Just finished the nonary games

Just finished the nonary games.
Didn't play them on handheld but I have played ever17 which has a ton of similarities.
Enjoyed them both a lot.
Just as with ever17 I enjoyed typing down notes while playing and making my own theories.
And having played ever17 let me see a lot of it coming.

Next is zero time dilemma I guess, seen that a lot of people dislike it but I feel like I still gotta see for myself.

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You ever play Remember11? It's pretty cray

>Next is zero time dilemma I guess, seen that a lot of people dislike it but I feel like I still gotta see for myself.

You're in for a treat.

I did but I only got like 1 ending, don't remember why I didn't finish it.
I should probably give it another shot.

>mfw Junpei goes from God tier to trash tier 5 minutes into ZTD

>Hey Akane, why don't you try using the Morphogenetic Field?
Someone somewhere thought that was a good line.

It's that bad, huh?

>Next is zero time dilemma I guess
Skip it.

>the nonary games

Wikipedia says the series is called Zero Escape.


I'm kind of confused now, but maybe that's because I've never played any of them.

I didn't mind Junpei giving Akane shit.

I did mind him being pissy towards her just to turn around and ask her to marry him after all of the shit she pulled.

Yeah, nonary games is what they call the double pack collection re-released on PS4 and steam.
I just wanted to indicate that it was the re-release I played.

Okay, cool. Thanks for making me slightly less dumb.

The series is Zero Escape. The Nonary Games is just what the re-release of the first two games is called.

Sigma is ruined too.

Let's be frank: every returning character is shit.

Reminder that the ending of VLR is non-canon metafiction.

I'm still mad.

The bonus ending*
still no excuse

>K Ending
>Kyle sets up a situation to see if Sigma will save him or Phi
>Sigma chooses to save Phi over him
>Kyle dies as a result
>Phi is revealed to be Sigma's daughter in ZTD
>Sigma only mentions Kyle once in ZTD and otherwise doesn't care about him

Kyle... Kyle had a hard life.


it's a shame because I loved 999 Junpei ("actually, I'm Santa") and Tenmyouji, but ZTD Junpei acts like an edgy guy in his late teens and the whole "became a detective" thing is just completely unbelievable

Soon, my friend.


It's for the best he doesn't return. Every fucking decision would be Kyle getting sacrificed.

>Sigma makes a robot waifu
>Kyle tells him his robot waifu is shit
>Kyle suddenly doesn't show up in the next game


Luna was sigma's daughteru. Which makes him flirting with her all the more hilarious.

Why did ZTD get such good scores.

Probably people ranking it as a game rather than the final installment of a trilogy.

Why does Sigma get so many women?

>Luna wants his dick
>Phi says she'll put on a swimsuit for him
>Clover flirts with him at one point

Eighteen inches

It's difficult to boil the reason down to ONE word.