Honest thoughts on the Xbox 360?
Honest thoughts on the Xbox 360?
Incredible that they did everything right with that console (except for reducing the lead levels in the soldering due to EU law which caused RRoD due to lower temp resist without the lead) and then managed to do everything wrong with Xbox One.
It was fun, but Microsoft fucked up by trying to cash in on the wagglan audience. They've been paying for that mistake ever since.
It was great. Best shmup machine since Saturn
they fuck up the moment they wanted to go after the wii and spend millions on the kinect
thats why the PS3 is second on console games
I remember it being great for the first few years with exclusives like Crackdown, Dead Rising, Halo 3 and Gears of War but it really went to shit in the second half of its life span.
this. was god tier system but they flew too close to the sun with wings of wax. if they had just catered to the hardcore all the way they would be beasting to this very day. but greed destroyed them. rip haylo
Best console of the best generation.
>catered to the hardcore
Except they never did that. Xbox was always all about selling to casuals while letting them think they were the "hardcore".
playstation and nintendo were for casuals. pc360 were for men. grown men. with massive testicles.
Halo 4 was a good game. Seriously, it still retained Bungie's vision for a sequel according to the legendary ending of H3.
Halo 5 killed the franchise.
they changed all the iconic imagery. watch this to see how they ruined halo
Xbox was extremely underappreciated with tons of hidden gems buried under Halo and it was the best way to play multiplats.
Xbox 360 was great if you didn't have a PC. It's exclusive line petered out around the end of 2008 which is also where PS3 picked up serious momentum.
Xbone does pretty much nothing right other than having more reliable online and being a better media center than the PS4.
Was Great from 2005-2009. Then MS shit the bed with exclusives and decided to turn the 360 into a poor man's Wii.
I guess Microsoft haven't fallen for the movie/cinematic games meme as much as Sony have.
>inb4 quantum break and rise of the tomb raider
Halo 4's campaign was not the worst it could have been. Some interesting character interactions, as well as some surprisingly good acting from both Chief and Cortana.
Halo 4's multiplayer, on the other hand, was a complete slap in the face. Horrible gameplay, horrible visual customization, and the CoD-ification that began in Reach with loadouts reached satutation in 4, with sprint, custom classes, kill streaks, the removal of descope, as well as a general lack of decent maps.
Halo 5 was the complete inverse: the campaign was a complete joke that was a gut punch to anyone hyped up by the game's ad campaign. Meanwhile, the multiplayer is the best "next-gen" version of Halo one could get. Neutral starts, spartan abilties for everyone that don't break the game, and a legitimately fucking balanced weapon sandbox, probably the best the series ever had. The addition of Sprint in my opinion is still a mistake, but one I can live with.
You're correct, but PS4 is getting ridiculous Japanese support that easily lets you ignore the cinematic western shit and have plenty of exclusives.
still has one of my favourite games of the last generation on it
Hi Leddit
that game was good. but i always hated had you couldn't play co op from matchmaking. since i'm a friendless autist i would have to go online and beg strangers to play. why couldn't they just to co op matchmaking?
don't mind my misspelled words. my 15 dollar wireless keyboard is shit.
Solid console with a great library. As were PS3 and Wii
To be honest Japanese games have never been my cup of tea.
the only this that grid my gears was the length of ODST
I think what killed the Xbox was them going PC. That literally turns every post in every Xbox thread everywhere on the internet into a "Why have an Xbox when I can buy it on PC?"
Like, seriously, who's going to buy the Xbox if there are no exclusive games for it?
It's literally only Candians, Australians, and Europeans that make this complaint, normies seem fine purchasing an Xbone.
>inb4 quantum break and rise of the tomb raider
Quantum Break was a failure (thankfully) and Tomb Raider is third party.
I hope Halo 6 hits the ball out of the park.
yeah but still, where are the fucking games?
Seriously hope MS doesn't disappoint next week
i had so many fun memories of being in xbox parties with friends
tfw it wont ever happen again :(
They probably will this week since it's just a reveal, I hope they don't disappoint at E3 sine it's an all games show for them like Nintendo who I also hope doesn't disappoint.
It was the best console of 7th gen, because it was the most relevant at the right time.
Wii sucked balls because it had a shit library. PS3 had a poor launch. PS3 didn't become relevant until around 2010 or so, which is when Steam picked up steam (lol) at which point the majority of my playing was done on the PC again, which I hadn't really done since like 2004. I stopped using my 360 around 2011 I'd say, and used my PS3 after that, but the gen already felt over for me and I was playing on Steam way more anyway.
Best console of the generation
>best multiplats
>great shmups
>best Tales game (Vesperia)
>my favorite jrpg of all time (Lost Odyssey)
>some of the best online experiences I've ever had besides Runescape (Halo 3 custom games)
>best controller of the gen
>xbox live way better than psn even though you had to pay for it
>got important games like Mass Effect and Bioshock first despite being ported to ps3 later
It's a shame Kinect happened
Started great, killed thanks to Kinect.
best xbox
best multiplayer games
worst exclusives (by far)
brety gud all together
>It's a shame Kinect happened
Wii and Kinect were the worst thing to happen in gaming, glad they're dead.
>Shit library
Pretty stabil other than the hardware issues. Mine died 4 times.
Had an amazing start and a shitty end, while ps3 had a shitty start with a great end.
Halo 4 had a garbage story, a meh campaign, and questionable MP
Halo 5 has a bad story, a questionable campaign, and fantastic MP
Those art style videos are fucking awful.
Nah Halo 5 campaign from story to gameplay was complete shit. Halo 5 barely even has the Chief and it acts as though anyone gives a shit about civilians from a glassed planet or this new shitty team of Spartan. The game shafts the main villain worse than Halo 4 did just to push the shitty team of Spartans and the Arbiter's filler war. Glad this game got Brian hack Reed fired.
I got this 360. 360 is a 10/10 console (slim).
There's no way they won't show off at least one new game this week. I've been reading too many rumours about a new Forza and even Ori 2.
>Ori 2
Oh Shit!
In retrospect?
They kept Sony honest with their hardware and SDKs. The Cell is garbage from a design standpoint and discussing it would be beating a dead horse at this point. Ken Kutaragi got the ousting he deserved.
Microsoft successfully gutted the remainder of their PC gaming development teams. PC suffered a long dark age of shitty ports by sloppy middleware as a result. nVidia has cashed in by charging disgusting amounts for their hardware.
They successfully made paid online accounts a thing.
The 360 had a strong start, but they didn't keep the lead. They burnt massive amounts of money for exclusives, but didn't get all that much return. Microsoft used to be tight with its platform developers; now empty suits are burning bridges with third party developers, but it started late in the 360 cycle.
Microsoft didn't have a real plan B for when Sony decided to drag out the console cycle.
>Absolutely terrible story (see pic related)
>Shorter, easier and the most linear campaign until Halo 5 came out
>Campaign ruined by "Go over here and press this button, rinse and repeat" missions, retarded enemy AI, constant ammo famine, needlers & plasma pistol having nearly impossible to avoid homing, the Prometheans being very boring to fight with Knights being unfair bullet sponges and the final boss was a fucking QTE
>Bad artstyle introduced solely for the purpose on unwarranted change, especially given how great Halo Reach's artstyle was
>Boring sound track
>Weapons sound like garbage (the BR sounds like you're shooting crickets, the magnum doesn't even sound like a gun. Halo CE had far better sounding guns)
>Multiplayer was garbage and tried way too hard to be like CoD
Halo 4 wasn't just a bad a Halo game, it was a bad game period.
Not him campaign still better than Halo 5.
good console with horrible reliability during the first 3-4 years.
I agree with most of your complaints but it's still a better shooter then 90% of the other FPS games in other franchises that came out for like 7 years before it and even today.
I said 5 had a bad story, I just said 4's story is even worse
> Halo 5 barely even has the Chief
This isn't the problem, the problem is locke is even more boring then cheif.
Besides the RROD it was a pretty solid experience across the board up until around 2010 when they stopped focussing on games. Surprisingly had a fair few great JRPGs as well. The Slim model was also great.
i always thought of buying a 360 slim
play the games i missed
>I just said 4's story is even worse
And that's wrong, Halo 5 starts out not making sense from the beginning. What the fuck is the first cutscene with Halsey trying to convey? Game doesn't even start after Halo 4 it just start with some balled mother fucker and some other idiots. Why the fuck is some character from a side game a Spartan in a main game? (If you didn't play Spartan Ops) Who the fuck is this Elite, why is Halsey's arm missing, when did Halsey get captured? (If you played through Spartans) Where's the Janus Key? Kills Covenant leader in the first mission. Master Chief appears in the second mission, who the fuck are these Spartans, I thought they all were dead? Somehow everyone and their mom's know Cortana is alive and the main villain in the second mission. Why should I give a fuck about some people in poverty on some glassed planet? Why the fuck and am I still playing this boring pile of shit character. WWE fighting, Filler shit, all these non combat missions, story is different from ads, I have to save the Chief. where the fuck is that family moment 343 talked about between Blue Team and Chief? Cortan back after dying in last game, Warden is just there. Halo 5 campaign and story sucked so much ass that it was making me question if I still give a fuck about Halo 6's story.
>This isn't the problem, the problem is locke is even more boring then cheif.
I wanted to see where the lost of Cortana would take the Chief not have a repeat of Halo 2 but worse.
Fucking garbage hardware but the best platform of the previous generation.
Indeed. Practically nothing of worth to talk about, and to top it all off, wagglan gimmicks made it pretty annoying to want to use.
Not him but
>no games
Linking to my brother's Wii backlog: backloggery.com
360 is still the best last gen console, but lastgen was pretty good all around.
If you hack it it's a cheap computer.
That's about all it is. Most of the good games are multi-plats.
You can get them cheap as fuck used now, same with the games