I loved Skyrim
I loved Skyrim
Fuck you
i just captured Sup Forums in one image
Everyone with a brain does. If you don't you're a delusional nostalgiafag who can't play anything that isn't a semi-turnbased isometric unfinished borefest or an edgy pre-teen looking for e-cred from the "cool" crowd.
It's probably the best RPG released since 2010 to be honest.
I don't think it's as bad as everyone makes it out to be, the story is dry but I was relatively happy with everything else .
By far the best swords and sorcery open world game to come out in quite awhile, which is easy since it has near no fucking competition. I like the elder scrolls series quite a bit since it satisfies a lot of itches other games do not, but I will happily jump ship when someone better decides to make something better while retaining the free world, design your own character, no backstory elements from elder scrolls games.
And that is a valid sentiment that I can respect.
I don't get the hate either. I was actually very impressed with the dialogue. Your character can always ask really reasonable questions that flesh out the world/quests a bit. Why does your tavern have this name? How is business in this part of the world? Why do I have to fetch this item, what will it do? You can't come with me?
I really enjoyed this aspect.
Everyone here has played it for at least 100 hours.
can someone please explain magic in this game
>play as a normal warrior
>can easily kill anything and smash my way through any quest
>play as a mage
>destruction spells hardly do jack shit in terms of damage, practically worthless against dragons
>not playing stealth magic ranger
Its not just Skyrim. This has been a problem throughout the entire TES series. Magic has always been shit in every TES game and has required mods to fix. Bethesda cannot into balance just like many other game studios.
I love skyrim too. I literally got cum all over ny Skyrim 360 DVD case. It's still there but it's dry. I cum on all my game cases. I cum on everything I own actually. It will be awkward if I ever get a girlfriend
Magic was literally the best thing is oblivion what are you talking about
I haven't played it, was kinda bored with tes by the time skyrim dropped.
After the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quest lines I stopped caring.
>do entire main questline for thieves guild
>realize the only way to pimp out the guild is to do a ton of filler quests
I want it to be the perfect fantasy game and then I fall asleep
This game is still talked about more than The witcher
Than why are you in Skyrim thread?
It clearly caught your interest, if you bothered to check out the thread.
I find anime boring and unoriginal, so I never enter weeb threads.
I how can a great, and not at all awkward guy like you not have a girlfriend?
because its a sandbox normie game. like adult minecraft. muh mods and crap.
In every game with spell creation magic has always been the best.
Also the fact that there is not much to talk about with Witcher 3, the most you will see is a triss vs yen, but there isn't many things in the witcher world worth commenting on. For the elder scrolls there is imperials vs stormcloaks, best great house, what the hell chim is, its just a lot more fun to talk about.
Weapons completely outclassed magic in that game just like in Skyrim.
Morrowind had it, and the magic system in that game was pretty terrible, but only because you couldn't regenerate mana outside of resting, and spells cost a fuck ton of mana giving you maybe 3 or 4 spells before you were completely tapped. Mana potions were also very difficult to make because the ingredients were really expensive or exceedingly rare and rarely sold on merchants. Mods fixed this, of course, by tying natural mana regeneration to the Willpower stat (and also giving willpower a fucking purpose for once). Being a pure mage in vanilla Morrowind was next to impossible.
If you abuse bugs though it is really easy to play mage, I had a spell which set my intelligence to 1 for 1 second making me only have 1 mp and when it went back it made it full since it assumes that having 1/1 mp is 100%, if you abused the right spells it was really overpowered.
Let me guess, you also think SJWs dindu nuffin wrong? Fucking nu-Sup Forums shit taste
Clever. I hadn't thought of that. But that just goes to show you how much of a buggy piece of shit their game engines were.
There was also a bit of an exploit in that you could cast 100% magic weakness, then follow it up with the same spell to get 200% weakness, then start throwing 100% fire/frost/shock weakness which if you chain comboed it properly would give you a ridiculous 2000% damage bonus to that type of magic due to how the stacking effects worked.
You shouldn't need to abuse bugs though just to make something viable. It should be viable on its own without exploitive mechanics.
Why can't I control the volume on my PC when playing and Elder Scrolls game?
It's no secret Todd loves immersive RPG games such as Ultima 7 and Gothic where you and the NPC's can have a lot of activities. He talked about it multiple times. I don't find much similarity except that one armor and one/two handed skills though. I mean, cooking, forging, sweeping, ain't those generic? And canonically, these two games are set on similar lands.
Those aren't bugs though. In Morrowind, you really are intended to explore the mechanics and abuse them. It emphasizes exploration rather than balanced combat.
>this magic isn't realistic
lol faggots