Destiny 2

"So, everything is gone. Your stuff, my stuff, and most importantly: MY STUFF!"

How does it feel knowing you wasted HUNDREDS of hours grinding in Destiny, only to find out that all your work was absolutely for NOTHING?

You won't get to keep ANY items, and you'll have to do the exact same boring repetitive job all over again. Hundreds of hours of work for virtual items... all over again.

The most dedicated and hardcore fanbase will get the exact same treatment in the sequel as all the players who played very little... or who didn't even bother to buy the game in the first place. Nothing mattered in the first game.

Way to screw with your own fans Bungie and to get away with ripping off their time and money.

Why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:

They did the same shit when Taken King came out, why does this surprise you

Why did you even play Destiny in the first place?

Implying Destinycucks give a shit. these people also bought the game and expansions day 1
they love to get fucked over, they clearly don't think with any reason or logic.

I didn't because I knew this would happen in the first place.

How come there isn't a shitstorm happening right now?

>Thanks for the 3 year beta test :)

I know its a foreign concept to you, but people play video games for FUN.

I was bored. Started and quickly stopped playing shortly after The Taken King released.

Bungie has the biggest grip on their fans balls. Destiny 2 could be a steaming pile of Luke Smiths shit and people would still buy it.

Jesus Christ it's the exact same posts in order as last time you made this topic.

It is called a sequel. When was the last time CoD or some shit transferred over your progress?

>ftw bought destiny on release
still mad

name a bigger disappointment in gaming than destiny

hard mode: no fable


I get the concept of playing a game for fun so we shouldn't care. But you know what is fun too? Building an arsenal of weapons and equipment over the course of hte life of the game. Building a character. I really loved Destiny, I need to think twice about buying D2 now. Why move on to the new game with nothing when I can keep playing Destiny with all my stuff. Pretty shit if you ask me. Something would be nice. But no, Nothing of value.

They are losing touch with their fans right now. A moments of triumph Tshirt! Sweet! Oh wait you have to buy it... The fuck? Like all your shit? Too bad. Start over.

Come the fuck on man.

Mass effect 3
Dragon age 2

user, Destiny is not fun. A lot of gamers can't tell the difference between addiction and fun. Corporations work hard to make sure you keep playing their games over and over again.


Its a new game, whats so hard to understand?

Ultima IX
Star Control 3
Master of Orion 3

>People talk about Destiny like it's the same game after Taken King




kill yourself

I feel bretty gud honestly. There's really nothing left to go for at this point in the game for me. Literally have almost every single exotic, would be totally fucking boring to start the next game with all that stuff.

Really no different than any other loot based game, really. The journey is more satisfying than the destination.

id kill for a game like destiny in third person

Honestly, I feel fine. It's a new game. Why do I care about last year's obsolete gear? I was honestly getting incredibly tired of not being able to replace all my gear and instead infusing it all. It was getting old.

I suppose if I was really mad about it, I wouldn't get the next installment.

But I already pre-ordered. So there's that.

What? People expected your stuff would carry over? I find that hard to believe. Literally why would that happen?

I have not played destiny but I've played a number of grinder games and never expect anything to carry over into future games.

Oh look, it's THIS post again.

It's not new game, it's a continuation. What's the point of playing the first game if you'll lose everything?

>People talk about destiny
advanced autism

I don't really care. It sucks on one level, I wish I could keep my cosmetics like shaders and ships but this means I get to start over in D2 with my PC friends.

People, myself included, want a fresh start, and want to do it to themselves all over again

Can't fucking wait for the grind

Anyone who played Destiny that thought they were gonna keep their equipment across sequels needs to be put out of their misery, life must be absolutely terrible considering you are that irredeemably retarded.

Could be worse. At least it's not something from Sup Forums.

Spore is and will always be the biggest disappointment in gaming. Comparing the hype and expectations for Spore vs. Destiny 1 is like comparing the top speed of an F1 car vs. a donkey missing a leg.

Yes. In the same boat. I don't want to take everything though. Shit, just let me choose a few weapons. What about earned faction armor at a lower stat rate. Do you even play the game? Shit I use gear that sucks compared to my main gear just so I can run around looking like a god damn future war cult salesman. There are smart whats to transfer things. They didn't even try.

>you'll have to do the exact same boring repetitive job all over again
Oh no, I'm going to actually have to play the game? How fucking horrifying.

Hope it doesn't become a meme.

My philosophy class just aint the same anymore.

>Play MMO
>New patch/expansion comes around
>Now my old armor is outdated and needs to be replaced
Why are people acting surprised for something that's been happening for more than a decade

>Bought the game to play with my friends
>Core gameplay was definitely fun as hell, even if you were doing the same repetitive grind over and over again, it felt good doing it.
>Start to catch on that the game was not at all what it should have been
>Drop it for the most part, only occasionally playing with friends if they needed me for a raid
>Start pointing out the obvious cash grab the game and its DLC was
>Friends don't take too kindly to it

>They convince me to buy the first $20 DLC, because even it would be worth the money if we all played together like before
>Slog through the incredibly boring story missions for an hour or two
>Occasionally play the Strikes which were just areas from the base game but in reverse or veering into different rooms
>Finally get to play the Raid, which, to be fair, was fun as hell to play through for the first time
>Except when we get to the end
>Final boss of the Raid, Crota, a literal god of The Hive faction, was a Hive Knight model, painted blue and slightly bigger
>Ultimately dropped the game entirely after giving Bungi-Vision $80
>Watch as my friends just eat up every possible microtransaction and "expansion" that comes out, totaling out to around $200 on a single game
>Since I wouldn't play Destiny with them, they apparently couldn't talk to me while they played because it was too "distracting"

That is my experience with Destiny. Lost friends, wasted money, and finally sold it online for a couple bucks.

I know right?

Where was all this justified outcry over the Diablo sequels, the various Borderlands continuations, and other sequels to loot based games.

I just want to have my end game, perfectly rolled weapons right away so I can play for three hours and say the game is boring and has no content. I want to have a leg up on all the new players jumping into the sequel so they'll quit when they realize how far behind they are. That's what is really best for the game.

Sup Forums would be more reputable

>Oh no, I'm going to actually have to play the game? How fucking horrifying.

>spend over 100 hours building my RPG character
>one day, my hard drive breaks down
>lose my character and all my progress
>actually have to play the game all over again

Doesn't this bother you? Or are you that autistic?

Lmao who cares PC release get hyped

Your character will carry over. Gear is just a tool that can be replaced.

I'm right there with you, man.

What's more, is that I want all my old stuff, and choose to keep it over everything new in the next installment. I don't know why I would been consider buying a new game if I had to deal with all the new things in it. It's just stupid.

I've been playing Monster Hunter games for a decade.

I've lost more hours and more stuff than you can imagine.

I don't give a shit about not getting to carry loot over to a different game 3 years later.

No Man's Buy is up there

>Do you even play the game?

I play Destiny way too much user. I'm still playing a lot and I don't even really understand why, if I'm being honest. Fun times with friends and Trials is my best guess.

But yeah, I'll be bummed about losing some things as well. There's some cosmetic items I'm very attached to and trying to play Destiny without a Twilight Garrison after being a Titan main is going to hurt. Still, it's what's best for the game. At the end of the day, I want new things and new experiences, not nostalgia. Taking some cosmetics would be nice, but meh, there's going to be new cosmetics that are just as cool in Destiny 2.

Even if you had all your stuff I'd still just be replaced by the time you reached the new level cap

>You won't get to keep ANY items
stopped reading there

You can still play Destiny 1


That's what you get Consolefaggots

Haven't played destiny but why does this make people mad? D2 is a whole new game right not and expansion of the first right?

First reply is the right one, desu. All that came out of brink flopping so hard was the devs reused almost 99% of the games functionality to make Dirty Bomb

Don't worry, user.

No one who still plays Destiny is mad about it.

Fallen Guardians WHEN?

No Mans Sky

The Division

If you didn't know no man's sky was gonna be shit, you're certifiably retarded

>Just got complete jovian set
y-yippe, good thing I spent so long trying to get it

The problem is they didn't try. They didn't do anything. Have you ever played a game with carry over? It has been done to good effect in the past. There are great ways to do it. You wouldn't even end up seriously using the gear for long honestly if htey did it right.

There are so many ways to do it and make it work and give people something. But instead they are taking the lazy route and just saying.
>Ooopsy! teehee. You lost everything in a house fire!
It's a kick to the nads for anyone like us that put literally 100s of hours into our characters.

People are mad because your guardian was supposed to carry with you through the full ten years of this series life span.

It makes people mad because Destiny is a pretty expensive game to enjoy.

If you don't drop at least 100 bucks, you're not playing the full game. It's kinda like the whole DLC fear come true.

Problem is that it's actually unironically worth it for alot of people, so that obviously makes others incredibly angry.

Destiny is not a game to get if you only want to spend a Used Game price for a new game. Do not get it if you do not want to pay $100 for it.

I paid a total of $140 for Destiny 1 and I don't regret any of it.

>Where was all this justified outcry over the Diablo sequels, the various Borderlands continuations, and other sequels to loot based games.

There actualyl were some people who raged.

Bud Diablo 3 was releaves over a decade after Diablo 2. D3 features a new character and technologically is a very different game. I can understand why we can't import our items.

Borderlands 2 features new characters as well. But it's bullshit that NOTHING could be imported. It doesn't surprise my why people modded the game so often instead of grinding like robots.


That's some weapons-grade disappointment you got there, be careful with that shit.

Then build a robot to do the job for you, OP.

>tfw robots will soon play vidya for me

Everyone knew it was going to be shit, doesn't make it any less of a dissapointment.

I know we arent going to start getting info until may but can that still be the case? Same name, looks and maybe a legacy system to carry of to d2 and d3?

I won't argue that the way they've done it is pretty retarded. It's very odd that they're saying it's the same character going forward when they could have just killed off your guardian and had a bigger impact and bigger justification for the loot being gone. Actually the one problem I have with the Destiny 2 stuff is how "le Borderlands 2 wacky XD" the trailer was. Cayde is awesome, but some of that was a little heavy handed. I guess they were trying to balance it out with Zavala, but Zavala is and always will be a boring character.

/end tangent.

Anyway, at the end of the day, I just don't care as much as you do I guess. It really wouldn't do much for me to see my old stuff in the game and it would be way more effort than it was worth for a few hours of "wow i get to keep my Eyasluna" at the start of D2. A clean slate appeals way more to me than anything else they could have done.

You paid that money to find out they weren't even human, let alone friends. There are people that would pay ten times what you did to find that out.

At least you had some fun user.

I kinda felt the same way about the trailer.

As for D2, I can certainly see where you are coming from. I just can't get past it. Maybe I am just a fucking codger. Maybe this is a sign for me that my guardian was never supposed to leave the tower that day. I'd like to imagine I put up a good fight against the cabal invasion before finally falling to my knees. Good luck out there guardian, my time has passed.

user, did you ever hear about Pokemon and how you can keep all your favorite creatures throughout the series, especially in the latest Sun & Moon version?

Nintendo deserves praise for this.

Wasting hundreds of hours grinding is for nothing, even if you'd keep all your amazing rare lines of code.
Trading your fucking LIFE for items (real or not) by doing things you don't even enjoy is always a waste.

I've played this kind of game for longer than you've been using this site, I'm used to it, it's normal to me. The fact that there are people who are unironically upset that they can't have the same gear in a sequel is actually blowing my mind a little. Do you shit yourself every time you have to get the hookshot again in Zelda? Did it enrage you that you couldn't play your Necro again in Diablo 3? Did you go from Borderlands 1 to Borderlands 2 spitting venom here on Sup Forums and I just missed it? What kind of brain problems do you have?

Your guardian does carry over, only your gear doesn't.

If you reached level 20 in destiny 1 and completed the final mission of the vanilla campaign you get to keep your guardians race and facial traits but thats it, besides destiny 2 rewarding destiny 1 players with special shit.


Hey, maybe you find your way out of the rubble eventually. Appreciate the well wishes though.

You are retarded, as bad as destiny was there are tons of games that were much much worse.

No Man's Sky
Watch dogs
Alien Colonial Marines

Just a few from a long list.

Destiny is literally a good game. Don't be salty that it's successful and you never sucked up your ego to get on the train.

>I just want to have my end game, perfectly rolled weapons right away so I can play for three hours and say the game is boring and has no content.
user, are you retarded?

Here, I'll try to explain it to you.

Destiny is not a great game. In fact, it's insanely overrated and you just admitted it.

You play the game in order to get to the highest level and the best possible weapon and then... you quit. Do you not see the obvious problem here?

You don't play the game because the gameplay is good. You don't play the game because it's fun. You don't play the game because of the story, the characters, the big world just waiting to be explored to see what you can discover, to spend time with your friends, the soundtrack, for the choices and consequences, etc. All you do... is loot, loot, loot. Over and over and over and over again. And you'll do it over and over and over and over again.

user, you are no different than a rat in a cage. This is how video games are designed to be addictive and keep you from noticing it's flaws. This is how they try to squeeze time and money out of you.

>I want to have a leg up on all the new players jumping into the sequel so they'll quit when they realize how far behind they are. That's what is really best for the game.
Almost didn't bother replying because of this.

So you're saying everyone who bought Destiny 1 a few weeks and months... never bothered to play the game? Afterall, they were newcomers who were weeks/months behind and many players were already far more powerful than them.

>spend hundreds of hours getting the best loot
>so what if you lose it?

user, you also spend hundreds of hours building your character and you lose everything. This is stupid and unfair.

I spent hundreds of hours playing the game. I couldn't care less if my legendaries and exotics don't carry over. The current gear system with random perks and stat rolls is shit and we need a completely fresh start to fix it, because fuck grinding the same strike over and over for an Imago Loop with Firefly.

Only visual stuff like race and face.

Nothing else ports over because the developers have said time and time again that the game is vastly different and has different mechanics.

Besides, why the fuck are you buying a new game if all you want is to skip all the content it has?

that's fucking idiotic
it's not an expansion it's a new game

anyway if you put time into grinding in destiny you are a big moron and you deserve to feel screwed

>Waaaah I'm losing all my progress!

No you're not. All the stuff you unlocked in Destiny 1 will still be there, and as far as I am aware you'll still be able to play it. But Destiny 2 is a different game and you have made no progress in it, so why do you expect to have stuff in it?

It's a different game. Why would you keep your gear?

Do you carry your shit over from Final Fantasy 5 to Final Fantasy 6?

Yeah man, I almost burned the Blizzard headquarters down when none of my gear and characters from Diablo carried over to Diablo II, or from Diablo II to Diablo III. Like what the fuck is that shit?

They said this would happen before the first game even came out. Unless it's more of the same it'll be fine.

>Can't fucking wait for the grind

Advance autism right here, gentlemen. Here, let me give you a demonstration of what you mean:

You did the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

And guess what happens next?

You will have to do the same thing over and and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Sometimes, I'm really amazed what people do with their free time.

Think of it as prestiging you big dumb normie baby. Destiny sucks.

So you wouldn't mind if someone broke your hard drive containing all your save files? Or if someone deleted your achievements/trophies?

because it's the same series and character

Just a reminder, the developers have said that Destiny 2 isn't even the same genre of game as the first and is going to be wildly different.

For people bitching about losing progress and having to grind again. Nigga you might not even be able to grind. Destiny 2 could be a cinematic 4 hour long FPS with CoD style multiplayer. We literally do not know what the game is going to be like and the developers have said almost nothing about what sort of changes the game will have (other than massive changes).

goodthing I didn't


So have they mentioned if the beta is going to be available for all platforms including PC?

>you wasted HUNDREDS of hours grinding in Destiny, only to find out that all your work was absolutely for NOTHING?

feels fantastic because i never bought or played destiny and i think if you gave them money you deserve to be fucked in the worst way possible

but this will bomb like titanfall2 for the same reason, people remember the shit you did on the previous one!

How does it feel knowing you wasted HUNDREDS of hours grinding in Dark Souls, only to find out that all your work was absolutely for NOTHING?

You won't get to keep ANY items, and you'll have to do the exact same boring repetitive job all over again. Hundreds of hours of work for virtual items... all over again.

The most dedicated and hardcore fanbase will get the exact same treatment in the sequel as all the players who played very little... or who didn't even bother to buy the game in the first place. Nothing mattered in the first game.

Way to screw with your own fans Bungie and to get away with ripping off their time and money.

Why is this allowed?