the best in the series by any stretch of the imagination.

But it was alright.